...themselves. Most of the technology was created for the purpose of better productivity in agriculture and manufacturing. These technological advancements had major effects on the nation’s economies. As the populations grew the need for expansion grew as well. With the rise of nationalism, so came the growth of democracy. Following the American Revolution, the concept of nationalism was beginning to take hold on the people. At the beginning of the 19th century Americans had much to be proud of. They had just won their independence from Britain and created the Constitution. With many of the new technological advancements of the 19th century the people began finding more efficient ways of manufacturing and distributing goods. The assembly line contributed to the development of a new working class (Brinkly, 2007). The Cotton Gin revolutionized the cotton economy in the south and contributed to the industrialization of the north by means of the textile industry. Steamboats stimulated the agriculture economy by making shipping more efficient and in turn lowering the cost of goods. Between 1800 and 1820 the plantation system was booming in the south with the growing demand of cotton in the textile industry (Brinkly, 2007). As a result of the westward movement, four new states were admitted in the union. The two in the north would be Free states and the two in the south would be slave states. The plantation system contributed to the development of a new rich class (Brinkly,...
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...While the late 18th to early 19th century was burdened with many events that shaped the United States, two have been very instrumental in shaping the country: the Lewis and Clark expedition, followed by the War of 1812. I believe the Lewis and Clark expedition had a more profound impact because both events caused expansion. In 1804-1806, an expedition led by Lewis and Clark was commissioned by Thomas Jefferson, the then-President of the United States of America, with purposes in the westward expansion of the United States: to map the Missouri River and find a waterway route to the Pacific. It opened up over 70,000 square miles of unexplored territory, revealed new species, and established trade relations with Native American tribes. This expedition...
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...The late 19th century marked a pivotal era in American history, characterized by unprecedented expansion and imperial ambition. Driven by economic, strategic, ideological, and cultural factors, the United States emerged as a global power. Manifest Destiny’s ideology justified westward expansion, while the Spanish-American war sparked overseas empire-building. The annexation of Hawaii and the Open Door Policy in China further solidified US influence. This expansion was ultimately driven by a desire for economic, strategic, ideological, and cultural dominance, cementing America’s status as a global powerhouse by the turn of the 20th century. Manifest Destiny was a powerful 19th-century doctrine that drove America’s westward expansion, rooted...
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...slavery. The fugitive slave law was widely disregarded by Northerners. Even the $10 million that Texas got was a moderate sum compared to what they lost. 4. Many treaties were formed and signed for various reasons and compromises between Latin America and the United States and Asia and the United States. 5. It sliced Nebraska into Kansas and Nebraska and allowed slavery to be decided by popular sovereignty. It required the Missouri Compromise to be repealed. It was assumed that Nebraska would become free and Kansas slave. It let to extensive violence in Kansas and led to the inflammation of the slavery issue and political balance. 6. The Mexican cession I think best supports the view that a belief in manifest destiny played a deceive role because it showed a big part of thinking of coming together and actually taking land to...
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...Textbook Assignments **All of the material below is on the digital history (see course home page) **You will be tested on all of this material on the respective quizzes Native Americans (Read this for quiz 1) “ The First Americans” (Not a link…go to the assigned website) European Society (Read this for quiz 1) Colonial Era/Exploration and Discovery The Significance of 1492 European Commercial and Financial Expansion Slavery and Spanish Colonization The Meaning of America The Black Legend Colonial Era/17th Century (Read below for quiz 1) European Colonization North of Mexico Spanish Colonization English Settlement Colonial Era/17 century (Read below for quiz 2) English Colonization Begins Life in Early Virginia Slavery Takes Root in Colonial Virginia Founding New England The Puritans The Puritan Idea of the Covenant Regional Contrasts Dimensions of Change in Colonial New England The Salem Witch Scare Slavery in the Colonial North Struggles for Power in Colonial America Diversity in Colonial America The Middle Colonies: New York Fear of Slave Revolts The Middle Colonies: William Penn’s Holy Commonwealth The Southernmost Colonies: The Carolinas and Georgia Colonial Administration (Read below for quiz 2) No readings th Road to Revolution (Read for quiz 3) Colonial America/18th Century The The The The The The Emergence of New Ideas about Personal Liberties and Constitutional Rights Great Awakening Seven Years’ War Rise of Antislavery Sentiment Fate of Native Americans Road to Revolution...
