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The Kitchen God's Wife Setting

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1. What is the significance of the setting? How does it influence the characters? The plot?

The significance of the setting in the novel The Kitchen God’s Wife is to describe the different upbringings of the protagonists, as well as shape their different values and beliefs. It also sets the plot of the novel as it centers in on the distant relationship of Chinese mother, Winner, and Chinese-American daughter, Pearl. The setting of China displays great significance because it influences Winnie both traditionally and emotionally. Winnie is born and raised in China with a Chinese influence. She takes her religion and belief very seriously, that even after immigrating to America, she still celebrates Chinese traditions, as well as believe in Chinese superstitions. This is shown when Winnie …show more content…
“What a terrible thing I had done, dropping my scissors. I called my servant right away and told her to throw those scissors into the lake,” (Tan, 270) is what Winnie says, showing her strong beliefs in Chinese superstitions. Also, during Winnie’s time in China, she experienced the brutal and harsh environments when the war started. The war changed Winnie as she experienced and saw things she couldn’t even dream of. Her life in China shaped her values and morals. Whereas, the setting of America influences Pearl to be more westernized. Chinese-American daughter, Pearl is born and raised in America with little knowledge about her Chinese heritage. At Auntie Du’s funeral, Pearl is invited, but she doesn’t comprehend to what is occurring and states, "Silly, taking part in a ritual that makes no sense," (Tan, 37). This demonstrates the trivial knowledge Pearl has about a Chinese traditional funeral. Hence, the different settings and their

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