...Advertising is the process of commercial promotion of goods and services in order to increase its sales. The mediums of advertising like television, newspapers, wall paintings, billboards, magazines, Internet, by the word-of-mouth and in many other ways. Advertising informs the buyers about the availability of a certain product or service in the market and encourages them to buy it. There are many advantages you can get from advertising your product. For example, increasing the usage of a certain product and hence acquiring more orders, it also can create new customers and increasing brand recognition. Through advertising, you can obtain feedback directly from customers regarding your product. You also can indicate introduction of new products or replacement of old ones by advertisement. Apart from promoting commercial goods, advertising has a number of uses, it can be used to educate and motivate the public about non-commercial issues such as AIDS, deforestation, family planning, etc. It is a powerful media which is capable of reaching to large geographic area. Nowadays we commonly find many ads on the internet also. These ads in most cases have been successfully in connecting the user with the information he requires. To prevent complete commercialization of electronic media, some countries have made it mandatory for broadcasters to air some advertisements related to consumer interest. These public advertisements educate people of that country on a number of social and moral...
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...Почему именно 13 Секретов Рекламы, а не 12 или 14? Да потому, чтобы больше привлечь ваше внимание именно через "волшебное число 13" - это уже и есть первый секрет рекламы. На сегодня продать что-либо стало не так-то просто. Конкуренция давит со всех сторон. Цены на рекламу растут. Как же выжить в этом жестоком мире экономики, без которого мы уже ничего заработать не можем, разве что вернемся к натуральному хозяйствованию. И, если верить в то, что Реклама - Двигатель торговли, то ясно одно - нужно все больше и больше рекламироваться и подешевле. А как это сделать, не все знают хорошо. Поэтому и ценятся сейчас хорошие маркетологи и рекламисты. Так вот, получается, нужно совершенствовать свою рекламную деятельность, знать секреты эффективной рекламы, использовать хитрые рекламные примочки и т.д. Итак, рассмотрим основные рекламные секреты по порядку и подробнее: Секрет рекламы № 1 - мощный заголовок. Суть секрета в том, что бы привлечь внимание именно броским в глаза потенциального клиента заголовком. Тут не обязательно уже использовать ваше предложение покупателю. Заголовок должен только дать намек на что то такое интересное, что могли бы его заинтересовать, да и выделиться из общей толпы остальных конкурентных заголовков. Не важно, где будет размещена ваша реклама (в газете, на столбе, над автомагистралью), в заголовке нужно поставить акцент на то, что вы хотите предложить. Можно выделить его физическими оригинальными свойствами (большие буквы, ошибки в словах, контраст...
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...“Adalah menjadi harapan saya agar rakyat Malaysia akan sentiasa beringat dan berwaspada semasa dalam perjalanan pulang ke kampung halaman. Bersama kita jadikan jalan raya kita jalan yang selamat”. Demikianlah sedutan ucapan Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ketika menghadiri majlis berbuka puasa bersama-sama anak yatim di Putrajaya baru-baru ini. Peribahasa alah bisa tegal biasa kini telah menjadi sinonim dengan masyarakat Malaysia memandangkan saban hari rakyat Malaysia disajikan dengan berita-berita kemalangan jalan raya yang menyayatkan hati sama ada di dada akhbar mahupun di kaca televisyen. Walaupun OPS Sikap XIII sempena Aidilfitri baru-baru ini berjaya mengurangkan kes kemalangan maut daripada 213 kes kepada 203 kes, namun statistik masih menunjukkan bahawa kemalangan keseluruhan pada tahun ini meningkat sebanyak lima peratus berbanding tahun lalu. Persoalannya, apakah punca-punca yang menyebabkan berlakunya kemalangan jalan raya walaupun pelbagai pihak telah memainkan peranan mereka dalam mengurangkan kadar kemalangan jalan raya? Mengikut kajian yang dijalankan oleh Universiti Teknologi Mara (UTM), sikap pemandu ketika berada di jalan raya merupakan faktor dominan berlakunya kemalangan jalan raya. Memang tidak dapat dinafikan, pemandu marcapada ini memandang enteng terhadap peraturan-peraturan jalan raya yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak berkuasa.. Buktinya, ramai pemandu yang tidak mematuhi ‘speed limit’ terutamanya ketika...
