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The Cohabitation of Personal Responsibility and Educational Success


Submitted By kaymonique01
Words 842
Pages 4
The Cohabitation of Personal Responsibility and Educational Success

Karen Cephas


November 3, 2013

Jim Tagliamonte

This essay will explore views on the relationship between personal responsibility and educational success. The reasons the two qualities are essential to success in life, how to attain them as well as how to maintain and apply these characteristics to other areas of life, therefore transforming into a self-directed learner to be successful.
The quote below is an excerpt from The Measurement of Personal Responsibility in Adult Learning. This quote speaks volumes on the prominence of personal responsibility within educational success and what self-directed learning entails. (Caffarella 1993) described the importance of learner responsibility and control:
"The ability to be self-directed in one's learning, that is, to be primarily responsible and in control [emphasis added] of what, where, and how one learns, is critical to survival and prosperity in a world of continuous personal, community, and societal changes"
(P. 32).
Garrison (1997) supported this position in his definition of (SDL Self Directed Learner): "An approach where learners are motivated to assume personal responsibility and collaborative control of the cognitive (self-monitoring) and contextual (self-management) processes in constructing and confirming meaning and worthwhile learning outcomes" (p. 18).
(Betts, 2012, p. 12).
The traditional definition of responsibility is the state of answerability, or accountability for something within one’s power, control, or management. To complete tasks in a timely manner either for college/school or otherwise, one must be accountable for their own actions.

Responsibility is the nucleus of self-regulation, and accountability influences ones self-regulation. It is simply cause and effect:

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