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The Controversy Of Extroverts

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People label themselves as either extroverted or introverted, provided that they know what these terms mean. As a kid I thought I was an extrovert. Why? Because society praises it. Extroverts are spirited, outgoing, energetic, and effervescent. On the other hand, introverts are quiet, reserved, solitary, and aloof. “We’re told that to be great is to be bold, to be happy is to be sociable” (Cain. 2013). Introverts are misperceived. Introverts are not anti-social, in fact introverts are necessary to society; we need to get rid of the bias that extroverts are superior.

“Extroverted learning is better”
Schools are becoming increasingly designed to accommodate extroverts and their thirst for extensive stimulation. “The vast majority of teachers …show more content…
Group discussion is ill-productive and hinders learning for introverts, yet the use is going up. Most introverts are far too reserved to conject or appose any lodged ideas which is exact function of group discussion. We don't really say much; we appear alienated or as a milquetoast. Not only does this hurt our image, but our learning time is wasted. The solution to this problem is to return to more traditional learning. A group discussion can be of use occasionally, however, the bulk needs to be learning by lesson or worksheet. By doing this both introverts and extroverts are able to learn effectively. Extroverts are able to appease their demand for large amounts of stimulation by readily asking questions while introverts are able to do what they do best; listening and …show more content…
When difficulties ensue there is nothing more enervating than an anxious leader making everyone else feel exasperated just by his presence. An introverted leader’s actions are not only serene, circumspect, and envisaged, but they also encourage the employees to develop the same coolness you would find naturally in an introverted leader. This coolness greatly reduces the chances of you saying something you will regret because you are willing to think before you speak. “Introverts think before speaking, not through speaking.” - Laurie Helgoe. This imperturbability makes impulsive and rash decisions significantly lower in introverted

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