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The Quartz: The Step Pyramid

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Egyptologists today are not sure what sorts of tools were used to cut the massive amounts of stone. They make different hypotheses and test different materials based on what was available to Egyptians. Copper was one material that was tested and failed to last long enough under the strain of cutting into the stone. Quartz was a material that was able to “bite” into the stone wall and cut it efficiently and has been thought to be used for tools. A lot of tools either had been stolen or just simply did not survive, so archaeologists have to make estimates of what the tools were like. This can be done by testing different concepts of tools, as well as looking at the different cuts made into the stone, which would give evidence as to how the tools …show more content…
In Egypt today there is the rising of the water table and other changes to the environment that have been an acceleration in deterioration of the Step Pyramid Complex. The rising water table has weakened the bedrock of the Saqqara plateau, causing massive salt deposits on the walls of these underground tunnels (Hawass, 2009). The salt in the water turns the limestone into dust. “A leaking sewage system, exacerbated by a rising population, has caused the water table to rise” (Cohen, 2002). There could be more to it than that. In 1960 there was a dam built on the Nile. Every year the Nile would have its annual flood and wash the salt into the Mediterranean. This causes the accumulation of natural and fertilizer salt deposits (Cohen, 2002). “The pore structure of the soil encourages ‘strong capillary action,’ Stephenson said, which draws the salty water to the surface and into the porous sandstone foundations of the monuments. The dry desert heat then causes the water in the stones to evaporate, leaving behind ‘salt crystals that cause the sandstone to split, flake, and crack,’ Stephenson said” (Cohen, 2002). There are some solutions that may be able to help solve this problem. These include the installation of wells, replacing foundation stones with less porous material, and creating a water barrier by injecting chemical sealant between structures and the soil. Unfortunately these solutions do not come cheap and can potentially damage the monument (Cohen,

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