...Edwin Hubble: The Discoverer of Galaxies Edwin Hubble was born on November 20, 1889 in Marshfield, Missouri and was the third of seven children. His father was John Powell Hubble and his mother was Virginia Lee James Hubble. As a child, he loved to observe nature and look through his grandfather’s telescope. His parents encouraged Edwin and his siblings to get a good education. Edwin’s father hoped that his son would become a lawyer. When Edwin was 12 years old, his family moved to Wheaton, Illinois where he started the eighth grade. He was always two years younger than his classmates all the way through high school. In high school, Hubble learned about the Rhodes Scholarship. The Rhodes Scholarship is a scholarship that sends students to the famous university in Oxford, England for three years of the degree they choose. The students also receive $1,500 dollars with all expenses paid for including food and transportation. In order for the student’s to qualify for the scholarship they must first go to college, then apply and take a difficult exam. On the night of Hubble’s graduation, the superintendent awarded Hubble with a scholarship to the University of Chicago. This was the first step towards the Rhodes Scholarship. In college, Hubble took courses in both law and astronomy. He had teachers that won Nobel prizes, which contributed to his success of getting a Rhodes Scholarship. After Hubble finished college, he took the exam for the Rhodes Scholarship and got the best...
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...The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a telescope that was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990, and it still remains operational. It was launched by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), and ESA (European Space Agency). We chose this as a topic because of the amazing pictures it has captured and all of the galaxies, stars, and nebulas it has discovered. There are many things that go into operating the HST. To transmit the data to the Space Telescope Institute in Baltimore, Maryland it has to travel a long ways. After the telescope takes the picture, the data gets transmitted to the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite. Then the data travels down to the Ground Station in New Mexico. Then it goes across the U.S.A. to the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. Finally, it gets sent over to the Space Telescope Science Institute a few miles away. In the Space Telescope Science Institute they have a simulation of the telescope called the Vehicle Electrical System Test (VEST). They use the VEST to troubleshoot problems, verify updates to the software, and verify operations to the telescope....
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...kosmologi, Hubbles lov mm 1. Angiv lysets hastighed i det tomme rum og længden af et lysår 2. Hvad er Big Bang ? 3. Undersøg hvad størrelsen pc (parsec) angiver og beregn selv størrelsen af 1 pc og 1 Mpc 4. Hvad er en galaxe ? (størrelse, antal stjerner osv...) Hvad hedder vores galaxe ? 5. Undersøg hvordan man bestemmer afstanden til og farten hvormed fjerne galaxer fjerner sig 6. Hvad er rødforskydning ? I hvilken sammenhæng anvendes kendskab til rødforskydning ? 7. Beregn rødforskydningen og hastighed for linjer der forskydes • • fra 500 nm til 520 nm fra 650 nm til 700 nm 8. Ved en given rødforskydning z kan e beregnes ud fra f ved formlen e = f 1 z • Beregn e for to linjer i brintspektret når z = 0,15 9. Vis formlen fra opg. 8 10. Beregn hastigheden hvormed galaxer fjerner sig når de befinder sig i afstandene hhv 100 Mly og 2000 Mly NGG maj 2012 fysikC/B kosmologi, Hubbles lov mm 11. Beregn afstanden til galaxer der fjerner sig med farten på hhv 50 km/s og 20000 km/s 12. Bestem rødforskydningen for galaxerne i opgaverne ovenfor 13. Bestemmelse af universets alder (ved konstant udvidelsesfart) Man kan vise at universets alder T 0 kan beregnes ved T 0= Hubblekonstanten • • • H 0= 22 km/s Mly 1 hvor H0 H 0 er Angiv længden af 1 mio lysår (forkortes Mly) 1 1 Mly Udregn tallet T 0= H = 22 km/ s i sekunder og år (UNIVERSETS ALDER !!) 0 1 Vis formlen T 0= H 0 12. Forklar figuren nedenfor med tekst NGG maj 2012 fysikC/B kosmologi, Hubbles lov mm...
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...Hubbles lov Formål: Formålet med denne øvelse er, at illustrere hvad Hubbles lov går ud på. Ved at simulere et Big Bang scenarie i et legetøjsunivers kan vi ved hjælp af egne målinger ”udlede” Hubbles lov, og samtidig få en fornemmelse for hvad man egentlig mener med at rummet udvider sig. Materialer: • En rund ballon. • En pen • En kraftig bukseelastik (ca. 30 cm.) • Et målebånd. Forsøgsbeskrivelse: Del 1: Vi fik udleveret en ballon, denne ballon skal illustrere et univers. Ballonen pustet halvt op, og vi tegner med en tus små prikker på, dette skal illustrere ”små” galakser. Ballonoverfladen er nu et to-dimensionelt legetøjsunivers. Vi puster nu mere luft i ballon og observerer galakserne. Formået med dette lille forsøg var at vise, at det to-dimensionale rum, som faktisk er tredimensionelt, er det der udvider sig. Det er ikke galakserne der flytter sig fra hinanden, det er rummet de er i, der udvider sig. Del 2: Det andet forsøg var et mere kvantitativt forsøg. På en bukseelastik tegnede vi nogle tilfældige steger, der skulle forestille at være galakser, 8-10 streger tegnede vi. Den første streg tegnede vi et par centimeter fra enden af bukseelastikken, og denne galakse var så vores egen galakse nemlig Mælkevejen. Vi strakte elastikken ud, det var vigtigt at holde fast i vores egen galakse. Vi observerede så hvad der skete med de andre galakser. Vi kunne her se at det var de fjerneste galakser der bevægede sig hurtigst væk. Denne...
