...On-the-job training is occasionally performed by an external provider as in the case of specialized equipment. In another example, a vendor trains a marketing system a group of employees is adapting to their own work procedures. While the goal of OJT is often to teach basic workplace skills, it also instills aspects of the workplace culture and performance expectations in the new employee. OJT is also the approach organizations use to provide new employee on boarding information. On-the-job training is normally the most effective approach to training employees. Here are your 12 best opportunities and methods for providing on-the-job training to employees. Statement of the Problem The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of social media on the behavior of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology third year students of Iloilo State College of Fisheries- Barotac...
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...technology and the mass media, the notion that the media may have a profound influence on people has become more prevalent. Research into Media Violence and its effects on values, beliefs and behaviour has been well documented over the past 50 years. This systematic review, looking at both research reports and other relevant literature relating to the topic explores whether or not violent video games lead to real world violence. This topic has been selected due to the unique participatory nature of this type of media. The review demonstrates the inconclusive nature of the research on this topic. It focuses on the short term and long term effects possible while also investigating the need to consider alternate explanations to violent behaviour in children and youth. The review concludes with suggestions for further research. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Children spend an increasing amount of time playing video games with the majority of them violent in nature (Huesmann, 2007). Players participate in and create the violence, often receiving reward for their violent behaviors rather than negative consequences (Funk, Baldacci, Pasold & Baumgardner, 2004). The area of violent video games in regards to Media Violence is relatively new with somewhat limited research as video games have only been available to the general population since the 1980s. It is however in need of thorough investigation as researchers believe due to the participatory and active nature, the impact of video games...
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...Copyright 2006 by the American Psychological Association 0012-1649/06/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0012-1649.42.3.391 Children, Adolescents, and the Internet: A New Field of Inquiry in Developmental Psychology Patricia Greenfield Zheng Yan University of California, Los Angeles University at Albany, State University of New York With this special section on children, adolescents, and the Internet, we survey the state of a new field of enquiry in developmental psychology. This field is important because developmentalists need to understand how children and adolescents live in a new, massive, and complex virtual universe, even as they carry on their lives in the real world. We have selected six empirical articles to showcase various aspects of child and adolescent development in this virtual universe. These articles reflect three major themes of this new field: the Internet. Encompassing the broad areas of cognitive and social development, these articles address a number of different specific developmental functions. Yan analyzes the factors influencing the development of an understanding of the Internet in both its technical and social dimensions. Jackson et al. demonstrate the positive impact of home Internet access on the reading achievement of low-income, mostly African American children. In the arena of social development, articles deal with five important foci of adolescent development: identity (Subrahmanyam et al.); self-worth (Whitlock et al.); sexuality (Subrahmanyam et al.; Borzekowski...
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...The Impact of the Media Kayden Drake University of Indianapolis The media has changed drastically over the years and as I have grown older I have come to notice how it is affecting the kids of the generations after me. That is why I picked this study because it explains how media affects kids both physically and mentally. The Impact of Media Adolescents diagnosed as having or not having clinical depression were asked questions about mood and behavior over the course of several weeks. Responses included self-reports of their current mood state, whether they were currently using media (and what the content was), and their perceptions of the media content they were consuming. Data from adolescents with depression were compared with those of adolescents without disorders to determine whether their gender, diagnosis and current mood state acted independently or interactively to influence the content selected. This data also addressed whether the adolescents’ media choice acted independently or in interaction with gender or diagnosis to influence their later mood. Participants, in their home and social environments, received telephone calls from a trained research associate 12 times over the course of 4 days (Friday through Monday). On each call, participants answered questions in six domains: (a) location/activity at the moment of call; (b) media use and perceived emotional quality; (c) social context (presence of other people); (d) mood; (e) anticipated future events;...
