...Contrast and Continuities in Society OUSCC1504 [pic][pic] [pic] Combined Studies, Sociology, Level 4 This programme is currently validated by The Open University [pic] [pic] 2014-15 [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] |Assessment type |Hand in date |Percentage of Marks |Assessment description | |Formative assessment |27 March 2015 |0% |Assignment Plan | |Summative assessment |11 May 2015 |10% |Group Presentation | |Summative assessment |25 May 2015 |30% |Individual Supporting Summary | | | | |750 words | |Summative assessment |12 June 2015 |60% |Essay 1,500 | [pic] | | |What’s the module all about? | |Module and Programme Learning Outcomes | |Assessments | |Handing in your work ...
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...Superintelligence Reflection There are many differences in this paper compared to my first draft. In my first paper I tended to overuse the same pronouns when referring to the author. I also did not compare and contrast the authors as well as I should have and did not supply any possible solutions to the problems the authors wrote about. In this draft I tried to do a better job of inserting quotes without using sentences starting with “this quote…” or “this quote highlights”. Also I gave my view on how we should approach singularity as my solution to the problems and uncertainties discussed in this paper. As a whole I believe this paper is way better than my first. The biggest thing I took away from this assignment is how vital technology has and will be in mankind’s existence today and continued survival. Also my researching skills have improved after the continued practice I had throughout this assignment. Superintelligence A Superintelligence is “any intellect that vastly outperforms the best human brains in practically every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom, and social skills”; however, this definition leaves open how the super intelligence is implemented – it could be in a digital computer, an ensemble of networked computers, cultured cortical tissue, or something else. The ethical issues surrounding the creation of these machines with general intellectual capabilities that far outstrip those of humans are very different and have far greater...
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...this BookRags Premium Study Guide is offprint from Gale's For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare &Contrast, What Do I Read Next?, For Further Study, and Sources. ©1998−2002; ©2002 by Gale. Gale is an imprint of The Gale Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Gale and Design® and Thomson Learning are trademarks used herein under license. The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beacham's Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction: "Social Concerns", "Thematic Overview", "Techniques", "Literary Precedents", "Key Questions", "Related Titles", "Adaptations", "Related Web Sites". © 1994−2005, by Walton Beacham. The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beacham's Guide to Literature for Young Adults: "About the Author", "Overview", "Setting", "Literary Qualities", "Social Sensitivity", "Topics for Discussion", "Ideas for Reports and Papers". © 1994−2005, by Walton Beacham. All other sections in this Literature Study Guide are owned and copywritten by BookRags, Inc. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution or information storage retrieval systems without...
Words: 37224 - Pages: 149
...LESSON FIVE & SIX – ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT EATING DISORDERS ------------------------------------------------- Specification link: You will be able to outline and evaluate: ------------------------------------------------- Biological, including neural and evolutionary, explanations of anorexia nervosa ------------------------------------------------- Psychology explanations of anorexia nervosa Outline and description of theories | Research evidence and commentary | IntroductionThe DSM-IV Rev identifies three categories of eating disorder: * Anorexia nervosa 1. AN -restricting type – refusal to eat 2. AN- binge eating/purging type – episodes of binge eating followed by removal of food from the body by vomiting, laxatives, or enemas.Both of these are associated with significant weight loss and the other symptoms of AN. * Bulimia nervosa – episodes of binging followed by removal of food from the body by vomiting, laxatives, or enemas (no significant weight loss). * Eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS)The four major symptoms of anorexia nervosa are: * The body weight is 85% or less of normal weight for age and height * Distorted perception of body weight/shape, and/or denial that the weight loss is severe * Intense fear of becoming fat * Loss of three consecutive menstrual cycles in women (amenorrhoea)Anorexia nervosa (AN) and Bulimia nervosa (BN) have much in common, particularly a dissatisfaction with body weight and/or shape....
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...check next to any statement with which they agree. After reading the text, students compare their opinions with information contained in the text. Examples: An example for a math anticipation guide on statistics might look like the following: Me ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Text ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1. There are several kinds of averages for a set of data. 2. The mode is the middle number in a set of data. 3. Range tells how far apart numbers in a data set can be. 4. Outliers are always ignored. 5. Averages are always given as percentages. An example for a science anticipation guide on matter might look like the following: Me ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Text ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Matter is made up of elements. An element is made up of many different atoms. An element is the same thing as a compound. Most compounds are made up of molecules. Elements are represented by chemical symbols. Check Those Facts! (Stephens & Brown, 2005) - This strategy serves a dual purpose: to help students become better judges of internet information and to allow students to explore an area of interest related to the content. The procedures are: (1) each student selects a topic of research, (2) they are directed to use a search engine like Google or Ask Jeeves, (3) students print the articles making sure they have the URL, (4) they seek corroborating articles from two additional internet sources, (5) they compare and contrast the information, (6) they draw conclusions about the validity of their...
