...Minor Concerns: American Indian Policy and Congressional Dynamics, by Charles Turner. University Press of America, 2005. Taking Charge: Native American Self-Determination and Federal Indian Policy, 1975-1993. George Pierre Castile. University of Arizona Press, 2006. Why has there been so little social science research trying to explain recent changes in Federal Indian policy, particularly given the dramatic shifts of the last 40 years? Since 1970 the previous policy of termination gave way to an evolving selfdetermination policy, a dramatically expanded role for tribal governments, and the emergence of large scale Indian gaming. Even with these striking changes - and the expansion of Indian affairs as a policy area – there have been only a handful of social science analyses of the Indian policy domain (most notably Gross 1989). Much recent scholarship in the area has been primarily descriptive or interpretive (Castile 1992, Bee 1992), with research commonly driven by area expertise rather than guided by policy related theory. In his nuanced and theoretically-driven account, Charles Turner argues that Indian policy, like many other areas, is a "minor concern" to both policymakers and policy analysts. As such, Indian policy often doesn't fit the conditions or provide the variables featured by main theoretical approaches to explaining policy outcomes more generally. Unlike most analyses, Turner gathers and utilizes quantitative data to explore Indian policy outcomes. The strength...
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...imperialistic western powers dominated and influenced most of the world. Europe’s power spread until much of the world was controlled and influenced by European business imperialism. The British had acquired direct control over France, India, most of Africa, much of Southeast Asia, South Asia, Malaysia, and the Pacific. They had indirect control over large parts of China, Afghanistan, Persia, Mongolia, and Latin America (Kallander 2/13). The Westward shift of power was brought about with the British domination of foreign trade, the advancement of technology and weapons, and business imperialism. The United States expanded into the Pacific, took over Hawaii and bought Louisiana from the French. The westward shift of power was essential to the rise of global empires and to the start of modernization. Less powerful countries or empires would take ideas from those which were more powerful empires to better advance their society. The expanding western dominance in the world was essential to increasing globalization. The western military dominance symbolized modernization, which was then thought of as industrialization. As western imperialism spread, modernization also spread; the rest of the world had to compete and did so by imitating western militaristic ideas. By building up their own military using western ideas, the unconquered empires could compete and fight against imperialists. The western imperialists continued to conquer and influence regions which were considered minorities...
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...consequently, serves the colonizer as one way of assimilating Native women into Western society, which, therefore, increases Native vulnerability to gender violence. Sexual violence exists to such a degree, according to Smith, that the "phenomenon indicates the extent to which our communities have internalized self-hatred". Chapter 2, Boarding School Abuses and the Case for Reparations, give some examples for the above mentioned violence. Boarding school systems in the United States are described as a tool for genocide and rape/sexual dominance. This chapter focuses, as well, on the reparations for such wrongs, encompassed by her communication of "abuses from a reparations framework" that is essential for coalition-building and active sovereignty. She addresses the need for a Native American involvement in the global reparations movement, but also calls attention to the unique point of view of native people. She explains that Native American organizations have objected to demands that the United States disburse land as reparation for its history of racial oppression. They have argued that the land cannot be...
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...the Business practices in retail and wholesale firework sales for the State of Washington Tribes? Writing up your Topical Research and Doctoral Learning Plan Marjoree Corless Northcentral University The Business Practices in Retail and Wholesale Firework Sales for the State of Washington Tribes This paper examines the legal rights that American Indians/Tribes have on their tribal lands when they are attempting to promote and develop economic developments in their communities, with a particular emphasis on the sale of fireworks. The paper will examine the hierarchy and relationship of agencies involved in the economic development practices for Tribes, and how the small entrepreneurial businesses, such as fireworks is Indian Country can be achieved. This paper attempts to demonstrate and support the hypothesis that economic developments for tribes are essential for American Indian people to become self-sufficient. Background Tribes that are federally recognized and are exercising their governmental authority over their Tribal lands inside the states they reside in. Also, according to the 2010 Census, the American Indian population was at 5.2 million people which were a total 1.7 percent of the entire population, in the...
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...Challenges of Indian agriculture and applicability of sustainable model Some of the major challenges which Indian agriculture is facing can be attributed to rise in population, climatic change, excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides etc. The country’s agriculture productivity curve has started to flatten while the population curve is still rising which can affect the food security of our country in near future. Climate change has now moved from the theoretical to an experiential level. The erratic behavior of monsoon clearly states the above fact. Cases of failure of crops due to flood or drought followed by suicides by the farmers are on rise. The industrial/service sector boom is also drawing people away from agriculture with migration playing havoc. India’s leap in other sectors has further diluted share of agriculture in the national economy. Contribution of agriculture to GDP has also gone down and while such a reduction would be welcomed in any developed economy, India needs to attain a higher level of agriculture productivity, and open up non-farm job options for the rural youth to justify such a development. The green revolution initiated in 1965 with HYV seeds and use of fertilizers made India self- sufficient and has prevented an outbreak of famine ever since. But with the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides the land has degraded and lost its natural fertility. And the question to satisfy the hunger of the millions has once again come into lime light....
