...ASSIGNMENT 10 PROJECT WORK a) Project for primary classroom THE TROPICAL RAINFOREST UNITOVERVIEW This primary unit takes across curricular approach involving language arts, math, science, and social studies. Art, music and movement education activities are also used to develop the concepts in this unit. Students will learn about the rainforest through a variety of activities to complete both on-line and in downloadable format for use in the classroom. In addition there is a resource bank of print and non-print resources included. Each lesson develops a particular focus and may take one class or several classes to complete. Extending activities are also provided as well as assessment and evaluation tools and templates. Foundational Objectives: Knowledge ! Students will increase their knowledge about the rainforest. Skills and habits * Learn about and practice the skills and strategies of effective listeners, speakers, readers, writers and representers. * Speak and write to express thoughts, information, feelings and experiences in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences. * Read and view a range of grade-level appropriate oral, print, and other media texts in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes. * Assess personal and group strengths...
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...links between specific actions of parents and later behavior of children is very difficult. Some children raised in dramatically different environments can later grow up to have remarkably similar personalities. Conversely, children who share a home and are raised in the same environment can grow up to have astonishingly different personalities than one another. Despite these challenges, researchers have uncovered convincing links between parenting styles and the effects these styles have on children. During the early 1960s, psychologist Diana Baumrind conducted a study on more than 100 preschool-age children (Baumrind, 1967). Using naturalistic observation, parental interviews and other research methods, she identified four important dimensions of parenting: * Disciplinary strategies * Warmth and nurturance * Communication styles * Expectations of maturity and control Based on these dimensions, Baumrind suggested that the majority of parents display one of three different parenting styles. Further research by also suggested the addition of a fourth parenting style (Maccoby & Martin, 1983). The Four Parenting Styles 1. Authoritarian Parenting In this style of parenting, children are expected to follow the strict rules established by the parents. Failure to follow such rules usually results in punishment. Authoritarian parents fail to explain the reasoning behind these rules. If asked to explain, the parent might simply reply, "Because I said so." These parents...
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...Child Care Center Feasibility Study Mariposa County November 2009 Prepared by Chevon Kothari, Jill Harry, and Megan Rogers, Consultants, for the Mariposa County Local Child Care Planning Council "Promoting and supporting a community-wide effort that results in a child care system that meets the needs of our children." Table of Contents LCP Mission and Goals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv Age Ranges Defined ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v Local Child Care Planning Council Member List -----------------------------------------------------vi Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Section I: Community Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Mariposa County Profile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Nature of the Child Care Industry ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Existing Child Care Options in Mariposa County ------------------------------------------------ 6 Section II: Survey Data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Summary of the 2009 Child Care Needs Assessment --------------------------------------------- 9 Child Care Needs Survey Results -------------------------------------------------------------------...
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...Final Project 1. Biological and Environmental – Fertility: Three specific procedures that can help to increase the chances of fertility or help families who cannot conceive are, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Donor Eggs and Surrogacy. For each of these procedures, the couples should first seek an OB/GYN to assist them in gaging their fertility capabilities. From that point on, the Doctor will then refer them to an Embryologist or Specialist in that particular area or process. It is also good to receive feedback or suggestions from friends or family who have personally gone through the procedure. If couples have difficulty finding a good recommendation, this website provided below will help them to further this process. http://www.ihr.com/infertility/ivf/how-to-select-infertility-ivf-clinic.html 2. Prenatal Development, Birth and Newborns- Institutions: Three specific institutions that I will discuss are, Graham’s Foundation, Little Big Souls and the European Foundation for the care of newborn infants (EFCNI). All three of these organizations help to support parents and physicians of premature babies. There resource websites are as follows: * http://grahamsfoundation.org/ * http://www.littlebigsouls.com/ * http://www.efcni.org/ 3. Infancy- How to Breastfeed: First, they suggest that you learn as much as you can about breast feeding before you even start. They suggest that you talk with other moms you know who have had experience in breast...
