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The Application of Six Sigma in Service Industry


Submitted By lucashuang
Words 1137
Pages 5
The Application of Six Sigma in Service Industry

Executive Summary:
Six Sigma, or called 6σ, is the standard deviation in statistics, using for showing the dispersion of data. The extension of the meaning is that, in general, an enterprise’ products’ defective rate is approximately 3 to 4 sigma, which stands for 6210 to 66800 defects out of one million finished products. These many defects are probably not ideal so that if corporations continuously improve their quality to reach 6sigma level, it will be close to perfect performance then reaching the requirements of customers. All in all, 6sigma represents that in one million products, there are only 3.4 defects. In fact, the concept of Six Sigma, as quality control concept, was initially introduced by Bill Smith from Motorola; His goal is to decline the defects of products and production process, increasing product quality. However, Sig Sigma theory really became popular after the practice of GE (General Electric). Jack Welch in 1990s summarized the successful experience of TQM (Total Quality Management) as well as refined the skills of process management and most effective method to make Six Sigma become a managerial model of improving corporation’s performance and competency. This method has been proved to be very effective after the application in many multi-national corporations such as Dell, GE, Motorola, HP, and etc. With the accumulation of practice experience, Six Sigma Theory has been derived to a management philosophy from a pure process optimization concept. It is not only a standard for measuring the ability of business process, but also becoming a strategy of improving competition ability for corporations (Adams, Gupta & Charles, 2003). This paper is to mainly discuss the Six Sigma Theory’s Application in courier industry. As we know, Six Sigma was actually created for the use of manufacturing

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