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...The Hubble Telescope is a large telescope in space that takes picture of planets, stars and galaxies. “It was launched by NASA on April the 24th, 1990” (Hubble Site 1, 2015). Hubble is as long as a large school bus an weighs as much as two adult elephants. “The Hubble Telescope is located 552km above Earth’s surface” (Hubble Site 2, 2015). And is in Earth’s orbit traveling at about 5 miles per second. “Hubble does a full orbit around Earth in about 95 minutes” (NASA, 2015). Hubble has viewed many stars dying and being born, and has also seen distant planets and galaxies. Earth’s atmosphere blocks out certain types of light from space thus effecting how much of space can be viewed from a telescope on Earth, Hubble is outside of Earth’s atmosphere and is orbiting around the Earth so it captures a full view of the space around Earth. “Hubble captures digital images of space, then sends the picture to Earth via radio waves” (NASA, 2015)....
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...Cosmology As we have learned, Edwin Hubble showed that the farther away a galaxy is, the faster away from the Milky Way it is moving. This gives the appearance that the Milky Way is at the center of the universe, and all galaxies are moving away from us, possibly due to some large explosion, The Big Bang. The Hubble's Law can be applied to any observer in any galaxy. No matter where you are, an expanding universe will give the same appearance. The expansion of the universe is not like the explosion of a bomb sending fragments in all directions. Space itself is expanding. We can detect photons that appear to have moved at different speeds through space. However, as the speed of light is constant, it is space that is moving relative to the photon. The galaxies are fixed relative to space, but space itself is moving. We have seen no 'edge' to the universe and there are an equal number of galaxies in every direction. Also, galaxies can move relative to space, but at times gravity can accelerate one galaxy toward another faster than space expands. When light waves travel through space, they are stretched by expansion and this increases the wave's wavelength, making it appear redder. Using the Hubble Law, we can estimate the age of the universe. At some point in the distant past, matter in the universe must have been densely packed. From this point, the universe would have expanded at some high speed to become today's universe. Assuming a constant expansion over time, we find...
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...The law is usually stated as v = H0D, where v is the velocity of recession, D is the distance of the galaxy from the observer and H0 is the Hubble constant which links them. The exact value of the Hubble constant itself has long been the subject of much controversy: Hubble's initial estimates were of the order of approximately 500 kilometers per second per mega parsec (equivalent to about 160 km/sec/million light years); the most recent best estimates, with the benefit of the Hubble Telescope and the WMAP probe, is around 72 kilometers per second per mega...
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...Fall 2014 Freshman English NCHU The Assignment List (1~8) 連結或音檔若有任何問題(如:音檔被移除、連不上), 請即刻向老師或助教反映。 每次小考三篇選一 Assignment 1 1. “City Dwellers Try Raising Chickens” (3:13) http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/city-dwellers-try-chicken-ownership/1934420.html 2. “Murals Add to Color of Los Angeles” (4:15) http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/mural-art-los-angeles/1914553.html 3. “What Drives People to Try to Get into the Guinness Book?” (15:12) http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/getting-into-the-guinness-book-of-world-records-121860804/116530.html Assignment 2 “China Looks to Open New Silk Roads” (4:39) http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/china-silk-road/1954824.html “Soccer or Football, Is It the Same Game?” (6:38) http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/soccer-cultures-planned-vs-spontaneous/1940801.html “Chocolate: The ‘Food of the Gods’” (14:59) http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/the-history-of-chocolate-the-food-of-the-gods/1939717.html Assignment 3 “Europe and Indian Tango over Mango” (5:13) http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/the-king-of-the-mango-eu-india/1926214.html “Cambodian Cultural Artifacts under Attack” (5: 25) http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/article/1950030.html “In Praise of City Living” (15:11) http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/social-scientists-rethink-city-living-136206113/116605.html ...
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...The Research of the Hubble Sequence There are many different classes of galaxies and many more to be discovered Hubble just scratched the surface of what we could find out there. Edwin Hubble is well known for that the research in the Hubble Sequence, also in the many books he wrote for the explonation of his work and his thoughts on it. Edwin Hubble discovered the Hubble Sequence and and was the one who was famos for it. The Hubble Sequence is a theory proven to be a fact by Edwin Hubble, this sequence is a morhpological classification scheme for galaxies which this theory was proven fact because of Edwin Hubble. Now to explain what this is, well this scheme reprsents more of divided regular galaxies to broad classes. Each of these classes...