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...traditions, because our beliefs and traditions made us distinct and allowed us, as woman, to keep the tribe in order. It was the woman’s job to make sure our tribe or family represented well. And lastly, I was expected to always fight for what I believed in. I was always afraid about the responsibility of fighting back and standing up for my beliefs. Nevertheless, when it comes to my people, I believe it is my place and my right to inform American citizens of the effects caused by the United States Government. Native Americans aren’t as prosperous as they used to be and being contained on reservations has only deteriorated our people, our land and our entitlement to justice and protection. There has been a rise of many destroying factors on reservations, such as abuse of alcohol and the rise of brutal crimes, but the most important and overlooked is the crimes against Native women. Justice on Native American reservations requires a fight. The backbones of most tribal communities are continually and increasingly being taken advantage of. With tribal authority ranging from little to none, Native women on reservations have become targets of attack by non-Natives. To protect and reestablish Justice on reservations, Congress must be ready to change the Supreme Court’s previous decisions on jurisdictional laws. These limitations on tribal jurisdiction laws have caused women lose of protection and this issue is bigger than many Americans can see. Tribal jurisdiction is what...
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...the Cherokee Nation. The policy of Indian Removal saw the removal of the Cherokee people from their original homelands in the Southeast to areas west of the Mississippi River; this was implemented during the reign of then-President Andrew Jackson. Thus, the basis of this program, of which the Trail of Tears was representative, centers on white settlers' land hunger and their belief that American society could not exist without Native American tribes. Debates over Cherokee removal highlighted a contest between rival notions of land expansion, culture, and self-determination. Whereas Jackson,...
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...What caused the Indo-Pakistan protracted conflict / what were the consequences of the Indo-Pakistan conflict? Nuclearisation of conflict is one of the factors that sustained the Indo-pakistan conflict as it raised tensions and created deep hostility between Pakistan and India. Following Pakistan’s defeat to India in the Bangladeshi War of 1971, Pakistan was determined to establish its own nuclear weapons programme due to its strategic vulnerability and long-held animosities towards India and this was accelerated when India conducted its first nuclear detonation in 1974. Although India later declared a moratorium on nuclear testing after the first nuclear testing that lasted for 24 years, it was broken in 1998 with the rise of Hindu hardliners party, Bharatiya Janata (BJP). Casting the Pakistani-supported insurgencies in Kashmir as a crisis of national security, military expenditure was increased with the resumption of nuclear weapon testing such as Pokhran-ll and Kirana-l. Provocative statements such as India adopting a “pro-active” policy in Kashmir to crush insurgencies were also directed at Pakistan as a warning to stop its military campaign against India. In retaliation to India’s moves, Pakistan was convinced that India would launch a preemptive strike to capture Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir and hence directed its resources to nuclear testing of Chagai-l and ll despite the threat of sanctions from the international community. The prospect of a nuclear exchange was then...
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...transformation. China and India are seeking many of the same goals in the African continent. Due to this there are a number of similarities in their foreign policy. Both use development assistance as means of facilitating trade and investment, as well as helping to secure access to resources. Whilst their project assistance is centered (to an extent) around different areas .China offers its expertise in infrastructure delivery whereas India’s aid programs are more designed around its own relative strengths in IT and services With an emphasis upon mutual respect and sovereignty articulated in both of their foreign policies, neither China nor India seeks to impose aid conditionality’s upon other countries. They have attempted to distance themselves from the formal terms of recipient and donor, and instead offer a significant degree of policy autonomy in their aid delivery. In this manner we are witnessing the rise of a new generation of donors that do not attempt to transform the societies they are investing in. They are instead looking at offering aid in a manner which improves the efficiency and sustainability of their own investments in the continent. By improving energy provision, infrastructure, transportation and IT services, these donors are making their investments in the continent more profitable, and more durable. China and India’s success in...
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...destined to expand throughout the continent. This led to “Oregon fever” The Oregon country stretched along the Pacific coast from the border with Mexican California to the border with Russian Alaska and was claimed by both Great Britain and the United States. “Oregon fever” raged in 1843 as thousands, lured by reports of fine harbors, mild climate, and fertile soil, journeyed for months across the continent to the Willamette Valley. 250,000 Americans had braved the Oregon Trail by 1860; many died en route from disease and exposure, although relatively few died from Indian attacks. Some of those pioneers veered off and went down to California, namely Sacramento River. To promote California’s development, the Mexican government took over the California missions and liberated the 20,000 Indians who worked on them, many of whom intermarried with mestizos and worked as laborers and cowboys on large cattle ranches. The rise of cattle ranching created a new society and economy as agents from New England firms assimilated to Mexican life and married into the families of the Californios. Many American migrants in California had no desire to assimilate into Mexican society and hoped for eventual annexation to the United States; however, at that time American settlers in California were too few. The Manifest Digest was simply a name for all the beliefs of...