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...Module 4 Assignment 1: Discussion – Mission Statements Lex Adams Marketing Planning & Strategy Think about an online social media network like Facebook or LinkedIn. For targeting new customers, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using these social networks compared to search engine advertising? Provide specific examples of products that lend themselves more to social networks as compared to search engine advertising. I am going to use the quote, “it takes a village” and put into the context on how social media sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn can influence a consumer’s values, decision making, and preference. For example, Facebook has morphed into a global, networking site where people with similar and different backgrounds and from all over the world can connect and share with others in real time. Connect… Facebook users can form or find social groups they wish to join based on commonality such as family and friends, work related, location related, religion and political related, and even product related. Share...Facebook users can share almost everything about themselves in particular their opinions. It is a gold mine for companies to collect data. One of the benefits of Facebook social groups is that they can be categorized as market segments for marketers to “connect” with. “Market segmentation divides a market into well-defined slices. A market segment consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants. The marketer’s...
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...Introduction to Advertising CW1 1. Use examples of recent advertisements to explain the role and functions of advertising. What is Advertising? It is a monetary and non-monetary form of persuading the audience through communication that uses: “Non-personal mass media – as well as other forms of interactive communication – to reach mass audiences to connect an identified sponsor with a target audience” (Wells, Moriarty, and Burnett) If firms want to gain and increase sales and profits, they will have to be communicated to the customers. A total marketing communication program is called “promotion mix”. One of its key components is advertising. Before firms begin this step in ‘promotional mix’ business must understand the important relationship between the product and the market place. {Advertising is the most important element of promotion, which is a key component of the Marketing Mix.} What is Marketing Mix? This is one of the most famous marketing terms when studying Marketing and Advertising. “The marketing mix is the set of controllable tactical marketing tools. That considers the the 4P’s. * Product * Price * Place * Promotion This is what firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market”. {Kotler and Armstrong (2010)} What is the right promotional mix? Business need to see how products or services are presented to customers. Their main criteria to check...
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...M2- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using professional agencies in ensuring promotional success An advertising agency is a professional service provider that develops and administers advertising campaigns for businesses of all sizes. Advertising agencies are highly specialized in creating advertisements for traditional media as well as emerging technology, such as internet video and social networks. Agencies can act as full-service boutiques, handling a campaign every step of the way, or they can perform contract work on a specific portion of a campaign, such as advertisement design. The advantages of using an advertising agencies to use media buying is that allows Tesco to find the best advertising options for their promotional campaign for a selected product or service they want to offer to consumers and customers. This will allow Tesco to match the demographic of their products and service to the correct form of advertising to advertise their products and service to make their promotional campaign a success. However, a disadvantage of this is the advertising agency that Tesco may use; Saatchi&Saatchi and Ogilvy&Mather. A disadvantage of this may advertising the promotional campaign may not be successful which can be down the type of media used to that was match with their products. Media buying strategies include ‘negotiating a payment by results deal, whereby the media owner shares some of the risk. It could include adding new elements such as events to a traditional...
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...Choosing the Right Advertising Medium for Your Small Business For a small business, every dollar is precious. Small businesses do not advertise for the sake of advertising. Instead, they want to get the most return for their investment. Learn the advantages and disadvantages of each advertising medium that you can use to provide your business the winning edge. by Lyve Alexis Pleshette PowerHomebiz.com Staff Writer 259 If you are ready to get the word out about your business, one of the steps that you need to do is to select the right media where you will advertise and promote your business. For a small business, every dollar is precious. Small businesses do not advertise for the sake of advertising. Instead, they want to get the most return for their investment. Your advertising campaign should translate to greater sales, more profits and healthier bottom line. While there are a number of venues where you can promote your business, you need to ask three important questions: Where are my target buyers? What is the best medium to reach them? Can I afford to launch an effective campaign using this medium? An important step to developing your sales and marketing plan is to select the right media to send out your message. There are no hard-and-fast rules as to which media is better. The right media for one business may be wrong for another. Below are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the advertising media most frequently...
