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Tf Cbt

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The description of PTSD diagnostic features, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V, the development of fear-based emotions which usually include feelings of helplessness and horror in reaction to an actual or threatened traumatic experience or abuse. PTSD can also occur as a result of indirect exposure such as learning of or witnessing an event (aside from electronic media sources) that is particularly violent, horrific, or accidental that happens to a loved one or even to people the individual may not know. The individual must also have had repeated exposure to these extreme events and may experience disturbing, tormenting memories and/or dreams that are involuntary, recurrent, and long-lasting. Outbursts …show more content…
TF-CBT incorporates interventions which are “trauma-sensitive,” include cognitive-behavioral techniques, and qualities of “attachment, developmental neurobiology, family, empowerment, and humanistic theoretical models.” (Blankenship, p. 280). This model is often used with adolescents and children who are traumatized along with their families. However, it is also an effective therapy used to treat PTSD in adults. Much of the focus is on resolving the traumatic experience through clinical counseling. (Blankenship, pp. 279 & 280). The main limitation of this therapy is that because of its intensity and many components, clients tend to believe it may be too difficult a regimen for them, subsequently, they may abandon the …show more content…
psychologist in 1987. They were also cited regarding the statement that “the model emphasizes the brain’s information processing system and conceptualizes insufficiently processed memories of traumatic or disturbing experiences…” (Blankenship, pp. 281 & 282). This 8 phased treatment described by Solomon et al. (2009) begins with the identification and client history of their traumatic experience/s. In phase 2 the client is prepared by explaining the process. Phase 3 is an assessment of the client. In phase 4 the client is desensitized using bilateral stimulation. This bilateral stimulation can be accomplished by having the client move his or her eyes side to side or by clapping the hands in an alternation fashion which is said to cause the desensitizing mechanism to the traumatic memory. Phase 5 instills a positive cognition. Phase 6 scans the body in order to find residual sensations. Phase 7 is the closure of the process. Phase 8 is the reevaluation. (Blankenship, 281 &

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