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...the space shuttle Discovery carrying aboard it the Hubble Space Telescope. A lot of people think we launched Hubble into space to get it closer to the stars but the real reason is the Earth's atmosphere both distorts and blocks light coming in from space. In space, beyond the atmosphere, the stars don't twinkle, instead they shine firm. That allows for the sensational images we've become accustomed to seeing from Hubble. But that wasn't Hubble's only benefit, it was also one of NASA's great observatories. There are many of these observatories in space but most are outfitted to answer one or two specific questions. Hubble was designed to be as inclusive as possible, it was supposed to answer as many questions as you could ask. At least as far as its design allowed. And Hubble succeeded very well at that. The Hubble Deep Field, perhaps the most important image ever taken by Hubble, shows us galaxies stretched all the way across the universe, up to ten billion light years away. Light that has taken billions of years to reach us in our corner of the universe, so we see these galaxies not that as they are today but as they were when the light left them. And in the end, after zooming in as much as possible, we see nothing. We've reached the limit of Hubble's vision. To carry us farther, to step past Hubble, we need the James Webb Space Telescope. James E. Webb, the man whose name NASA chose to give to the successor of the Hubble Space Telescope was a government official who served...
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...The Hubble telescope has created a way for people living on earth to see space in ways we never would have seen without it. The telescope was named after discoverer Edward Hubble The Hubble Telescope was first planned and created in 1975 in honour of Dr Edward Hubble, but was launched on April 24th, 1990 by a space shuttle, estimate at almost 1.5 billion dollars but the telescope is still and will continue to add to costs. It has been created to capture images of planets, stars and galaxies, giving people on earth a clear image of what space is like and how it has evolved. The Telescope has different features to help produce the images taken, using a digital camera and radio waves to capture and send the pictures to Earth and its data basis for the world to see. The Hubble Telescope is located around 552 km (343 miles) from the Earth’s surface and it travels at as speed of about 8km/s spinning around the earth’s surface. Image 2 showing the Hubble Telescope and the different part of its build....
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...tr “Beyond the Milky Way” “The History of the Hubble Telescope” By: Steven Radziul DeVry University Since the Age of Man and Woman, We have been staring up into the sky, wondering clearly what is out there. The stars and planets have always been our close neighbors, from navigation, to philosophy and even religion, the stars and planets have always been our friend. Man has stood to the highest peak staring out into the sky, wondering clearly to see what is out there. He has invented instruments for which to see further and further, wanting to learn about himself. Since the earliest days of Man, We have strived to see higher, to see more, to see deeper, and to finally see farther. The newest discoveries started with the time of Galileo, and the first “modern” telescopes, pointed up to the skies, just to see what is out there. Since then we have strived to improve our abilities to see way out there. The latest discoveries and breakthrough in discovery through the use of telescopes, is that of the space telescopes themselves. One of the famous space based telescopes, as well as one of the more famous projects put out by NASA, is that of the “Hubble Space Telescope”. Learning about the worlds around us, allows us to learn about our own “Man Kind”. We are “star stuff”, we are made of the stuff which stars are made from. From the gases, to the elements, what is out there, we can find here. As We explore the world around us, we begin to learn more about our own existence...
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...observable universe. (physics.org) Without the Hubble Space telescope none of these galaxies would have been discovered and many astronomical discoveries would go unnoticed and would halt many studies in the field, it would leave many cosmic mysteries unsolved. It took many years to launch the telescope into space and for the telescope to be able to take the kinds of photos that it takes today. This is why the Hubble telescope has such importance in the field of astronomy. The hubble space telescope was named after astronomer Edwin Hubble. Accroding to spacetelescope.com Edwin Hubble was born in Missouri in 1958. He moved to chicago nine years later where he attended high school. He graduated in 1906 received a scholarship from the university from chicago, because the scholarship was awarded to another student by...
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...For thousands of years, astronomers have had trouble with questions about the age, geometry, and size of the universe. Does the universe extend continuously, or does it have an ending point somewhere? Was the universe created at a certain time or was it here from the beginning? In 1929, astronomer Edwin Hubble, made a breakthrough discovery that led to the scientific answers for the questions above; he discovered that the universe is expanding. First, I will briefly explain some of the cosmological theories natural philosophers and astronomers were able to come up with before Hubble established that the universe is not static, but actually expanding. Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle proposed that the universe was an eternal, static universe...
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...The Hubble Space Telescope has helped scientists learn about the ever reaching space outside of our atmosphere. The Hubble Telescope has sent images of space for the past 28 years. Hubble is one of NASA’s greatest accomplishments, Hubble has recorded thousands of images of space to better help scientist understand the beauty of deep space. The Hubble Telescope determine the age of the universe to be about 13-14 billion years old rather than the former age of 10-20 billion years old. Hubble also helped identify quasars which emit extreme amounts of energy, and the existence of dark energy which theoretically is used to expand the universe. Hubble has confirmed and has made new discoveries to help advance our understanding of space. Hubble can...
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