...Team Personality Traits Personalities can vary in groups of people from different areas of the country. University of Phoenix Learning Team A reflects similar personalities in which may not be a common aspect in most team environments. The ladies in team A truthfully assessed the Big Five Personality test to understand strengths and weaknesses within the team. However, each member has displayed a high regard for team goals and participation. According to each team member the results of the test would prove complete accuracy in the Big Five Personality test. The Big Five Assessment Summary There has been much research on how people describe others, and five major dimensions of human personality (Out of Service Home). Two different Big Five Personality tests have been taken by Diane Elizabeth, Tracy, and Mary to research how each team member’s personality fits into the five different dimensions of human personality. The results for the first dimension Openness to experience and Intellect display that high scores tend to be original, creative curious, complex, whereas low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interest, and uncreative. The first results reflect that when concerning team A, team members enjoy developing novel experiences and seeing thinks in new ways scoring from 96 to 80. The second dimension of Conscientiousness and responsibility reflects team A’s score ranging from 95 to 83 and that each team member is very well-organized and can be relied...
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...Team Personality Traits Each individual on group B, took a character test that examination his and her characters. These characters will help from the Big Five calculation tool. Remember the character grows in phases at an established age a person has a better intelligence of self. If a character test is given to a younger person the test consequences would have an unstable insight of things, such as household and networks instead of what the individual knows of himself. A more established person has a better sympathetic of affection, setting, and theories and will bid a sturdier self-regard. The Big Five will bid each group associate the aptitude to reproduce on self actualization. The determination of character testing differs, from boss’s mental valuations to, armed valuation. Some of the examination are further multifaceted than others, some are smaller others are lengthier and can take up to two hours to complete. The correctness and cogency of character test consequences are understand by the physiognomies and by the individual taking the test and the psychologist. The character test group B took was small, and the drive of the valuation is to clarify ideologies and mannerism theories. This paper will précis each group associates test consequences, and measure whether each group associate considers his or her valuation depicted a precise outcome. Summary of Team Members Big Five Results The Big Five test is a character impost that classifies five main character behaviors...
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...Personality Traits Yasmin Peralta, Gennifer Powell, Daymeonta White, Robin Goolsby PSY/250 October 2, 2013 Dr. Rosalyn Williams Personality Traits Today’s world is full of interesting and unique individuals due to the different types of personality traits they possess. There are several types of assessments that are used to determine a multitude of traits that one may have. These assessments include the Big Five Personality Test. These assessments also measure a person’s strengths and weaknesses in a particular category. The reliability and validity of these assessments are measured on an individual basis. Utilizing the Big Five assessment tool located in Chapter 8 of the text, Yasmin discovered a multitude of things about her personality, some in which she both agrees and disagrees. First, the assessment show that Yasmin a seven in the extroversion category which is considered high. This particular category Yasmin agrees with this because she views herself as a dominant, outgoing person who can associate well with other people in any setting. In the agreeableness category, Yasmin scored a four, which is low, meaning that she is considered to be quarrelsome and unkind. Despite what the assessment shows, Yasmin disagrees that she is unkind and considers herself to be quite friendly and personable. In the conscientiousness category, Yasmin scored a six, which is medium high, indicating that she reliable and responsible. In the emotional stability category, Yasmin scored...
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...Performance of Garment Factory Workers in Relation to Personality Traits and Work Related Attitudes Abstract The purpose of present study was to investigate the relationship of job performance of the garments factories workers with personality traits and work related attitudes. Five hundred two workers were selected purposively as respondents. In order to measure the variables of the present study, the Bengali versions of big five personality test, job involvement scale, organizational commitment scale, employee job performance scale were administered on the respondents. Seven hypotheses were formulated to test in the present study. Data were analyzed by applying Pearson product correlation and stepwise multiple regression methods. The results of correlation matrix indicate that there are significant positive relationships of job involvement, organizational commitment, and job performance with four factors (openness to experience, extraversion, agreeableness & conscientiousness) out of big five personality factors. Result also shows that there is a significant negative relationship of job performance with neuroticism. Results of stepwise multiple regression analyses suggest that conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience are three predictors where conscientiousness is the strongest predictor which alone explains 46.3% of variance as well as these three variables account for 52.7% of variance in job performance. On the other hand job, work related attitude...
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...What are Personality Theories? Michael J Falls PSY/405 June 23, 2014 Bernard Wakley There are several different personality theories that attempt to explain how people act and who they are. Theories categorize people on characteristics or traits, and then try to describe the effect that this has on a person’s behavior in certain situations. Personality theories are supposed to focus on how people differ from one another; theories select behaviors or characteristics to determine their taxonomies or categories. Biological theories of personalities focus on genetics as well as biological relationships in physiological arousal and the neurochemistry in our brains. The biological approach to studying a person’s personality would be the differences in brain chemistry in extrovert and introverts. Theorist use biological processes to fill in the gap between personality and genetics by theorizing biological effects with behaviors. This anatomical approach examines the functions of brain structures. One of the biggest pioneers in the field was Eysenck; he attempted to relate personality to biology. Eysenck theory is complex, but it has grown over the years, one basic assumption is the brain has excitatory and inhibitory neural mechanisms. The balance between these two produces levels of psychological arousal at any given time. The dispositional theory is the classic or traditional way of psychological study of personalities. Since the early Greeks, maybe even longer it has been recognized...
