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The Great Barrier Reef: Systematic Ecosystem

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Ecosystems are groups of other ecological systems that when combined, create one large system working with each other and for each other. There are abiotic factors including light, climate and soil type. As always, there are biotic components that coordinate the biological community that is composed of all the species in the ecosystem. The focal ecosystem in this paper is the coral reef. Coral reef can be found in tropical oceans near the equator. One of the largest coral reef is in Australia and is called the Great Barrier Reef. With that second largest reef located just off the coast of Belize, it is clear these reefs can be spread across a few continents. There are other reefs found in areas such as Hawaii and the Red Sea. A benefit that comes from coral reefs is the protecting of the shore and lagoon. Coral reefs absorb the force of the waves and then disperse that energy. By this process, the shores are protected from natural disturbances like erosion. Coral Reef also provide homes as well as nursery grounds for a vast amount of fish species. In the economies where coral reefs exist, they also provide jobs, fishing and recreational tourism for those interested in deep sea diving.
The carbon cycle is the natural process where carbon is released and then absorbed to maintain life. A well-known example of this …show more content…
When humans interfere, they transfer few occurrences of disruption which have a ripple effect on the ocean. Before the initial disruption can finish, humans are continuously sending stress signals which alter the capacity of the reef to handle the disturbance. An example would be habitat fragmentation and reduction of functional diversity. A prior disturbance that cause a regeneration process to start might, under certain instances, block development. A change into the reef development process will also affect human activities like fishing and

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