...During the 2017 NFL season there has been an outbreak of players across the league who during which the national anthem is being played before games are choosing to take a knee, holding up fist, and even going as far as staying in the locker room and not attending the playing of the anthem at all. While I believe that players have the right to express their beliefs as long as it is in a peaceful manner, I do not support these players using their platform as a NFL football player to in my belief, disrespect the flag and the United States military. This display of protesting in the NFL was started by then quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, Collin Kaepernick during the 2016 season. He stated that his reasoning for kneeling during the anthem was in protest of police brutality and black lives matter coalition. The national anthem is a symbol of freedom and love for the United States Of America and by not standing while it is being played before games is a sign of disrespect for our great country. The reasoning stated by most players is that the United Sates is a racist nation and that there is to much social injustice in America. While I agree that there is still racism throughout America I also...
Words: 483 - Pages: 2
...knee when the National Anthem is played. As this protest was started by Colin Kaepernick, who was the first to kneel. This has lead to more media discussion about racism, all for he didn’t feel as equal to others. Specifically, with Colin Kaepernick’s actions, people began to realize that they felt the same way about racism and equality, which has now turned into a huge discussion across the nation and even in the media's views. Although some...
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...controversial and debated topics in the United States is revolving around the NFL and our National Anthem,” The Star Spangled Banner”. The issue is if NFL players should be required to stand during the National Anthem or be allowed to protest and take a knee. It is literally dividing households, and even bigger dividing the entire country. Personally I think every American no matter race or ethnicity should stand during the National Anthem and respect our nation because the anthem should bring all americans together and not divide us. When people go to watch sports, in person or on T.V., the last thing they want to see or hear is politics. People watch sports for entertainment and to get away from real problems, such as politics. When over half of the players in the NFL decided to take a knee this past Sunday, it was a disaster and dropped the NFL’s ratings. Donald Trump’s statement on the topic resulted in double the number of players protesting than ever before, by taking a knee during the National Anthem, which is morally wrong and just plain wrong. The National Anthem unites all Americans no matter what you do, where you are from, what language you speak,...
Words: 486 - Pages: 2
...including our current President Donald Trump, in debate is the fact that a few NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem as a peaceful way to protest. Some people believe this is a great disgrace to our country, while others think that is a great way to peacefully protest against police brutality. Regardless of what people think on the topic, one must first take a look at the history of the song they are protesting or fighting for. In times of great distress and turmoil greatness can arise, and in the hours The Star-Spangled Banner came into fruition was no exception. Francis Scott Key was...
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...National Anthem? Why should we stand for that National Anthem? That’s a good question. Why should we stand? Now, as many know there was this big thing in the NFL about players taking a knee during the Anthem. They claimed that the were protesting against “discrimination,” but they were really just poking fun at Donald Trump. But you know what that doesn't matter at this point, the damage is done. And back to the original question. Why should we stand for the Anthem? Well it’s pretty simple, it shows respect and promotes unity. Respect, what's the big deal with it? Well in this case it mean a high regard for something. A high regard for something, respect. Standing for shows a lot of respect for those who have served. At least stand for them because they are most worthy of our respect. But standing for the flag also shows respect for our leaders, past or present, right or left. But more importantly it shows respect for the hope, “the hope to form a more perfect union.” (USA...
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...An event in which this nation is trying to forget. Known as “the forgotten war”, it is an event in which everyone should remember. Although the war of 1812 lasted more than two years, the U.S was unprepared throughout that time. Almost every good event that occurred was luck, and sometimes luck was all we needed. Based on what I know, the war of 1812 should stay in the Webster City Middle School history books. Based off of the fact that this is the first and only time that the capital burned down, the nation gained pride, not only that, but during the battle at Fort McHenry, the National Anthem was created. A reason you should keep the war of 1812 in the History Books is because this is the first and only time that the capitol building burned...
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...event: “And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.”The “home of the brave” lyrics represent the heroism of Americans to defend their country. Respect is to feel admiration for what someone has done, and to treat them in a polite and kind way. The soldiers and people who have died for the...
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...Athletes across the nation are taking a stand… by not standing. After NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick kneeled during the “Star Spangled Banner” in 2016, it exploded into a nationwide debate. Since then, many other athletes have also started protesting during the national anthem. The protests have sparked a flurry of both support and opposition, with some praising athletes for being brave enough to publicly take a stand for what is right, and others harshly criticizing athletes and labeling them as brattish and disrespectful. Some have even gone as far as sending death threats. Making it mandatory for athletes to stand may seem like a simple solution, but it comes with its own set of problems. Requiring athletes to stand for the national anthem,...
