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The Meth Project

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Methamphetamine is relatively easy to make in comparison to other drugs. That is one of the reasons why, according to the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) in 2011, it was considered the fourth most mentioned illicit drug following cocaine, marijuana, and heroin (National Institute on Drug Abuse). In response to a growing meth epidemic, an ad campaign and website were founded called the Meth Project ("What Is Meth"). This website gives a brief background on how it's project came into existence and information about the founder. The Meth Project Ad is effective because it allows you to begin thinking about the effects, what abusers deal with in result of using, and gives a platform for the people affected by meth to "speak up".
While navigating …show more content…
Some questions that appear on the website such as," What is meth?", "What does meth do to your body?" and " What does meth do to your brain?", help give the reader a general idea of what this drug can do and simply what it is. Questions like these are the first to be asked when trying to learn about a drug. It allows people to become more interested in learning the details. As mentioned before some of the answers to the questions are in forms of videos, interactives, and diagrams. This helps make the ad effective because there are no long paragraphs full of useless information or hard vocabulary that no one can understand. If the reader were to want the additional information, they now have the background knowledge needed to expand their …show more content…
Users struggle on a day to day basis in the result of the different effects the drug has on their body. These struggles can sometimes be confusing or unusual to the ignorant mind. The website does a great job at briefly educating so that the reader once again begins to understand it all. Questions presented such as, "What is meth mouth?" " What is crank bugs?" and "What is tweaking?", give the reader an inside look at real situations with real addicts that were dealing with these complications. Not only does clicking the actual questions guide them to videos explaining the everyday complications, there is also a tab on the main page that brings up all the different forms of ads provided by the Meth Project, some with real people and others with actors, also explaining the complications a meth abuser has. It is very straightforward in its messages and once again helps the ignorant mind gain a better sense of the negative impact meth has on their family or

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