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...Impressions are the only tools one has when tackling the unknown. These impressions are often passed down through oral or written traditions. Much like how a parent’s preferences could be pass down to a child, impressions shapes one’s attitude towards a certain topic or situation. In a sense these impressions are comparable to the idea of Stereotypes, or preconceived notion placed on a certain groups of people . In Celluloids Indians Jacquelyn Kilpatrick describes stereotypes as such, “‘ [s] tereotypes are evaluative concepts about status and roles and as such are central to interpreting and evaluating social groups including one’s own.”’ (xvi) Using this idea Kilpatrick explores “the social, ideological and political construction” (xvi) of stereotypes in literature, film and politics in accordance to different perspectives. In short we explore how the interpretation of film and literature relies on the perspective in which it is told, as different perspectives manifest different stereotypes. Prehaps some of the most prevalent examples are Literary works. These works often stem from stories of experience in encounters with Native Americans. Many of these literary...
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...APUSH Study Guide 8 A weak Confederacy and the Constitution, 1776-1790 Themes/Constructs: The federal Constitution represented a moderately conservative reaction against the democratilizing effects of the Revolution and the Articles of Confederation. The American Revolution was not a radical transformation like the French or Russian revolutions, but it produced political innovations and some social change in the direction of greater equality and democracy. The American Revolution did not overturn the social order, but it did produce substantial changes in social customs, political institutions, and ideas about society and government. Among the changes were the separation of church and state in some places, the abolition of slavery in the North, written political constitutions, and a shift in political power from the eastern seaboard toward the frontier. The first weak government, the Articles of Confederation, was unable to exercise real authority, although it did successfully deal with the western lands issue. The Confederation’s weakness in handling foreign policy, commerce and the Shays Rebellion spurred the movement to alter the Articles. Instead of revising the Articles, the well-off delegates to the Constitutional Convention created a charter for a whole new government. In a series of compromises, the convention produced a plan that provided for a vigorous central government, a strong executive, the protection for property, while still upholding republican...
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...discovered, the expedition provided priceless information about wildlife, terrain, and indigenous inhabitants of the far Western territories. After researching the extensive journey and its profound contributions to our understanding of the American West, I wish I had been a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition since it was a tremendous journey of exploration, discovery, and adventure (the hike of a lifetime?). It would have been a chance to explore the immensity of uncharted territory and encounter new cultures and tribes. The expedition was a turning point since it opened up vast areas of America’s West to settlement and provided valuable knowledge about the geography and biology of the region. It also laid the groundwork for westward expansion, which is also a tragic development since it hurt Native American...
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...Timeline Part II NOTE: Before starting the Timeline project please refer to the "Example Timeline Matrix" document. Instructions: Complete the matrix by providing the Time Period/Date(s) in column B, and the Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History in column C. See complete instructions in the Syllabus for the Module 3 assignment entitled. “Timeline Part II.” NOTE: The timeline project does not need to be submitted to turnitin. NOTE: Please write your answers in a clear and concise manner. Limit your submission of the Timeline Part II up to 250 words per topic/subtopic. For example, if a topic is divided into 3 subtopics, you may write a maximum of 250 per subtopic listed. Be sure to cite all sources. Major Event/Epoch in American History | Time Period/Date(s) | Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History | 1) The evolution of the institution of slavery from the Colonial Period to the 1860s. | 16th Century – 19th Century | I found this excerpt from Robert Francis Engs from the Macmillan Information Now Encyclopedia: The history of African American slavery in the United States can be divided into two periods: the first coincided with the colonial years, about 1650 to 1790; the second lasted from American independence through the Civil War, 1790 to 1865. Prior to independence, slavery existed in all the American colonies and therefore was not an issue of sectional debate. With the arrival of independence...
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...AS LEVEL Specification HISTORY A H105 For first assessment in 2016 ocr.org.uk/alevelhistorya We will inform centres about any changes to the specification. We will also publish changes on our website. The latest version of our specification will always be the one on our website (ocr.org.uk) and this may differ from printed versions. Copyright © 2014 OCR. All rights reserved. Copyright OCR retains the copyright on all its publications, including the specifications. However, registered centres for OCR are permitted to copy material from this specification booklet for their own internal use. Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England. Registered company number 3484466. Registered office: Hills Road 1 Cambridge CB1 2EU. OCR is an exempt charity. Contents Introducing… AS Level History A (from September 2015) Teaching and learning resources iv Why choose an OCR AS Level in History A? 1 1a. Why choose an OCR qualification? 1 1b. Why choose an OCR AS Level in History A? 2 1c. What are the key features of this specification? 3 1d. 2 iii Professional Development 1 ii How do I find out more information? 3 4 2a. Overview of AS Level in History A (H105) 4 2b. Content of AS Level in History A (H105) 5 2c. Content of unit group 1: British period study and enquiry (Units Y131 to Y143) 8 2c. ...