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...Anorexia: The Role of Media Hillary Indako University Of Nairobi Eating disorders have a higher mortality rate than any other mental illness. As many as 20 percent of those who suffer from anorexia will die prematurely from complications related to their eating disorder, including suicide and heart problems. While there are many possible causes and triggers for these disorders, the media’s influence on body image cannot be overlooked. The media has been playing a central role on the growth of eating disorders such as anorexia. As adolescents we are convinced with images and messages that tend to further the idea that to be happy and successful we must be slim. Nowadays, It is nearly impossible to open a newspaper or listen to the radio, or turn on a TV without being confronted with the ideas that to be fat is to be undesirable. When adolescents feel as though their breasts, weight or hips don’t match up to those of supermodels and actors, they feel fatally feel secure. This in turn makes to feel insecure about their body image and thus resulting in this eating disorder. Surveys show that there is plenty of evidence demonstrating that the media encourages slimness and weight loss and over-emphasize the importance of beauty and appearances. It appears that beauty and fashion magazines significantly impact the process of identity development in young women, especially with regards to gender-role learning, identity formation, and the development of values and beliefs (Arnett...
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...The Impact of the Media Kayden Drake University of Indianapolis The media has changed drastically over the years and as I have grown older I have come to notice how it is affecting the kids of the generations after me. That is why I picked this study because it explains how media affects kids both physically and mentally. The Impact of Media Adolescents diagnosed as having or not having clinical depression were asked questions about mood and behavior over the course of several weeks. Responses included self-reports of their current mood state, whether they were currently using media (and what the content was), and their perceptions of the media content they were consuming. Data from adolescents with depression were compared with those of adolescents without disorders to determine whether their gender, diagnosis and current mood state acted independently or interactively to influence the content selected. This data also addressed whether the adolescents’ media choice acted independently or in interaction with gender or diagnosis to influence their later mood. Participants, in their home and social environments, received telephone calls from a trained research associate 12 times over the course of 4 days (Friday through Monday). On each call, participants answered questions in six domains: (a) location/activity at the moment of call; (b) media use and perceived emotional quality; (c) social context (presence of other people); (d) mood; (e) anticipated future events;...
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...disorders (Slater & Tiggemann 2010). Similarly, according to Holland & Tiggemann, (2016) correlational findings about the relationship between social media usage, body satisfaction, and disordered eating are almost difficult to draw. Also, high social media exposure could influence thin-internalization,...
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... (2011). Technology, Freedom and the Human Person: Some Teen Insights into Merton and Benedict XVI. Merton Annual, 24244-255 The article offers the author's insights on the implication of technology for human lives. Topics discussed importance of technology for enhancement of communication, risk factors associated with technology used, and the effects of technology on human behavior. Moreover, it provides the outlook of American Catholic writer Thomas Merton and Pope Benedict XVI regarding modernity. 2. Ives, E.A. (2012, October 1). iGeneration: The Social Cognitive Effects of Digital Technology on teenagers. The purpose of this study was to examine and better understand the social cognitive effects of digital technology on teenagers' brains and their socialization processes, as well as to learn best practices with regard to digital technology consumption. An extensive literature review was conducted on the social cognitive effects of digital technology on teenagers and an action research project was carried out gleaning quantitative and qualitative research findings collected from forty-six high school students, ranging from ages thirteen to fifteen. The findings of this paper are broken into three categories: (1) positive effects of digital technology; (2) negative effects of digital technology; (3) and, best practices with digital technology. One of the positive effects of digital technology is in education...
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...Societal beauty standards are unrealistic for many adolescents, and most forms of mainstream media tend to promote these ridiculous beauty standards. Television and fashion magazines only show one kind of body type, which is unrealistic and unattainable. Media shows who and what teenagers are supposed to look like in order to be considered attractive. The media puts pressure on adolescents to look a certain way which can cause body dissatisfaction, and can lead to mental and eating disorders. The body-type ideal that mainstream media promotes is a negative body image that causes body dissatisfaction. In a study conducted on girls and young women, the results showed that exposure to media correlates with body dissatisfaction (Grabe, Ward, and...
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...The aspect of individuality in adolescent development is very unique to each individual, but there are some issues which they may have a similarities. There is some changes on how they will interact to the other people which it can affect to their learning and development. There are some factors that influence the learning and development of the high school learners. Family, school, peers, technology or media, and internal factor are some of these. The relationship between the family members is a major factor that influences adolescent’s learning and development. If an adolescent belongs to a family which they usually have conflicts and has poor communication skills, it will have a negative effect on his behavior. He may not be able to focus on his studies; it is hard for him to acquire knowledge when he is depressed because of family problems. Therefore it is very important to have a good relationship between the family members and has an effective parenting which parents nurture, encourage and support (clear and consistent discipline) their children to prevent these negative effects. One of the factors that influence high school students is peers or a group of people having the same age. Peers are said to be the source of satisfaction, reward and identity development. According to the stage five of Erikson’s Psycho-Social Theory that the task during adolescence is to achieve ego identity and avoid role confusion. Peers help the adolescents to find who they are and how they...