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...10/20/2014 Introduction There are many theories which are used to explain personality. Dispositional theories explain the relationship between personality and attributes. The most well known dispositional theories are factor, tract and Allport’s Psychology of individual theory (Paul, 2009). This chapter will discuss the differences between dispositional and evolutionary or biological personality theories, the strengths or both and how the Big Five personality test is used in the study of personality. The differences between dispositional and biological theories The assumptions of dispositional theories vary from those of other theorists because they provide the basis of study for personality. On the other hand, biological or evolutionary theories believe that personality development is mainly governed by biological maturation in an individual. Environmental factors which may also influence an individual personality are viewed as part of evolutionary theories (Peterson, 2013). Biological oriented personality theories argue that specific environmental factors are not necessary for a species development but the factors are viewed as a provider of opportunities for biological development. Environmental factors in biological theories are required for an individual personality functional and adaptive development. Dispositional theories bring together several thoughts about human personality. The basis of these theories is that human nature is a combination of both genetics...
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...Team Personality Traits Dennys Bayona PSY/250 September 10, 2013 Maritza Telleria Team Personality Traits Psychology talk about five domains of personality also called the big five personality traits. The big five personality traits are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. The Five Factors The preference in the use of the five factors has been determined by the consistency in the ability to measure the personality without overlapping. Many studies believed that the five factors of personality can predict future outcomes. But is still in research the correlation with these factors and job performance. Some organizations and interviewers asses people base on the five personality traits and these organizations perceived that leadership on an individual is exhibit by lower amounts of neurotic traits, higher levels of openness, balanced levels of conscientiousness, and balance levels of extraversions. Openness: This trait reflect the degree of intellectual curiosity, also describes the imagination and how independent is the individual. My results marked my personality as conventional, down to earth, narrow interest, uncreative. I wont seek out new experiences. Conscientiousness: This trait reflects the degree of responsibility and organization, this trait is normally marked by the individual tendency to show self discipline and aim for achievement. My test results marked my personality as to...
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...Personality traits are describes person’s stable patterns of how they think, feel, or behave. They were useful for the description, prediction and explanation about person’s typical behavior. Big Five Factor Test and Catell’s 16 Personality Factor Test are the most common tests that used to measure personality traits. I took two of them to see my personality traits. Firstly, I took the Big Five Factor Test that was measure (O) Openness, (C) Conscientiousness, (E) Extraversion, (A) Agreeableness, and (N) Neuroticism and each traits includes more specific traits. The language of the test was very easy, it doesn’t include any scientific word but there are some sentences that are not clear and I’m hesitated about what does it means. For example, “I often feel blue” because the test doesn’t explain what does it mean by saying feel blue....
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...Mieke Christiani (01120119287) Everybody have different personalities. What is personality? The word personality is derived from a Latin word “Persona” which means mask. About 2000 years ago Greek actors used to wear mask in theatres so that they may resemble characters whose roles they used to enact on the stage before the audience. Thus, according to the concept of mask, personality was conceived to be the effect and influence, which the actors wearing a mask left on the audience. Nowadays, the term of personality has been defined in various ways by the psychologists who had worked on the problem of personality and the variables influencing its development. "Personality can be broadly defined as the total quality of all individual behavior” (Russell 222). “In the words of Boring, personality is the integration of those systems of habits that represent an individual’s characteristic adjustments to his environment” (Goldberg 224). “Personality is an individual of is the entire mental organization of a human being at any stage of his development. It embraces every phase of human character: intellect, temperament, skill, morality, and every attitude that has been built up in the course of one's life." (Harris 333). Personality is the characteristic patterns thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make a person unique and different with others. The various definitions of personality state above can be grouped into categories of definitions that are related to social value, summatic...
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...Team Personality Traits LaToya Morris Latoya Sims Troy Clincy PSY 250 January 31, 2011 Dr.Bonita Berryman-Gilliam Team Personality Traits Personality is described as the psychological foundation that makes people uniquely themselves. The trait approach to personality also known as the ‘big five” is perhaps the most recognizable yet, complex aspects of personality (Friedman & Schustack, 2009). This Paper will discuss the five dimensions of personality and explain how they relate to the uniqueness of individuals. According to the Big Five Assessment LaToya found her experience to be fascinating, she was amazed how accurate the test described her personality. She scored 2% in the open to experience category that states, “You prefer traditional experiences” (John 2000). Latoya found this statement to be false because, she sees herself as a curious individual. She likes to research material her average peers would not consider, for instance, her curiosity about serial killers. Latoya scored 1% in the conscientious category that described her as unorganized. Her percentage in the extraversion category was moderately accurate, she enjoys time alone however, she is social and talkative when comfortable. LaToya found her percentages to be stable in the agreeableness and neuroticism category. She explains, she is neither extremely forgiving nor irritable, neither is she particularly nervous or calm. LaToya recommends more people should consider taking the big five;...
