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The Controversy: The Culture Of Panama

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With roots that derive from at least three different continents, Panama is what one would call a "cultural cocktail." Culture is defined as a particular set of customs, morals, codes and traditions from a specific time and place (culture, n.d.). Vast mountain ranges, past military conflicts, and “topsy turvy” weather definitely makes for an interesting destination. Friendly and vibrant residents along with familiar restaurants, stores, and products made a family visit to Panama City, Panama a memorable one to say the least. Spanish, the official language of Panama, is spoken by over 90% of the people. However, English is a common second language spoken by most Panamanian professionals and business people (Nations of Encyclopedia (n.d.). …show more content…
The Cordillera Central, or Central Mountain Range, runs down the middle of Panama forming the Continental Divide separating the Pacific and Caribbean coasts. Panama's mountainous landscape gives travelers ample access to outdoor explorations. Bird watching and wildlife observation are sights to see along the winding hiking trails that pave the way leading to beautiful vast forests and rivers. Additionally, the cool climate of these destinations is a nice alternative to Panama’s hotter coastal areas (Anywhere, n.d.). A great tourist attraction for vacationers and an even better getaway location for locals that just want to kick back and enjoy the scenery. The nation's infrastructure is relatively well developed. Roads in urban areas are generally well managed but remain run down in the rural areas of the nation. With 11,258 kilometers (6,996 miles) of roads only 3,783 kilometers (2,350 miles) are paved. Plans are underway for the construction of 2 major superhighways that will be funded through tolls. Other means of transportation include 355 kilometers (220 miles) of railways (Nations of Encyclopedia …show more content…
The lowlands tend to be warmer than the highlands, and the humidity is high year-round (Anywhere, n.d.). This mixture of weather is not only great to live in, but a plus for the agriculture industry. On vacation, we came across a small market in downtown Panama City that was full of various fruits and vegetables. Agriculture isn’t the main source of income for the economy. Panama’s booming economy depends mainly on its services sector. In 2009, the GDP was US $24.75 billion, a third of which came from service-related industries such as the Panama Canal, tourism, ports, the Colón Free Zone, etc.(Anywhere, n.d.). Tourism is very important to Panama and the effect it has on the citizens in the country. An example witnessed while visiting using the taxi service. The company “Uber” is now worldwide and allows anyone to get shuttled to any destination through an app. This angers Panamanians because there are several taxi cab drivers that look forward to picking up tourist from specific “hot spots” in the country and Uber undercuts them. Uber offers cheaper rides to the same destinations making taxi drivers pointless and causing anger among them. It is very important to understand the culture before visiting a

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