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...An advertising agency is a service based business which specifies in planning and organising promotional activities. They help create a campaign which will grab attention of potential customers and then encourage them to buy the product or service being promoted. Advertising agencies include copywriters, art directors and people working with the media. The Copy Writer is an expert at using words to persuade customers to buy the product or service. The Art Director knows what appeals to the customers and will include their artistic skills within the advertising design. The Media Planner deals with different types of media, for example, television, radio, newspapers, online and chooses or combines these to create the right message to their customers. Cadburys has been using the advertising agency ‘Fallon’ to create their campaigns since 2006. Fallon was founded in Minneapolis 1981. The agency was created by five idealists who all shared a passion for understanding consumers and shared values as well as their organisation skills. They announced in a newspaper that there was a new agency for ‘clients who would rather outsmart the competition than outspend them’. Fallon say ‘we believe that the only way for brands to stand out is through smart creativity’, they help create magic for businesses. Fallon work with several other brands like Cheesestrings and Benecol. Cadburys works with Fallon because they have created several successful campaigns for them in the past before Cadburys...
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...Advertising & the Internet The Internet has revolutionized the world in many ways, including the method in which companies promote their products. With its low-cost advertising and abundance of e-commerce through the Internet, many companies have benefited with the reduction in their marketing and advertising costs. Although in the U.S. Internet advertising revenues for the first half of 2009 declined by 5.3% from the previous year, interactive marketing is still one of the advertising sectors that have been the least affected by the economic downturn (www.iab.net). There are many different types of advertising including ad insertions, banner ads, Social network advertising, compensation advertising, blogs, cookies, and spam. Display ads, classified ads, and search engine ads are three advertising categories created by the Internet over the past decade. The flexibility and ease of access of the Internet has made it a target for many companies for Internet advertising. There is a greater range in which advertisers can reach their target markets by advertising through the Internet. The Internet spans the globe, which means that targeted markets can be exposed to the advertisements at once, rather than needing to advertise in different newspapers, television stations, and radio stations. Traditional television advertisements require periodic updating while an Internet advertisement may be updated less frequently. The ease of updating or changing an ad also increases the...
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...Outline Introduction Marketing & Promotional Mix Promotion Budget Allocation Advertising Sales Promotion Personal Selling Decision Summary Introduction – (Main Char) • Demographic Characteristics: – – – – Gender: Female Age: 25 & above Household size: 3 or more persons Occupation: Skilled and Unskilled labor (Blue Collar) • Geographic Char: – St. John’s metropolitan area • Benefits Sought: – Strong high quality – Bagged tea in “Boxed tea” Introduction - (Previous Decisions) • Team 1, Planning: – Entering the market with a new brand named “Bentley Fresh Brew Tea” • Team 2, Product Strategy: – Blend: lower than the market brands – Amount of tea: 1 Cup Bag – Package size: Medium 60-72 bags • Team 3, Pricing Strategy: – Price: 2.49 Marketing Mix Variables that marketing managers can control in order to best satisfy customers in the target market 1. Product 3. Promotion 2. Price 4. Place Marketing Mix Promotional Mix “Promotion is all about companies communicating with customers” “It is no longer enough for a business to have great products” 1. 2. 3. Advertising * Personal Selling * Sales Promotion * 4. 5. 6. Public Relation Direct Marketing Publicity The Objectives • Firm Objective: – Increase Market share By 5% within two years • Advertising Objective: – Establish a 70% product awareness among Blue Collar Females by end of the first year Budget Allocation Methods 1. Percentage...
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...Advantages of Internet Promotion The emergence of globalise trade, increase in foreign investment and cross-border transactions have put many small businesses under pressure to find innovative ways to continue to market their products and services. This is especially difficult given that they often operate on tight marketing budgets. In the quest for cheap marketing alternatives, these small businesses continue to use conventional marketing tools such as newspaper, magazine, radio and television advertisements, unaware of the advantages that Internet Promotion offers. All too often, these entrepreneurs focus on the disadvantages of Internet Promotion and fail to adequately take advantage of the opportunities that it presents. Moreover, their preoccupation with conventional marketing strategies is driven by a misconception that these are cheaper than Internet Promotion. (article continues below...) To most small business entrepreneurs, marketing or promoting their products or services via the Internet can be a daunting task. However, with adequate information small businesses can benefit significantly from Internet Promotion while minimising the disadvantages that it presents. In fact, it may prove to be the marketing strategy that generates the highest return on investment. Advantages of Internet Promotion Cost Effective and Enduring Marketing Strategies The Internet has become the information superhighway for the buying public. Most persons prefer the hassle free transactions...
