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The Liberal Party

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As humans, we have an inherent need to be on top, but the way we go about accomplishing this has resulted in many injustices and tragedies. The relationship between the Aboriginals and the European settlers is a good example. When the Europeans landed in the Americas, at first the aboriginal people, who had inhabited the land since the last ice age, helped out the settlers. From first contact the aboriginals and the settlers entered into almost a partnership with the British and the French. In 1763 the Royal Proclamation described the land, “as being empty except for a few Indians”. This Proclamation caused for the Europeans to only be able to take the land if the land was given away under treaty. One could make the argument that up until …show more content…
The Liberal party, under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, springs to mind. They have always been the party that stands out for aboriginal people, versus the conservatives who instituted the residential school system in 1884. From then to now, in the last federal election the Liberal party got more aboriginal people to turn out to vote and had the most aboriginal MPs elected to the House of Commons in Canadian history (8). What has the liberal government done regarding the promises that were made by the PM during his election campaign? Though many people didn’t vote for the liberals based on their promises to the aboriginal people, that haven’t stopped him and his cabinet from setting out on fulfilling the promises he has made. Some of his promises like his pledge to set up a commission on missing and murdered indigenous women and girls has started. But though many people now walk in solidarity with aboriginal peoples, many of them still have many misconceptions about aboriginals. The Globe and Mail note that thirteen percent of Canadians still think that aboriginal people receive preferential treatment from the federal government. One possibility for this could be that they have not ever learned anything like what we have learned in this course. The federal government should pledge money and support to the TRC Commission, which in turn can create courses and workshops so that the …show more content…
The government's inability to address the issue of reconciliation is one, crucial factor that will cause the general public to consider it not a main issue. If we make sure that reconciliation is a main issue, this will cause for the public to care about reconciliation and then, in turn, our elected representatives, who are there to represent us in the House of Commons, will see that their constituents do see reconciliation as an issue. This view will cause for them to call for bills and other movements to solve aboriginal issues. This why we need institutions like our federal and provincial governments to institute federal and provincial grants so that commissions like the TRC and academic institutes like the University of Manitoba and the University of Winnipeg, can create its own programs that can support classes like this one. Even though ever since Columbus sailed the seas and found the Americas in 1492, and we have been treating our aboriginal people like nonhuman as seen in terra nullius; we have the potential to finally make things right and finally make real strides towards

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