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The Influence Of Leadership In The Military

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We learn that great leaders implement change, but few of us experience great leadership in person. In the military, whether one is striving to go the NCO route or the officer route, it is expected that one will look to his or her leaders and find attributes that will be instrumental in his or her growth as a prospective leader. Prior to attaching to Naples Detachment, Region I, 650th Military Intelligence Group in 2014, I lacked the experience of being around leaders that took a personal interest in my own advancement and growth as an NCO. However, this changed when I met Chief Warrant Officer (CW3) Rosette E. Henley. She is not only a Field Grade Officer but is in Counterintelligence (CI); and yet, she explained that she would neither forget the NCO Corps …show more content…
Henley, I recognized many influential attributes. One of those was that she dedicated her time and effort to train soldiers on how to perform above the Army standards. She also conducted one-on-one counseling sessions which allowed her the ability to identify good leaders within ranks. This also allowed her to help with a soldier’s mishaps. In addition, she demonstrated to Junior NCOs that lacked experience, how to carry themselves as professional Counterintelligence agents in strategic and deployed environments. Lastly, she ensured that her military and professional bearings were recognized at all levels.
Leader of Influence competencies contributed extends influence beyond the chain of command. In a NATO environment that takes skill and time to do. Developing others is what she does best. Being able to spot good soldiers and then developing them into great leaders. I examined that she has tactics in order to achieve the results of implementing a better NCO. First, she Influenced individuals to go above and beyond what they believed that they could do. She was a proponent of a two-way learning opportunity. Lastly, she strived for the soldiers to get results correctly the first

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