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...Mongolian Education Alliance Ulaanbataar, Mongolia All rights reserved ©2005 Mongolian Drop Out Study THE MONGOLIAN DROP OUT STUDY By Mercedes del Rosario International Educational Policy Studies Teachers College, Columbia University Research Associate, Drop Out Project In Collaboration with Battsetseg Donrov Officer Division of Monitoring, Evaluation and Coordination Ministry of Science, Education and Culture of Mongolia Bayartsetseg Bayarsaihan Assistant Faculty of Social Science Mongolian State University of Education Bolormaa Tsetsegee Unit Manager Needs Assessment Mongolian Educational Alliance Dorjnamjin Batmonkh Assistant Researcher National Center for Non-Formal and Distance Education Mongolia Tumendelger Sengedorj (M.A) Lecturer, Sociology Mongolian State University of Education Tsentsenbileg Tseveen (Ph.D) Researcher Mongolian Academy of Sciences Institute of Philosophy Enkhbold Delger (M.A) Researcher Mongolian Academy of Sciences Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law 2 Mongolian Drop Out Study Table of Contents Acknowledgement Executive Summary List of Acronyms/Abbreviations List of Tables and Figures List of Appendices 1. Introduction and Framework 1.1. Project Description and Rationale 1.2. Legislation, Regulations and Structures 1.3. Administration and Management of the Education System 1.4. Organization of the Education System 1.5. Structure of the Education System in Mongolia 1.5.1. Pre-School Education 1.5.2. Primary Education 1.5.3....
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...SEDL – Advancing Research, Improving Education The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement Annual Synthesis 2002 A New Wave of Evidence Anne T. Henderson Karen L. Mapp SEDL – Advancing Research, Improving Education The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement Annual Synthesis 2002 A New Wave of Evidence Anne T. Henderson Karen L. Mapp Contributors Amy Averett Joan Buttram Deborah Donnelly Marilyn Fowler Catherine Jordan Margaret Myers Evangelina Orozco Lacy Wood National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools SEDL 4700 Mueller Blvd. Austin, Texas 78723 Voice: 512-476-6861 or 800-476-6861 Fax: 512-476-2286 Web site: www.sedl.org E-mail: info@sedl.org Copyright © 2002 by Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL). All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from SEDL or by submitting a copyright request form accessible at http://www.sedl.org/about/copyright_request.html on the SEDL Web site. This publication was produced in whole or in part with funds from the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, under contract number ED-01-CO-0009. The content herein does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department...
Words: 88839 - Pages: 356
...Week 2, Chapter 2 1. Why are males more likely to have a sex-linked trait than females? Answer Men have only one X chromosome which makes the poor schleps chances of x linked traits bigger than women, who have two X chromosomes. Having two X chromosomes means that the trait can be cancelled out by the opposing X. 2 Characteristics such as hair color and height are called Answer 2 answers * phenotypes. * chromosomes. * genotypes. * zygotes. 3 A genotype Answer 3 answers * is a rodlike structure in the cell nucleus that transmits genetic information. * reflects an individual's physical and behavioral characteristics, determined both by environmental and genetic factors. * refers to the genetic makeup of an individual. * is a directly observable characteristic. 4 The DNA of humans and chimpanzees is between __________ percent identical. Answer 4 answers * 75 and 80 * 20 and 25 * 50 and 55 * 98 and 99 5 A person whose 23rd pair of chromosomes is XY Answer 5 answers * has PKU. * is male. * has Down syndrome. * cannot be a fraternal twin. 6 A zygote that separates into two clusters of cells instead of just one produces ...
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...erik erikson's psychosocial crisis life cycle model - the eight stages of human development Erikson's model of psychosocial development is a very significant, highly regarded and meaningful concept. Life is a series of lessons and challenges which help us to grow. Erikson's wonderful theory helps to tell us why. The theory is helpful for child development, and adults too. For the 'lite' version, here's a quick diagram and summary. Extra details follow the initial overview. For more information than appears on this page, read Erikson's books; he was an award-winning writer and this review does not convey the richness of Erikson's own explanations. It's also interesting to see how his ideas develop over time, perhaps aided by his own journey through the 'psychosocial crisis' stages model that underpinned his work. Erik Erikson first published his eight stage theory of human development in his 1950 book Childhood and Society. The chapter featuring the model was titled 'The Eight Ages of Man'. He expanded and refined his theory in later books and revisions, notably: Identity and the Life Cycle (1959); Insight and Responsibility (1964); The Life Cycle Completed: A Review (1982, revised 1996 by Joan Erikson); and Vital Involvement in Old Age (1989). Erikson's biography lists more books. Various terms are used to describe Erikson's model, for example Erikson's biopsychosocial or bio-psycho-social theory (bio refers to biological, which in this context means life); Erikson's human...