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...Online Social Networks and Adolescents Social networking has become more popular with adolescents and young adults today. Facebook is one of the many social network high school students have. Parent and teachers have concerns about social networking effects on adolescent social development. Everyone is using online social networking sites. Today, more and more adolescents are already using social media to maintain relationships and connect to new groups. Also known as, the rich get richer hypothesis. Many more adolescents are less socially adept using social networking websites to make new friends when they might be too shy to do so in real life. Second, how are relationships forming online? Evidence shows that young people maintain already formed friendships and build new friendships online. Social media has taken away face-to-face social skill development. The constant growth in technology has resulted in the creation of over five online social networks for people to sign up for and be members. Research shows that almost every teenager is an active member in one social media site, at least. Further research into the time that people spend online in these social networks per day is even alarming. The connection between teenagers and online social networks is a cause if concern. Adolescents use the social networks as a platform for creating friends and getting to know each other. However, despite the strong relation between teenagers and social networks, better...
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...be impacted by social media. This claim is true because teenagers are influenced by behavior around them. For example, teenagers who see pictures of people under the influence of drugs tend to seek and experiment with drugs themselves. Teens tend to feel that if others their age do something, then they should do that too. Because teens on social media are more exposed to what others are doing, social media can become addictive to adolescents and can cause depression and mental issues. As the millennial generation is growing, multiple teenagers and young adolescents...
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...and wish to be perceived by others, and how they are recognized by the broader community.” (Lieff et al, 2012). By definition, identity is how and why a person acts and reacts to different situations. The identity of all people can be affected by outside factors and influences. The differences between those people correlate with the differences in what factors impact their lives and also how they affect the way people understand the world and their experiences. Not only does it affect their own lives, but a change in one’s identity can have an impact on the people they surround themselves with on a day-to-day basis. That is why...
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...Alcohol and Drug Abuse among Adolescent Nyria Madison Liberty University Coun 620 Abstract Around the world we are finding that most adolescent are experiencing drugs and alcohol. Adolescent who are experiencing the use of drugs has been a factor for decades. This has become a major trend in this world as of today. This paper will discuss the standpoint of adolescent alcohol and drugs. This paper will also identify and inform you on the common predictors of adolescent substance abuse. In addition, this paper will review ways on how substance abuse can lead to become a negative behavior from the adolescent micro, mezzo, and macro system. This paper will focus on how peer, family characteristic, and individual and factors connection with substance abuse in adolescents. It also will demonstrate a relationship that links to factors in at risk youth. However, researchers has shown that most adolescent and at risk teens are influence by drugs and alcohol because of their peers, family and individual characteristic. Introduction Society today has a huge trend on Alcohol and drugs among adolescent. This has become a huge impact on at risk teens. However, adolescent may reflect on drugs because of plethora circumstances. Adolescent may believe that alcohol and drugs may help them to cope better with their problems. According to McWhirter, Alcohol and other drug involvement and use among adolescents have been a society and public problem for decades (McWhirter...
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...versus the person you really are. Internet addiction is a well know idea but not a fully developed research. This essay also includes how the internet can create social vampires in society. Not knowing how to interact in real life but a internet sensation otherwise. The internet has become a worldwide phenomenon where everyone has access to almost everything on the web. The books and articles available online about the internet and the different views and ways to use it has help many people realize that the internet is not all that it is cracked up to be. An article illustrates the addiction people have had with the internet over the past decade and how it has impact adolescents and young adults. “Internet users can be considered addicted if he or she scores high on six criteria” (Brown, & Blinka, .2012, p382). The six criteria they mention were salience (cognitive and behavioral), mood changer, Tolerance, Withdrawal Symptoms and relapse. These are describes as serious problems. The article emphasizes the ways the internet can change a persons’ communication skills when they are not online. The internet has a blind side effect on people who can differentiate between online activity and reality. “….some adolescents and emerging adults...
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