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R. de Koninck

Alor Setar, the Capital of Kedah : a City to Govern Agriculture
In: Archipel. Volume 36, 1988. Villes d'Insulinde (I) pp. 147-164.

Citer ce document / Cite this document : de Koninck R. Alor Setar, the Capital of Kedah : a City to Govern Agriculture. In: Archipel. Volume 36, 1988. Villes d'Insulinde (I) pp. 147-164. doi : 10.3406/arch.1988.2449

Rodolphe de KONINCK


Setar, the

Capital of Kedah

a City to

govern Agriculture

It is necessary to understand not only the cha racter of present-day cities of Southeast Asia but also the relationship of the city-based elites and the rural peasantry. (McGee, 1967, p.28) 1. Kedah's search for an agricultural Capital Most authors who have dealt with the history of the old kingdom of Kedah emphasized the importance of its location on the Straits of Malacca. Thus, in referring to the period extending from the fourth century A.D. to the middle of the sixth century, G. Coedès lists some powerful States. Among those to be found in «predestined locations» («sur des sites prédest inés»), he mentions Kedah (Coedès, 1964, p. 123-124). According to Wheatley (1961, p. 280), it developed during the sixth and seventh centuries and «attained its apogee as the peninsular node of the Sri Vijayan thalassocracy... It figured prominently in Chinese records as an important midway station between China, India and the Arab countries»... and ... «from the seventh to the eleventh centuries, Kedah grew increasingly important as an entrepôt port» (Lim, 1978, p. 9). Its strategic location was not always an advantage, however. Raids from the sea, such as those perpetrated by the Cholas from the Coromandel coast in 1025 and in 1068-69 were not unusual (Hall, 1970, p. 58 and 151). This vulnerability was enhanced even more since, «even at the height of its power, the kingdom was confined to the Merbok River area» (Lim 1978, p. 11), in the southern part of the present state of Kedah (Figure 1). In other words, Kedah's economic foundations remained quite limited, the








Source: TheNew International Atlas, Rand MeNally, 1982

149 peninsular kingdom having little in common with the «agrarian» kingdoms based in the great river basins of the Southeast Asian mainland. It had more in common with 15th century Malacca, which was to succeed it as the lea ding trade centre on the Straits now bearing its name; or with Brunei, Pasai, Aceh and Johor (Reid, 1980, p.240). According to Wheatley, Kedah's prosperity had begun to decline by the end of the eleventh century (1961,p.281). Lim, however, situates the decline of Kedah's status as a trading port «from the fourteenth century onwards» (1978, p. 11). In either case, «it was never to recapture the old fame of an entrepôt-city» (Sharom, 1984, p. 9). It became necessary to «turn atten tion the land, and by the time the Portuguese arrived, (it) was already to an important producer of rice in the peninsula» (ibid.), as claimed by Tome Pires who, in 1512, «mentioned Kedah as having rice in quantities» (Bonney, 1971, p. 6, referring to Cortesao, 1944). It would seem that by the early 17th century Kedah's major wealth was pepper, produced in large part on the island of Langkawi, then under its control. But this pepper competed with Sumatra's and this was frowned upon by Iskandar Muda, the powerful Sultan of Aceh, who decided to el iminate competition. In 1619, an Acehnese naval force attacked and des troyed the city of Kedah (Lombard, 1967, p. 93) (*); in 1620 a new fleet was sent to destroy the pepper plantations on Langkawi island (ibid.). Lombard adds :«one can conclude that, after this second campaign, little was left of the past grandeur of the Sultanate of Kedah» (ibid., my translation) (2). Despite the severe blows suffered at the hands of the Acehnese, Kedah did recover. To do so, it seemed to have gradually turned away from the 16th century Malay and Acehnese model of trade-based towns without subs tantial agricultural hinterland (Reid, 1980, p.240). According to Hill, the old site near the mouth of the Merbok river and at the foot of Gunong Jerai «may have been abandoned during the first half of the seventeenth cen tury. The focus of rice production was subsequently centred around the capital variously located at or near Alor Setar» (Hill, 1977, pm. 30). Accor ding Zaharah, the seat of political power did not retreat inland until the to reign of Sultan Mohammad Jiwa Zainolabidin (1710-1760) during which the royal court was transferred to Alor Star (3) and the royal residence to Anak Bukit, a few kilometers north, where forts were built in 1710 and 1720 respectively (Zaharah, 1966, p. 24) (4). Rice cultivation was extended and, according to Sharom, by the late 1770's, Kedah was «essentially a rice pro ducing country». The transition, from a sea trade-based city cum state to an agrarian society with an inland capital did not always go smoothly, for even then the capital was still vulnerable to outside attacks. In 1771, Bugis mercenaries, apparently acting on behalf of rebellious relatives of the Sul tan of Kedah, destroyed the fort at Kuala Kedah and sailed the odd 10 kilo-

150 meters up the river to Alor Setar which they looted and burned (Bonney, 1971, p. 31 sq.). This led to an increase in relations with the British from whom the Sultan sought assistance and to whom he ceded Penang in 1786. Whatever important trading activities Kedah still controlled were seve rely encroached upon by fast-growing Penang, to the point where «the Kedah authorities had to work out alternative means of raising revenue. This was found in the system of farming out various revenue rights in the state to Chinese merchants, a system which was to become the backbone of Kedah's economy for the greater part of the 19th century» (Sharom, 1984, p. 10). In return Penang became the most important market for the sur plus of rice that Kedah was now producing (ibid.). According to Bonney, during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, this agricultural trade ope rated from four different centres : Kangar in the north, Kota Kuala Muda in the south and Kuala Kedah and Alor Setar in the Kedah River Basin, «by far the most populous area» (1971, p.8), north of which was described, in 1791, «an extensive Plain on which are many miles of Paddy Grounds» (ibid., 1971, p.6, quoting Topping, 1850). In other words, while Kedah's agricultural base seemed to be spreading, urban preeminence was still shared among several cities, including Alor Setar. This pattern was in turn disrupted in 1821 when the Siamese, dissa tisfied with the policies of their «vassal state», invaded Kedah

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