Words: 1194 - Pages: 5
...Argument Essay The U.S. National anthem, written by Francis Scott Key, has been around since 1814 . Since then , It has been played before every sporting event across America with everyone in the audience standing and singing along . But recently , players across America have knelt and sat in defiance during the anthem . There has been a lot of dispute over this topic and It is in the best interest that everyone unless physically unable to, should stand for the National Anthem . First,everyone should stand for the anthem is to show support to our military . In 2015, according to statista.com ,2,441,856 people served in the U.S. military across the world . Overall That’s about...
Words: 413 - Pages: 2
...The nation is divided over an issue concerning the players of the National Football League. Many of the players have joined together to kneel during the national anthem played at the beginning of each game. They do this in order to raise awareness about the problems of racism and police brutality in America. Many people think that these players are being disrespectful, however, they are not disrespecting the military in any way. The players have a right to protest peacefully about subjects that they can influence. They have a lot of influence in America because they have a platform that not everybody has. As you can see, the players are doing nothing wrong and have the right to do what they have been doing. Although many people would argue that the players are kneeling against the military, the players say that they are not against the people fighting for the United States, but against it. Some people in America still believe in racism and the outdated beliefs of skin tone affecting who a person is. Those are the kind of people that disrupt the unity in the United States and in turn are fighting against us. Even the police...
Words: 766 - Pages: 4
...Kneeling during the national anthem in protest of racial oppression is causing professionals like Lawrence Brownlee’s job to become difficult. As shown in Michael Cooper’s NYT article “Tenor Will Sing Anthem at N.F.L. Game but Supports Athletes’ Kneeling Protest” which explains Brownlee’s moral dilemma when asked to sing the anthem at an NFL football game. This comes from the battle of standing and kneeling during his singing, as he stands for both sides. Even though this act of protest is bringing light to their cause, it is not the way to fight their cause. The national anthem does not stand for the current state of America; it stands for the start of the evolution of our nation. The anthem is here for the fight for independence...
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...“We strive to be like all our brother men, for all men must be alike.” The quote from the Anthem by Ayn Rand sums up a society completely polar opposite to our own. The society in the Anthem is a world filled with sameness and a very rigid social structure that oppresses individuality in an extreme way. There is no bettering of one’s self, no having a family, no free will. The men and women in the anthem are taught from birth, they all work together as one unit and there is no such thing as being different. People work not for themselves, but for the great of the city. This idea is so deeply seeded within their minds, they can’t even conceive the meaning of the word “I” This word is unspeakable and for the rare few that do speak the word are put to death. Later in the book when the escape the city into the forest, they have trouble expressing...
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...on the subject of respecting and disrespecting the National Anthem. The National Anthem is played before every football game, especially National Football League games where there are hundreds of teammates either not participating or kneeling on one knee to represent freedom of speech. Freedom of speech can be exercised in many ways, but the choice of using it against our country should not be tolerated. Kneeling during the National Anthem is a form of disrespect and betrayal towards our country. Recently, NFL players have kneeled during the National Anthem to exercise their right of freedom of speech. This act of disagreement has caused dispute over the...
Words: 543 - Pages: 3
...speech and national symbols such as the national anthem weren’t just provided for the American people. Men and women sacificed their lives for their fellow American’s freedoms. As citizens of America, one of our duties to our country is to unhold and honor all national symbols; which represent the pain and suffering that people went through to grant Americans today with numerous freedoms. Americans should respect their freedoms and use them wisely because not every county is blessed with the freedoms Americans possess. In result, all Americans should stand and honor the flag and recite the national anthem while it's played. Additionally, the American flag represents several respectable and prominent freedoms and events which American citizens have experienced. Also, the national anthem expresses the pride and freedom of Americans which deserves to be observed similarly to the flag. Mentioned by Marc Leepson, a historian and journalist, “the flag stands for all that is admirable in American political history, especially our democratic form of government and the First Amendment freedoms we have enjoyed since 1776…[also] a unifying symbol......
Words: 407 - Pages: 2
...limited under British governance. This current debate over sitting or kneeling which has been very divisive for our country. It dates back to 2016 when Colin Kaepernick rejected to stand during the ¨Star-Spangled Banner¨ to protest racial injustice in the U.S. Contrary to Kaepernick intentions, Donald Trump says that kneeling during the anthem is unpatriotic and that anyone who opposes risks losing a job. Amateur and professional athletes alike refuse to stand for the national anthem of a country that...
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