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The Driving Age In New Jersey

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The driving age in New Jersey is 17 years of age. This means children not even adults are on the streets, on the highway behind the wheel. We all know that teens make rash decisions and are impulsive. This is due to the fact that the “executive branch” of the brain being underdeveloped, stated by the NIH (National Institution of Health).Knowing this how can we expect them to make quick and difficult life threatening dissections they need to make on the road? A 17 year old kid in five times more likely to be involved in fatal crashes.The reason is that their brain are far more underdeveloped compared to a teen just one year older, let alone 8 years older at the age of 25. This is when the brain is fully developed. “Raising the driving age from sixteen to seventeen would society a whole,” (Darwin). …show more content…
This only proves further that they are to young and and to underdeveloped to drive.but it also shows that they need more practice. Teens are only given a year with their learners permit before are let out onto the open road granted they pass the drivers test. We should increase the time from one year to two or even three while also making the test stricter. One of the leading causes in fatal crashes for seventeen year old drivers is obstacle in the road.They tend to not know how to deal with it and make fatal mistakes unlike a mature driver would. So having that mature person there to help them like they would be if they had their permit would lo this percentage of

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