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...[Kelly Koss was a junior Art major and Psychology minor at Kalamazoo College when she wrote this Observation Report (Spring 2003). Observation Report Kelly Koss Note to the reader: The names within this paper have been modified to protect the identities of the children involved in my observations. Observation #1: “John” and aggression Date and time: Wednesday April 16, 2003; 11:25-12:50 Setting: Playground for 1st/2nd grade recess 11:25-11:50, 3rd/4th grade 11:55-12:20, Kindergarten recess 12:25-12:50 Activities observed: Children climbing across the climbing rings, watching children pretend play at the tire mountain and under the large wooden play structure with the blue plastic slide. My interaction with the children: I spent a lot of time answering questions about my name and where I am from for the children. Example A: There was one child named “John” on the first recess who was racing across the rings with another child, lost the race and fell to the ground. He then started to cry and called himself a loser. I pulled him aside to try to talk to him to find out what was wrong. He kept telling me that he was a loser because he didn’t win the race and he never wins, and that “all my friends think I am a loser because I cry all the time. They make fun of me because I cry. They beat me up. I am a loser.” I tried to reassure him and tell him I did not think he was a loser. I explained how I thought one of the reasons he lost the race was because he had been climbing across...
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...Scaffolding: Support during Learning Recent Sociocultural Views of Cognitive Development • Stage 1: Sensorimotor Thought (Birth to 2 Years) • Stage 2: Preoperational Thought (2 to 7 Years) • Stage 3: Concrete Operational Thought (7 to 11 Years) • Stage 4: Formal Operational Thought (Approximately Age 12 and Above) • Evaluation of Piaget’s Theory • Piaget’s Legacy • Situated Cognition • Guided Participation • Thinking as Socially Shared Cognition: Two Heads Are Better than One “Maria wants to pick the best school for her sons, so she plans to observe and interview teachers.” © Robin Sachs/PhotoEdit M aria is the mother of two boys, ages 4½ and 12, and she and her children recently moved into a new community. The new community has a schoolchoice program that allows families to place their children in any school in the district. Maria wants to pick the best school for her sons, so she plans to observe and interview...
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...82940 v2 Skilling up Vietnam: Preparing the workforce for a modern market economy Vietnam Development Report 2014 Main Report November 2013 2 | VIETNAM DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2014 - MAIN REPORT Contents Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Overview – Skilling up Vietnam: Preparing the workforce for a modern market economy ...................... 11 Skills and development in Vietnam ........................................................................................................ 11 Looking back: Vietnam’s shift away from agriculture and the role of education .............................. 11 Looking ahead: Modern jobs and changing skill needs ...................................................................... 13 What skills are in demand today (and will be in 2020)? ........................................................................ 15 Defining “skills”................................................................................................................................... 15 How are cognitive, behavioral and technical skills formed? .............................................................. 16 Preparing the workforce for a modern market economy .................................................................. 17 Step 1: Promoting school readiness through...
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...garden, and also the trampoline. He also enjoys his favourite blue toy car and his building blocks. Jordon’s hobby is playing football with his father. Jordon does not suffer from any medical issues or diseases; however he is allergic to egg which means that the nursery cook and staff need to ensure that they are extra careful with what they feed him. Overall this isn’t a great concern and other than that he is a healthy boy. Task 1: 1. Education through play: Schools & nurseries offer a wide range of services in order to stimulate the children. It also gives them a chance to interact with others whilst learning and gaining new skills. The most important and one of the main services is education through play. From my experience at Childs Play Nursery which we visited as a school trip, I found out that for young children to enjoy learning they have to physically engage in the activities. This is aimed at all the children who attend Childs Play Nursery as they are given fun, enjoyable and a range of different ways which include educational but also non-education activities. This could include numerous games including counting or learning the alphabet as a song, building blocks and getting them to count as they go along which would improve their numeracy skills. If the...
