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Social Workers Roles

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many jobs within their occupation, but one main heartbreaking task to serve broken families and tormented individuals, trying to solve countless problems (Paradis 2). Here are several different roles that a social worker can take on: administrator, administrative assistant, caseworker, case consultant, community organization worker, department head, director of fundraising, director of public relations, field supervisor, group worker, research director, research assistant, and support staff. An administrator is the top executive of an agency or institution responsible for planning, handling finances, and directing operations. Just underneath the administrator is the administrative assistant. An administrative assistant performs various assignments …show more content…
A social worker may work evenings, weekends, and even holidays. All work environments for any social worker are the same, yet they are also different. Social workers have the same type of work environment involving lost, broken individuals seeking help and guidance, but where they work differs. The industries employed the most with social workers are state and local governments with 29%. The next 18% would be individual and family services such as child welfare agencies and community centers. 13% of the individuals in the social work field are employed in ambulatory health care services. 11% of social workers are employed by hospitals and clinics. Nursing and residential care facilities, senior centers and long-term care facilities employ 9% of the social work population. All social workers spend time visiting their clients in these settings and may even work in more than one location or one district. Social workers have even used videoconferencing or mobile technology to counsel clients from their homes or private practices (Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of …show more content…
It is one of the fastest growing careers with an estimated 25% growth between 2010 and 2020 (Acosta). The job stability makes up for lower salaries. Institutions and agencies are becoming more generous with fringe benefits: (Paradis 6): liberal annual paid vacations, generous sick leave, health/hospitalization insurance, social security coverage, and retirement plans. There are always opportunities for good promotions due to the shortage of qualified personnel. Not only are there fringe benefits, but helping individuals with their needs to reach their goals can be truly personally satisfying (Paradis

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