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The Power Of Now Analysis

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“All the contortions we go through are just to not be ourselves for a few hours”, Keith Richardson. Emotional pain and physical pain are equally received in the same part of the brain. According to American Society of Addiction Medicine addiction is characterized by “inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response.” Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now and A New Earth, says that addictions begin with pain and ends with pain. So when people become addicted to something they are attempting to soothe pain. Drugs whether, illegal or not are considered painkillers for that very reason. The attempt to escape from pain is what creates more pain. In the past, society viewed drug addiction as a moral flaw. The treatment for this “flaw” during that time would involve imprisonment, asylum visits, …show more content…
Getting possession of opioids are way too easy because doctors are writing prescriptions too freely. People self harm themselves in order to get a doctor to write a prescription for painkillers. In the 1990s doctors had opia-phobia, there were healthcare professionals that did not want to prescribe opioids at all. They thought the slightest amount would cause addiction, so they barely prescribed them. This caused drug companies to change the way they marketed their drugs in order to get people to change how they thought about opioids. Also pharmaceutical companies started lying to in order to get insurance companies to pay for their patient’s medicine.
The effects that opioids have on people can suppresses the body’s ability to breathe, they interfere with the normal function of the lungs. Thus medical research has found that opiate abuse is associated with a greater risk of

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