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...BES1100 Personal Effectiveness Report BES1100 Personal Effectiveness Report Contents 1.0 Executive Summary................................................................ 2 2.0 The Introduction..................................................................... 3 3.0 Literature Review……………………...........................................….... 6 4.0 Data…………………..………………………………………………….............. 7 5.0 Main Outcomes.......................................................................16 6.0 Reccomendations....................................................................17 7.0 References………………………………………………………………….………18 1.0 Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to illustrate the aspects of the two individual staff members and how they are likely to relate to one another given their unique combination of characteristics and behaviours. There is a literature review on the use of psychometric testing and collecting the data from psychometric testing on two staff members. This report will introduce advantages and disadvantages of psychometric testing in HR. There are some results of the indicator instruments between the two staff members. This report will give some recommendations on how to best utilise two staff members and some suggestions on how to ensure teamwork between the two staff members. Ella Bryant an architect and Lisa Mcune a. Have not worked with one another before due to 2.0 Introduction 2.0 Introduction ...
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...Association between Personality and Empathy The ability to empathise is an important factor in day to day interactions and influences the development of moral reasoning and an effective control of aggression (del Barrio, Aluja, Garcia, 2004) although Penner, Fritzsche, Craiger and Freifield (1995) argues that although prosocial behaviour is usually linked with empathy, the findings insist that it is instead situational. Personality trait ratings and the ability to interpret facial expressions are conducted through questionnaires such as Goldberg’s Unipolar Big-Five Markers to map out personality attributes (Thompson 2008) and Baron-Cohen’s Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Hill, Raste and Plumb, 2001). The basic traits of neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness also known as the Five Factor model are closely linked to an individual’s disposition (Hartmann, Heidesgades, 2006) and through a study on 832 Spanish adolescents using both the Spanish versions of Bryant’s Empathy Index for Children and Adolescents and the Big Five Questionnaire, del Barrio et all (2004) reported that there was a strong correlation between positive traits such as agreeableness and empathy for both boys and girls. Based on previous meta-analytic research that suggest female have a higher aptitude in decoding non-verbal information (Hall, Hutton and Morgan, 2010), Hall states that women indeed have a higher accuracy on facial expression...
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...Change language: English Deutsch Español Nederlands | | Your Results | | Closed-Minded | | Open to New Experiences | Disorganized | | Conscientious | Introverted | | Extraverted | Disagreeable | | Agreeable | Calm / Relaxed | | Nervous / High-Strung | Link to your results! Email your results to a friend!What aspects of personality does this tell me about?There has been much research on how people describe others, and five major dimensions of human personality have been found. They are often referred to as the OCEAN model of personality, because of the acronym from the names of the five dimensions. Openness to Experience/Intellect | | High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. | | | You prefer traditional and familiar experiences. | (Your percentile: 1) | | | | | Conscientiousness | | High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. | | | You are well-organized, and are reliable. | (Your percentile: 79) | | | | | Extraversion | | High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. | | | You tend to shy away from social situations. | (Your percentile: 31) | | | | | Agreeableness...
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...Introduction The human personality is one of the most challenging fields to ever grace the field of psychology. This is because there is nothing as varied and as multi – dimensional as personality. Many definitions of personality have been suggested by various theorists over the years, such as Allport (1961) who describes personality as ‘a dynamic organisation, inside the person, of psychophysical systems that create the person’s characteristic patterns of behaviour, thoughts and feelings.’ In other words, a personality is a synthesis of our behaviours under present circumstances which allows us to combine what we know from our past experiences and allows us to make predictions regarding our future behaviour. The term ‘behaviour’ here encompasses all actions and emotions which we might experience. The ‘Big Five Personality Traits’ as they are collectively called, are comprised of the five following traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. According to McCrae and Costa, human personality can be categorized separately along each of these five scales, which are graded from the 0 – 100th percentile. Since no two person can have the same score across all five scales, this test takes the uniqueness of each human personality into account. Discussion Recently, I myself have taken the test as part of my individual assignment for my Personality Development class. In my opinion, the test does tell the truth about...
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...5 1. __________ refers to the pattern of enduring characteristics that produce consistency and individuality in a given person. A. Cognition B. Maturation C. Personality D. Development 2. The modern view of temperament asserts that it __________. A. is biologically based B. is a mixture of the four humors C. first emerges during adolescence D. changes radically at adolescence 3. Which of the following statements describes the relationship between temperament and personality? A. Temperament and personality are the exact same thing. B. Temperament, which we are born with, is the basis upon which one’s personality is built. C. Temperament refers to the changing parts of our “self,” while personality refers to the static parts of our “self.” D. Temperament refers to negative personal characteristics, while personality refers to positive personal characteristics. 4. A __________ is a relatively stable personality tendency that guides one’s thoughts and actions across various conditions. A. trait B. cluster C. dimension D. behavioral constant 5. __________ theorists have determined five major characteristics of personality. A. Trait B. Cognitive C. Humanistic D. Psychodynamic 6. The factor of __________ is NOT one of the "Big Five" dimensions underlying personality. A. politeness B. extraversion C. conscientiousness D. openness to experience 7. An investigation of students’ housing preferences would probably show...
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