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The Common-Sense Model of Illness Representation: Theoretical and Practical Considerations


Submitted By atsudeegbedavid
Words 19631
Pages 79



A Thesis submitted to the Institute of Distance Learning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


October, 2011

DECLARATION I hereby declare that this thesis is the result of my own work except references cited that have been duly acknowledged. It has never been submitted for the award of any degree.

Francis Kwaku Dogbe Name

……………….. Signature

………………. Date

Certified by: S.A. Kyeremanteng (Supervisor) ………………… Signature ……………. Date

Prof. I. K Dontwi (Dean IDL)

………………………… Signature

……………… Date.


I specially dedicate this work to my lovely mother Petrina Yawa Adzimah and to all who inspired and encouraged me.


I express my deepest gratitude to my Father Almighty God in heaven whose grace and mercy, I could not have come this far in life. To my supervisor, S.A. Kyeremanteng, I owe you a special dept of thanks for excellent support and guidance that enabled me to produce this work on time. I also thank my colleague staff at MTN-Kumasi Nhyiaeso branch for their support. Madam Charity Armoh also deserves a special gratitude for her immense financial support throughout this work not forgetting my special friend and brother, Kojo Abiw-Abaidoo and his wife for their moral support. And to anybody who in one way or the other helped me out with this work, I say, God Richly Bless You All

ABSTRACT This work sought to access and analyze customer satisfaction with service delivery at MTN Ghana. Kumasi MTN office, Nhyiaeso was purposively chosen for this work. The main problem for this study was to ascertain whether customers are satisfied with service delivery

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