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The Attitudes of Working Students Towards Education


Submitted By ROANN
Words 551
Pages 3
1. Cebu (1.615 million)
Korean tourists became the top market for the Queen City of the South, comprising 29% of total foreign tourists. Chinese tourists increased by 70% as more charter flights were booked between Cebu and Shanghai, as well as from Guangzhou.

2. Camarines Sur (1.566 million)
Better known as CamSur, the province had a dramatic 117.2 % increase in tourists, welcoming an estimated 1.5 million visitors last year. In 2008, more than 720,000 went wakeboarding at the CamSur Watersports Complex. Events like the First Aqua Fest Celebrity Challenge, Ironman 70.3 Triathlon, International Dragon Boat Competition and Bagasbas Summer Surf gave travelers excellent reasons to visit this tourist spot in the Bicol region.

3. Metro Manila (1.442 million)
The opening of 1,056 new accommodation rooms in hotels improved the tourist activity in the country's busiest region. Last year, 20 cruise liners docked in Manila. Tourist arrivals from these ships marked a 2.24% growth from 17,516 visitors in 2008 to 17,908 in the previous year. Intramuros, a famous landmark in Manila, and Tagaytay are the two most-preferred places of visit. If you want a quick escape, rent a Private Pool in Metro Manila.

4. Baguio (770,187)
The summer capital of the Philippines experienced a 20% increase in tourists after the Kabayan mummies discovered the place after the Kabayan mummy burial caves were featured in documentaries on cable. European visitors made up the bulk of visitors to the Cordilleras where Baguio is located.

5. Davao (669,864)
Known for being the home of the country's highest peak, Davao also has visitors flocking to the Eden Nature Park and Crocodile Farm, two of the most popular tourist destinations in the city.

6. Boracay (649,559)
Taiwanese tourists to the island paradise increased by 72% since China Airlines started chartering flights there twice a

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