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The Pros And Cons Of C. E.

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The idea of having a government own agency that doesn’t respect the rights for those who migrate from air, land, and sea is unacceptable. The immigrant custom enforcement known as (I.C.E) is an over powered tyrant; That raids homes without a warrant, some that don’t have warrants often pose as police officers, and are known to have sexually assaulted women and child right before sending them to Mexico. According to (The Nation News New York on June 9, 2008) In the past several weeks nearly 200 restaurant and hospital workers were in a series of dramatic raids”. not only did they target immigrants who were illegal, but also once who had a worker permit. As stated by the ICE annual report in 2007 most illegal aliens were deported or “voluntarily” left …show more content…
This agency has been known to stop criminals and terrorist plot since 2002, this was all done by the terrorist act on September 11,2001. As time moved on and our president decided to place a border between Mexico and united state led by the bush administration; they placed I.C.E to drug bust on cartels and any activity that seem suspicious. During that time, I.C.E increased cooperation and communication with state, and local law enforcement agencies, which grants them immunity and to do what they see fit. Unfortunately, in many occasion ice have been raiding homes, apartment, and even jobs to capture illegal immigrants, so they say. [“Prewitt, Milford” a journalist for the Nation’s Restaurant News, New York”] explain how that “500 people were arrested in restaurant and hospitals in 2006. Mostly illegal immigrants but some weren’t at all and are now being charged to the fullest extent of the law. ICE spokeswoman Pat Reilly, prefers to call the raids “criminal enforcement operation.” When did we ever begin saying “immigrant is just like criminals”? this act on immigrant has effected out

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