Words: 15925 - Pages: 64
...Policy Research on Access to Quality Basic Education For Muslim Learners The views, statements, and opinions contained in this report are of the author's alone and are not intended as USAID recommendations, conclusions or statements of USAID policy. Table of Contents List of Tables………………………………………………………………. Page i List of Illustrations…………………………………………………………. ii Acknowledgements………………………………………………………… iii Abbreviations and Acronyms ………………………………………...…… iv Glossary …………………………………………………………………… vi Executive Summary .……………………………………………………… vii Chapter 1. Introduction A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Background and Rationale…………………………………….. Objectives of the Study………………………………………… Sample Selection and Data Collection………………………… Research Design……………………………………………….. Data Analysis and Procedure………………………………….. Scope and Limitations of the Study …………………………… Significance of the Study ……………………………………… 1 9 10 11 12 14 14 Chapter 2. Trends in Access Policies from 1987 to 2007 A. National Laws Governing Access to Basic Education………… …………………………………………... B. Non-legislated Policies on Access to Basic Education……………………………………………………… C. Access Policies of the Philippine Department of Education…. D. Implications of Philippine Access Policies to Muslim Learners in Basic Education …………………………….…… 15 23 26 36 Chapter 3. Key Findings on Access Barriers to Quality Basic Education for Muslim Learners A. Access Barriers to Quality Basic...
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...Introduction: Malnutrition is globally the most important risk factor for illness and death, contributing to more than half of deaths in children worldwide. It is one of the most important underlying causes of child mortality in developing countries, particularly during the first 5 years of life; the major causes for this are poverty, world conflicts, lack of education, natural disasters and poor access to health care. Nearly one-third of children in the developing world are malnourished. The effects of changing environmental conditions in increasing malnutrition are multifactorial. Poor environmental conditions may increase insect and protozoal infections and also contribute to environmental deficiencies in micronutrients. Overpopulation, more commonly seen in developing countries, can reduce food production, leading to inadequate food intake or intake of foods of poor nutritional quality. Conversely, the effects of malnutrition on individuals can create and maintain poverty, which can further hamper economic and social development. Bangladesh being the eighth most populous country in the world, and one of the poorest a significant progress has been made in recent years in reducing the incidence of poverty and malnutrition, the fact remains that roughly half of its 15.5 million citizens live in deprivation, while roughly half of all children under 6 years show some evidence of chronic malnutrition. Poverty and malnutrition in Bangladesh are characterized by regional variation...
Words: 22491 - Pages: 90
...Educational Psychology: Developing Learners This is a protected document. Please enter your ANGEL username and password. Username: Password: Login Need assistance logging in? Click here! If you experience any technical difficulty or have any technical questions, please contact technical support during the following hours: M-F, 6am-12am MST or Sat-Sun, 7am-12am MST by phone at (800) 800-9776 ext. 7200 or submit a ticket online by visiting http://help.gcu.edu. Doc ID: 1009-0001-158C-0000158D Jeanne Ellis Ormrod Professor Emerita, University of Northern Colorado University of New Hampshire ISBN 0-558-65860-1 Boston ● Columbus ● Indianapolis ● New York ● San Francisco ● Upper Saddle River Amsterdam ● Cape Town ● Dubai ● London ● Madrid ● Milan ● Munich ● Paris ● Montreal ● Toronto Delhi ● Mexico City ● Sao Paula ● Sydney ● Hong Kong ● Seoul ● Singapore ● Taipei ● Tokyo Educational Psychology: Developing Learners, Seventh Edition, by Jeanne Ellis Ormrod. Published by Allyn & Bacon. Copyright © 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc. Editor-in-Chief: Paul A. Smith Development Editor: Christina Robb Editorial Assistant: Matthew Buchholz Vice President, Director of Marketing: Quinn Perkson Marketing Manager: Jared Brueckner Production Editor: Annette Joseph Editorial Production Service: Marty Tenney, Modern Graphics, Inc. Manufacturing Buyer: Megan Cochran Electronic Composition: Modern Graphics, Inc. Interior Design: Denise Hoffman, Glenview Studios Photo...
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