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...Product Promotion or promotional strategies It is the duty of the manufacturers to know about & accept their products & price for this purpose, they have to communicate with, persuade, & motivate them. To achieve this, they use promotional strategies. Promotion is the means through which a company meets its prospective customers. Meaning of Promotion: Promotion is a part of an organization marketing mix that is used to inform & persuade the market regarding its products & services. Promotion Mix: It is a combination of personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, publicity & public relations that helps an organization to meet its marketing objectives. Communication Process in Marketing: Companies to be successful must communicate effectively. Effective communication is one which is received by the receiver in its original meaning as sent by the sender. In marketing, effective communication must be capable of making the consumers understand what the company is going to say. Following are the steps in communication process: 1. Identifying the Target Market: It is concerned in finding out to whom the message is being prepared. For each group of consumers or distributors a different message is required. Identifying the target, market helps a company to ascertain tastes, preferences etc of the consumers. 2. Determine the communication Objective: After analyzing target market & their characteristics, the next step is to find out what is desired from the communication...
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...1. Introduction In this report I will be analysing the advantages and disadvantages of the main types of media used for promotional activities. The main types of media I shall be analysing are: newspapers, television, radio, and billboards. 2. Findings a. Newspapers Promoting a business through a newspaper may seem ‘outdated’ by some as the world of technology continues to grow, develop and capture audiences of all ages. However, there are still some advantages to using a newspaper as a promotional tool. A national newspaper can help you reach large amount of people whereas a regional newspaper has reader loyalty and they will trust the brands they see in this paper a lot than if they were to see an advert online. A regional newspaper can also help a business to gain high coverage within a geographical area so if you were trying to advertise a small business in a local area a regional newspaper would be perfect for this. A newspaper advert is quick; it will often come out the next day. You can also get a lot of room to promote, if you need it. There are also a few disadvantages to using newspapers for promotional activities. Newspapers are known as ‘flat’ advertising. This means that they can’t make noise or grab attention in any other way for the audience. You can’t make a last minute change with a newspaper, because of tight printing schedules. Large space adverts are also very expensive. Lastly, newspapers tend to deliver only to an adult audience, so if you...
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...top priority task of the day as well as keeping our customers and their trust with us. We need to discuss how we are going to use traditional, electronic, and social media as a communication while going over the HIPAA and other regulations to make sure we are not breaking any laws. We can start by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using traditional communication method. Traditional communications method means using television, magazines, and newspapers. The good thing about using television as a communication is that we are able to reach our audience worldwide and we are able to show emotions for the audience to see we are taking this unpleasant incident seriously. “TV ads use audio, visuals and actions to convey the message that easily catches the attention of consumers. When messages are conveyed successfully, the ad becomes more credible to the audience” (Fox Marketing, 2013). The down side about TV advertisement is the high cost. Using TV as a communication we will need to hire makeup and hair artist, the whole cast people to handle the operating systems, and a slot for the advertisement. According to Fox Marketing (2013), “TV advertising, a mistake cannot happen. If the script needs to be changed, you will have to re-do...
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...What is Copywriting? * Another word for the text of an ad. Copywriting is impressionistic: using a few words to deliver a complete message. What is the creative team? * The copywriter and art director. Which leads to the creative plan What is the creative plan? * How will the product be presented? Which benefits will be communicated? What is the mood of the ad? What are the production values of the act? What is the purpose of a headline? * Get attention of reader, Target potential customers, Identify the product, Set the mood (tone) of ad. Guidelines are to make it understandable What is the purpose of a subhead? * Elaborates the theme of the headline, transitions between headlines and body copy. The Longer the body copy, the more appropriate the set of subheads. What is the purpose of body copy? * Tells the story of the ad Three most common types of body copy * Straight-line/narrative * Basic explanation of the product * Dialogue * Designed to supply information through dialogue * Testimonial * Three kinds: Real person, Actor playing real person, Celebrity Slogans * A short phrase to help establish the product’s identity, image, positioning * Example: M&M’S It melts in your mouth not your hands What are the 8 rules for writing copy? * KISSuse familiar words and phrases, use presentence, avoid passive voice, use active voice, vary length or sentences and paragraphs, involve reader, avoid clichés,...
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