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Introduction to Testing


Submitted By vandanasingh1123
Words 2954
Pages 12
IBM, Bangalore

A White Paper

Challenges of Managing a Testing Project: (A White Paper)

A White Paper

Page 1 of 20

Vinod Kumar Suvarna

IBM, Bangalore

A White Paper

Introduction Testing is expected to consume 30 – 50 % of the Project Effort, Still properly managing testing project is not considered seriously. Project Managers always undermine the impact the testing activity has on the Project Cost and Schedule. Hence the testing activity is usually unplanned and uncontrollable. As the project manager assumes that the main focus of the testing activity in the project is not to meet the project schedule. But Its is a reality that a thorough and close monitoring of the Testing project is required to increase productivity, reduce cycle -time and improve quality. Below pie chart depicts the Project effort distribution by phase for a development project, where independent testing team performs the testing activity.

Project Effort Distribution by Phase

21 35 Requirement Design Code & Unit testing Testing 25 19

A White Paper

Page 2 of 20

Vinod Kumar Suvarna

IBM, Bangalore

A White Paper

The Problem / Issues / Improvement Opportunity in Hand: Ask a Tester ‘Why he/she needs to burn midnight oil to churn a Quality Product?’ Answer is obvious ‘Needs to put extra time and effort to overcome the Project schedule slippage ‘ Ask a Project Manager ‘Why the Project is in trouble during the last phase?’ Answer is obvious ‘Not Sure, Did not anticipate the dynamic changes effecting the Project’

The White paper “Managing the Testing Project’ focuses on the challenges faced by the testing team to effectively manage the testing project. Also the approach to overcome this challenges is addressed in subsequent sections. Objective: The testing activity should begin from the inception stage of the product development. This should be treated as a

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