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The Importance Of Ending Long-Term Homelessness

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Introduction: People with complex needs Homeless people have a range of complex needs. Research has also shown that people who are homeless or living in emergency accommodation suffer greater levels of ill health than the general population (Simon Communities 2011). Homeless population has a higher rate of diverse health problems, including drug and alcohol misuse, depression, suicide, epilepsy and respiratory issues among others. Improving the physical and mental health of homeless people connects with the government’s policies, budgets and strategies including:
- The Department of Health and Children (2006) report on Mental Health Policy, A Vision for Change, states clearly “mental health services should adopt practices to help prevent service …show more content…
The Simon Communities’ Health Snapshot Study (2011) revealed that over 60 per cent of people using our homelessness services report having experiences of mental health difficulties and more than 40 per cent feel they need more support in dealing with their mental health needs. The Government’s mental health policy A Vision for Change (2006) identifies that people who are homeless have a higher level of diagnosed and undiagnosed mental health problems, and that poor mental health contributes to homelessness.
Homeless services contribute largely to stabilise and prevent more serious and damaging mental health problems by offering different supports to vulnerable people. Clients that accessed these services do it when their lives are at an exceptionally complex and difficult moment, making the supports that staff in homeless services provide vital to those in need.

Principles of Psychologically Informed Environments
The concept of Psychologically Informed Environments is a recent one as the term only being created in …show more content…
The system proposed by Culhane at al. (2011) is expensive, as it requires ongoing access to supports and intensive case management; therefore its availability is currently limited by the economic crisis. The implementation of a different and innovative approach called “Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE)” in Dublin Simon Community’s Supported Temporary Accommodation offers an effective alternative to the current models and

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