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...AS Philosophy & Ethics Course Handbook 2013 to 2014 [pic] OCR AS Level Religious Studies (H172) http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/type/gce/hss/rs/index.aspx OCR AS Level Religious Studies (H172) You are studying Philosophy of Religion and Religious Ethics and will be awarded an OCR AS Level in Religious Studies. The modules and their weightings are: |AS: |Unit Code |Unit Title |% of AS |(% of A Level) | | |G571 |AS Philosophy of Religion |50% |(25%) | | |G572 |AS Religious Ethics |50% |(25%) | If you decide to study for the full A Level you will have to study the following modules at A2: |A2: |Unit Code |Unit Title |(% of A Level) | | |G581 |A2 Philosophy of Religion |(25%) | | |G582 |A2 Religious Ethics |(25%) | Grading | ...
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...Republic of ZambiaZAMBIA BASIC EDUCATION COURSEHOME ECONOMICSSYLLABUSGRADE 8 – 9Published by the Curriculum Development CentreP.O. Box 50092Lusaka | ZAMBIA BASIC EDUCATION COURSE HOME ECONOMICS SYLLABUS GRADE 8 – 9 Published by the Curriculum Development Centre P.O. Box 50092 Lusaka (c) All rights Reserved. No parts of this syllabus may be produced, stored in a retrieval manner, transmitted in any means without the prior consent of the copyright owner. Phototypeset and printed by Printpak (Z) Ltd. P R E F A C E This Home Economics Syllabus is proposed in conformity with the Educational Reforms. It incorporates the following components: Food and Nutrition, Home Management, Health Education, Needlework and Crafts. Through this syllabus the learner is taught to prepare well balanced appetizing meals for the family with minimum equipment, limited time and money; to maintain and manage the available resources of the home; to provide clothing for the family; and to maintain the good physical and mental health of the members of the family. The content encourages practical experiences and creativity along with knowledge. The family is the smallest unit of the community. By improving family life, the syllabus aims at improving the community as a whole. Chairman EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL OF ZAMBIA DIRECTOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT CENTRE LUSAKA I A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S The members of the Home Economics Working Committee were: ...
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...Instructors who have adopted Rereading America, Seventh Edition, as a textbook for a course are authorized to duplicate portions of this manual for their students. Preface This isn’t really a teacher’s manual, not, at least, in the sense of a catechism of questions and correct answers and interpretations. Because the questions provided after each selection in Rereading America are meant to stimulate dialogue and debate — to generate rather than terminate discourse — they rarely lend themselves to a single appropriate response. So, while we’ll try to clarify what we had in mind when framing a few of the knottier questions, we won’t be offering you a list of “right” answers. Instead, regard this manual as your personal support group. Since the publication of the first edition, we’ve had the chance to learn from the experiences of hundreds of instructors nationwide, and we’d like to use this manual as a forum where we can share some of their concerns, suggestions, experiments, and hints. We’ll begin with a roundtable on issues you’ll probably want to address before you meet your class. In the first section of this manual, we’ll discuss approaches to Rereading America and help you to think through your class goals. We’ll examine some options for tailoring the book to fit your interests and the time constraints of your term. We’ll also take up some pedagogical issues. We’ll offer advice on how to broach particularly hot topics in your class. We’ll explore in some detail how to get...
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...800-325-3252 For additional information about the bookstore, visit http://www.mbsbooks.com. Course Overview Art Appreciation is an introduction to the principles and concepts used in the study and analysis of the fine arts, in order to achieve a basic understanding of art and artistic concerns. Art Appreciation studies the major cultural achievements and significant artistic works that have shaped Western culture. The approach to this course is to study the arts in an historical context beginning with the earliest artistic expressions of ancient societies and extending to twentieth century. The student will develop an understanding and appreciation of art by understanding its purpose, terminology, various disciplines, and its history. We will discuss the basic vocabulary of art and the different mediums used. The major concentration of this course will be the visual arts. A variety of learning methods will be used in order for students to...
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...Todd Haynes’ Far from Heaven (2002) are both characterized as melodramas, they address their spectators differently. The divergent (emotional) reactions towards both films are the effect of different rhetorical strategies: the first can be seen a typical example of baroque discourse and the latter as a specimen of mannerist discourse. The reference to the terms melodrama, mannerism and baroque does not imply that these films are just formal repetitions of historical periods or that they thematically and structurally refer to historical styles, but that they are characterized by opposing discursive strategies which came to the foreground in a specific historical time and constellation. Because these discursive strategies return in other historical periods and socialpolitical circumstances in different guises and with different aims, they can be compared to what Aby Warburg calls Pathosformeln (pathos formula). The expressive forms, gestures and discursive modes of melodrama, baroque and mannerism can thus be understood as transhistorical (gestural) languages of pathos that recur in history. Résumé Bien que All that heaven allows (1954) par Douglas Sirk et Far from heaven (2002) par Todd Haynes se caractérisent nettement comme un mélodrame, les deux films adressent leur public de manière fondamentalement différente. La divergence au niveau des réactions (émotionnelles) envers ces deux films, résultent d’une différence au niveau des stratégies rhétoriques auxquelles...