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...A. The Rise of Colonialism The rise of colonialism in North America began in the early sixteenth century when cartography reawakened after years of stagnation allowing for the exploration of New World. (Goucher, LeGuin, and Walton, 1998). Opening up an exciting new adventure for Europeans who were seeking economic gain and religious freedom from Europe. The first colonists sailed to the Atlantic seaboard in 1584, giving them the opportunity to explore the New World and establish their own colonies (Annenberg Learner,2013b). The consequence from this first undertaking of colonization dissipated without a trace in1590 and was dubbed, The Lost Colony of Roanoke (Annenberg Learner, 2013b). Seventeen years later, in 1607, Captain Christopher Newport would sail the Atlantic ocean landing on the shores of Chesapeake Bay and establishing Jamestown on May 13,1607 (Annenberg Learner, 2103b). Jamestown became the first permanent English settlement in North America and the inauguration of colonization in North America ( Annenberg Learner, 2013b). Although the colony of Jamestown began to decline, new colonist still arrived yearly, nearly 80 percent of them died over the next three years, a result of starvation and attacks from the Indians (Annenberg Learner, 2103b). Captain Newport left Jamestown and Captain John Smith, a dictator, was placed in charge of the colony. In order for the colony of Jamestown to prosper, Captain Smith gave the settlers an ultimatum, to work or starve...
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...particularly an issue in Georgia, where gold had been discovered on Cherokee land. State governments began to help the settlers financially, by pushing the Native Americans out of their land by passing legislation that limited the Native Americans’ rights and sovereignty. The president at the time was Andrew Jackson, who signed the “Indian...
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...Central Asia nowadays. Drug trafficking and the circulation of energy are not the only problems. The border disputes mostly jeopardize the transnational security and the ethnical conflicts at stake. A territorial dispute is a disagreement over the possession or control of land between two or more states, or over the possession and control of land by a new state that is not always officially recognized. In a sense, border disputes are territorial disputes between neighboring countries. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the unsettling border disputes have been revealing some of the deepest imperfections of the geopolitics of South and Central Asia: terrorism, ethnical discordance, riots, military interventions and the question of sovereignty. What...
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...Eli GreenspanGVPT409HKastner05-10-2012Can India and China Rise Peacefully?India and China are two of the world’s oldest civilization-states and are now aspiring superpowers engaged in the global economy and possess expanding military capabilities.1Cultural and economic ties date back to Ancient times when the Silk Road was used as a major trade route between the two great countries. Over the course of the 20th century, relations between the two ranged from allying and friendship, to intense conflicts over border disputes.2Despite these crisis’s, the two nations have developed close economic ties that are mutually beneficial. Trade has increased dramatically over the past decade and companies form joint ventures to further ties. History shows that this has not always been the case, and the competitivenature between the two states stems from border disputes from the early 1950s to the late 1980s.3Despite gestures towards a peaceful partnership throughout the 1950s, those gestures were challenged by actions in the disputed territories. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, signed in 1954, is an example of such cooperation. However, China nor India 1Malik, Mohan. "India-China Relations: Giants Stir, Cooperate and Compete." Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (2004).2Malik, Mohan. 3 Malik, Mohan.1 followed these closely and still lead to major conflict following these meetings. Nevertheless, this agreement stated the principles as:1.Mutual respect for each other’s territorial...
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...| Globalization and Sovereignty in Pakistan | | | With a relatively constant rise in economic production over the last forty years and continued advances in communication technology, it is clear that individuals, institutions, and states are connecting and interacting with each other through a variety number of ways. Whether it is chatting with someone on the other side of the globe through social media or the flow of capital in the international banking system, our world has become increasingly interdependent; however, the benefits are not universal. From a Marxist perspective on international relations theory, particularly Wallerstein’s capital economy, I will define “globalization” as a phenomenon constructed by the bourgeoisie (elite members of society) in order to take advantage of developing countries that constitute Marxist proletariat. Using this approach on globalization, I will discuss the effects it has on “sovereignty” followed by a case study on Pakistan as a prime example. Ultimately, I will argue why the idea of sovereignty should still play a role in states like Pakistan. I draw primarily on the work of the German philosopher Karl Marx who, in his Marxist (or ruling-class) theory, claimed that capitalist societies were dominated by the “bourgeoisie” – individuals who control the means of production (therefore power) and take advantage of the proletariat (also known as the working class). Applied to a global scale, the concept of bourgeoisie refers...
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