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The Importance Of Sleep In Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'

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No one wants to stay up and not be able to sleep that is like seeing chocolate cake and not being able to eat it. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Duncan invites himself over to Macbeth’s castle to celebrate the victory after Macbeth finds out about the prophecy. That night Macbeth contemplates if he should go through with the murder because after all he is kinsman and a loyal subject of Duncan. Moreover this leads to Lady Macbeth to question his loyalty to her and his manliness. Thus leads him to follow through with the murder of Duncan. After he kills king Duncan he hears “Still it cried sleep no more!” To all the house/ “Glamis hath murdered sleep and therefore Cawdor/ shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more”(II.ii.39-41). In this passage

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