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...South Carolina Social Studies Academic Standards Mick Zais, Ph.D. State Superintendent of Education South Carolina Department of Education Columbia, South Carolina State Board Approved Document – August 18, 2011 Contents Acknowledgments.......................................................................................................................... iii Introduction .....................................................................................................................................1 Social Studies Standards Page Format .............................................................................................5 Grade-Level Standards for Social Studies Grades K–3 Kindergarten. Foundations of Social Studies: Children as Citizens ...............................................7 Grade 1. Foundations of Social Studies: Families........................................................................12 Grade 2. Foundations of Social Studies: Communities ................................................................17 Grade 3. South Carolina Studies ..................................................................................................22 Grades 4–5 Grade 4. United States Studies to 1865 ........................................................................................29 Grade 5. United States Studies: 1865 to the Present ....................................................................36 Grades 6–8 Grade 6. Early Cultures to 1600...
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...of the testing program or the provision of related services. PREFACE The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) has developed new standards for Texas educators that delineate what the beginning educator should know and be able to do. These standards, which are based on the state-required curriculum for students—the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)—form the basis for new Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES). This initiative will impact all areas of Texas education—from the more than 100 approved Texas educator preparation programs to the more than 7,000 Texas school campuses. This standards-based system reflects SBEC's commitment to help align Texas education from kindergarten through college. SBEC's role in this K–16 initiative will ensure that newly...
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...Federalist: The Federalists were originally those forces in favor of the ratification of the Constitution. A desire to establish a strong central government. Federalists felt strongly that the inability of the United States, operating under the Articles of Confederation, to implement protective tariffs had led to the uncontrolled flood of manufactured items that were depressing the new nation's economy. They pointed out that the European powers were not likely to negotiate thirteen separate commercial treaties, and that Britain was well served by letting the situation fester. The term "Federalist" was later applied to the emerging political faction headed by Alexander Hamilton in George Washington's administration. Revolution of 1800: Some observers have regarded Jefferson's election in 1800 as revolutionary. This may be true in a restrained sense of the word, since the change from Federalist leadership to Republican was entirely legal and bloodless. Nevertheless, the changes were profound. The Federalists lost control of both the presidency and the Congress. By 1800, the American people were ready for a change. Under Washington and Adams, the Federalists had established a strong government. They sometimes failed, however, to honor the principle that the American government must be responsive to the will of the people. They had followed policies that alienated large groups. For example, in 1798 they enacted a tax on houses, land and slaves, affecting every property owner in...
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...The Clash of Civilizations? by Samuel P. Huntington (SAMUEL P. HUNTINGTON is the Eaton Professor of the Science of Government and Director of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard University. This article is the product of the Olin Institute's project on "The Changing Security Environment and American National Interests”. THE NEXT PATTERN OF CONFLICT WORLD POLITICS IS entering a new phase, and intellectuals have not hesitated to proliferate visions of what it will be -- the end of history, the return of traditional rivalries between nation states, and the decline of the nation state from the conflicting pulls of tribalism and globalism, among others. Each of these visions catches aspects of the emerging reality. Yet they all miss a crucial, indeed a central, aspect of what global politics is likely to be in the coming years. It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will be the battle lines of the future. Conflict between civilizations will be the latest phase of the evolution of conflict in the modern world. For a century and a half after the emergence of the...
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...Higher Level History Notes 19th Century Russia The Russian people are descendants of the ‘Rus’ who are thought to be a mixture of Scandinavian and Slavic origin and settled in that region out of ± 800 AD Byzantine Empire A major legacy of the Byzantine Empire for the Russians was the eastern orthodox or Greek Orthodox Church With the decline of Byzantium came a wave of conquest from the East, the Mongols until the 15th century (Tatars). To a large extent, the Mongols allowed Russians to maintain their way of life: - Slavic based languages including writing system (Cyrillic) - Orthodox religion The Russians adopted much from Asian culture and this led western Europeans to think less of the Russians Geographically Russia was isolated from the rest of Europe: - Entirely land locked (mostly) - Huge Plains of Eastern Europe prevented overland travel During these early years there were a series of muscovite princes based in Moscow and called themselves Tsars. By the 17th century the Romanov family became the ruling dynasty: - Alexander I (1801-1825) - Nicholas I (1825-1855) - Alexander II (1855-1881) - Alexander III (1881-1894) - Nicholas II (1894-1917) Under the rule of Peter the Great (1689-1728) Russia grew greatly in size and entered the European World www.ibscrewed.org The Russia of 1800 was one of the greatest autocracies in Europe where: - The Tsar’s rule was absolute - There was a small...
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