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The Perfect Government Research Paper

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The Perfect Government Power is so useful that it needs to be distributed to everybody. While power is usually given to a general. If it would be given to the public and shared more likely the society would be relaxed. This choice and accessibility, makes this society way more superior. This power if abused would lead upon punishment. Pretty much every dictator with high power has been corrupted, and messed up everybody. According to history Julius Caesar and other Roman leaders have received this kind of high power and was still corrupt. This shows how it is risky to give one person with the great power a country can muster. Also Mussolini tried to copy these Roman leaders and instead of a dream it created a nightmare. This proves even dreams of leaders won’t work, and shows that …show more content…
It would take bad people off the streets and lower crime rates. This would create a shockwave ``Hey you have some decent power don’t do crimes!’’ Also the punishment would allow the criminals to be unable to do anything at all honesty. Lastly this comes with a greater upside people will be safe. One reason that people do crimes is to get protection from other gangs and stuff, so the join a gang to not get mugged. Well if there isn’t any people that could mug you. People wouldn’t even join non-existent gangs.
This way of government also makes everybody more happy because if there is a problem they can solve it. For example if a person finds a flaw they can correct it this would create a perfected government. This will lead to a diverse and intricate government that can solve all problems and be a flawless government. There are also the fact that the majority of a population does not cause problems, but the tiny percent that does would be powerless, so in turn would create a organization that has many opinions that can sculpt the very ethiopia of a

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