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Sports Captain Research Paper

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The word reward can be described as “something given or received in return or recompense for service, merit, hardship, ect..” Rewards can be a number of things and can given out in many different situations. Rewards can range from a holiday bonus check, not having to wait on a line, customer appreciations discounts and many more. Life is filled with many other rewards that one will receive over the course of their life. The biggest reward I have received was being rewarded to captain of my high school baseball team. In 2007, I walked into St. Mary’s College Preparatory High School, for the very first time. Located in Manhasset on Long Island, New York, St. Mary’s was were I was going to spend the next four years of my life. Not only was St. Mary’s going to be where I was going to prepare for my further education, it was also where I was going to, hopefully strive in athletics. Growing up I was constantly playing sports, from throwing the baseball around out front to getting on rollerblades …show more content…
I do believe that my coaches looked at different characteristics and actions which lead to my reward of captain. The fact that I was a two varsity sport athlete, I do believe that my coaches had higher expectations for me than my other teammates. Many of my fellow teammates came on to the team expecting that their time as captain would come, but for many that time never came and they were never rewarded. Although some theorems can relate to my story, some are not as fitting to the situation that i have present. This being said I do believe that theorem three is the most fitting. Theorem three basically states that the more you do the bigger reward you will receive. I worked extremely hard both on and off the field to be the best baseball player I could be. Not only baseball wise but also I also worked on and developed leadership

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