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The Noble Experiment Research Paper

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The Noble Experiment Speakeasy: The San Diego Gaslamp's Hidden Secret
The Prohibition Era was a time in American history from 1920-1933 when alcohol was banned across the country. Often referred to as 'the Noble Experiment' because of its ultimate failure as a law, this time of secret knocks, whispered passwords and hidden bars still holds a certain charm for cocktail enthusiasts today. Speakeasy-style bars that evoke the mysterious allure of this famous time in history have become popular across major US cities. One of the most highly rated speakeasies both for cocktail quality and an authentic Prohibition-era feel in San Diego is aptly named The Noble Experiment, located in downtown San Diego's famous Gaslamp Quarter. …show more content…
This intimate venue is designed to accommodate only 35 people; the arrangement of the bar seats and the few close, low cocktail tables create a naturally intimate atmosphere that makes you feel as if you're in cahoots with your neighbors as you enjoy your "illegal" beverages together. The compact space is decorated in an eccentric Gothic style, complete with an antique chandelier, ornate framed paintings positioned on the ceiling, framed screens with 'paintings' that blink at you, and a wall completely formed out of over 2,000 brass …show more content…
This secret den is more than just its theme, however; you don't have to be a history buff to appreciate the work of the skilled mixologists who tend the bar. Their physical menu is sparse, but each offering is expertly crafted, and includes top-shelf liquor, hand-crafted slow-melting ice blocks, fresh garnishes, and house-made bitters, brine, and other cocktail additions. For the adventurous types who really want to see what these mixologists can do, go for the 'Dealer's Choice': you pick the liquor and they decide the rest! The NE also offers a limited wine selection, but cocktails with astonishing depths of flavor are their real specialty. These works of art run about 15 USD, but these are no sloppily-poured drinks from a soda gun: each one is a handcrafted masterpiece. Because of the resident mixology expertise, no food is served at The NE: however, the Neighborhood which houses the speakeasy offers a wide range of trendy bar food before or after your sojourn to the

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