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Non Melanoma Skin Cancer Research Paper

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Cancer refers to a condition characterized by the abnormal growth of cells in some parts of the body. Such cells reproduce uncontrollably leading to the development of tumors that can infect other body parts in a process known as metastasis. It is urgent to note that some tumors are not dangerous. Thus, it is important for medical doctors to diagnose tumors with highest accuracy to avoid potential confusion. Cancer can occur in more than two hundred forms (Schmidt & Popham, 1981). Each cancer is diagnosed then treated differently. The cost of treating cancer is high. Therefore, is a need to invest more on the prevention of cancer to avoid the high cost of treatment (Cooper, 1993). Many researchers and doctors describe cancer as a lifestyle …show more content…
In fact, radiations cause over 10% of the cancers. The main radiation that cause radiation causes cancer is the ultraviolet radiation both in its non-ionized and ionized form. For example, non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation is linked to the development non-melanoma skin cancer. Non-melanoma skin cancer is mainly caused by the radiation that comes from the sun (Hussain, Hofseth & Harris, 2003). But, scientists have noted that ionizing radiations are not a very strong mutagen. This means that the chances of ionizing radiation to cause cancer-causing mutations are low. Radiation is toxic when it is combined with other mutagens. It is important to note that radiation can cause skin cancers in other animals showing to it and not human being only (Stewart & Wild, 2015). In addition, the chance of developing a cancer-causing change due to radiation varies between individuals. For example, children have higher chances of developing cancer-causing change compared to adults. This explains why radiation-induced leukemia is more frequent in children. The use of radiations in medical settings has been linked to the development of some cancers. The sources of non-ionizing radiations include electric power spread devices and mobile

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