Words: 10125 - Pages: 41
...publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, scanning, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Marketing, Wilmersdorfer Str. 148, 10585 Berlin, Germany, Tel: +49.30.314-29.922, Fax: +49.30.314-22.664 Contents List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List of Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v vi vii I. Introduction 1. Luxury is Anything and Nothing 2. Outline of Chapters 1 2 5 II. Conceptual Foundations 3. Types of Definitions and...
Words: 37078 - Pages: 149
...Antecedents of Commitment to an Import Supplier Submitted by Md. Abu Saleh B. Com (Honours), M. Com, M-Phil Dhaka A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations Faculty of Business QUEENSLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Brisbane, Queensland 4000, Australia 2006 Title: Antecedents of Commitment to an Import Supplier Saleh @ 2006 Key Words: 1. Antecedents of commitment 2. Importer’ s commitment 3. Importer supplier relationship 4. Mediating role of trust 5. Cultural similarity 6. Communication 7. Knowledge and experience 8. Supplier’ s opportunism 9. Environmental volatility 10. Transaction-specific investment 11. Supplier’s competencies ii Abstract The concept of commitment has emerged recently in international business literature especially in explaining importer behaviour as a counterpart of the process of internationalisation. Importer commitment often plays a dominant role as one of the major factors influencing relationships in the exporter-importer dyad and facilitates the process of internationalisation by imparting access to the international market. This critical importer and supplier relationship and its animating factors are, however, overlooked and largely neglected in the literature. Accordingly, it is inconclusive as to which factors influence importer commitment and how they influence it. Drawing on the literature, this study strived to investigate...
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...professionals write all the time. Writing is an important tool for bringing about changes in policy, practice, public understanding, and health behaviors. You may create exciting and effective methods for addressing these matters, but if you cannot effectively communicate those ideas it is as if they do not exist at all. Furthermore, the process of writing helps to sharpen one’s ideas; good writing requires good thinking. Writing assignments in SPH courses have a variety of goals: to test your knowledge, to foster critical thinking, to enhance your research skills, to assess your communication skills and to prepare you for the myriad writing tasks you will encounter in your professional work. We expect you to carry out writing assignments with the thought and skill consistent with graduate level work, and we believe the improvement of writing skills is essential for the health of our profession. An MPH degree implies that you are equipped with the many competencies that are required to be a successful public health practitioner; effective writing is one of the essential competencies. Lucy Honig, Associate Professor of International Health, has been the writing specialist for that department for seven years, working with students on IH's required concentration paper and developing a departmental writing program. Professor Honig is also a prize-winning author (read...
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...perception in the last century are best understood as responses to this challenge. • 1. The Problem of Perception o 1.1 Introduction o 1.2 The Argument from Illusion o 1.3 The Argument from Hallucination • 2. The Sources of the Problem o 2.1 The Ordinary Conception of Perceptual Experience 2.1.1 The Objects of Experience 2.1.2 Perceptual Presence 2.1.3 The Transparency of Experience 2.1.4 Vision and the Other Senses o 2.2 Illusion and Hallucination • 3. Theories of Perception o 3.1 The Sense-Datum Theory 3.1.1 Indirect Realism and Phenomenalism 3.1.2 Objections to the Sense-Datum Theory o 3.2 The Adverbial Theory 3.2.1 The Adverbial Theory and Qualia 3.2.2 Objections to the Adverbial Theory o 3.3 The Intentionalist Theory 3.3.1 The Sources of the Intentionalist Theory 3.3.2 The Intentional Content of Perceptual Experience 3.3.3 Objections to the Intentionalist Theory o 3.4 The Disjunctivist Theory 3.4.1 Motivations for Disjunctivism 3.4.2 Objections to Disjunctivism • Bibliography • Academic Tools • Other Internet Resources • Related Entries ________________________________________ 1. The Problem of Perception 1.1 Introduction This...
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...PSYCHOLOGY and your life chapter 1 introduction to ps ychology 2 chapter outline A Gift of Life It was every subway rider’s nightmare, times two. Who has ridden along New York’s 656 miles of subway lines and not wondered: “What if I fell to the tracks as a train came in? What would I do?” And who has not thought: “What if someone else fell? Would I jump to the rescue?” Wesley Autrey, a 50-year-old construction worker and navy veteran, faced both those questions in a flashing instant yesterday and got his answers almost as quickly. Mr. Autrey was waiting for the downtown local at 137th Street and Broadway in Manhattan around 12:45 p.m. He was taking his two daughters, Syshe, 4, and Shuqui, 6, home before work. Nearby, a man collapsed, his body convulsing. Mr. Autrey and two women rushed to help, he said. The man, Cameron Hollopeter, 20, managed to get up, but then stumbled to the platform edge and fell to the tracks, between the two rails. The headlights of the No. 1 train appeared. “I had to make a split decision,” Mr. Autrey said. So he made one, and leapt. Mr. Autrey lay on Mr. Hollopeter, his heart pounding, pressing him down in a space roughly a foot deep. The train’s brakes screeched, but it could not stop in time. Five cars rolled overhead before the train stopped, the cars passing inches from his head, smudging his blue knit cap with grease. Mr. Autrey heard onlookers’ screams. “We’re O.K. down here,” he yelled, “but I’ve got two daughters up there...
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