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The Role Of Violence In Gangster Rap

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Is there more violence in gangster rap than in regular hip hop music? The answer to that is: there is more violence in hip hop music rather than ganster rap. I know it is may seem a little weird, but, it is true, there is more violence in hip music rather than gangsta rap, but, the number of gun violence has doubled from gangster rap from 2000 to 2014 (Taboola, 2015). On top of this, most people would think that hip hop is the culture of nonviolence and just people singing, to have a good time but, this is not the case now these days (Taboola, 2015). “Violence in the hip hop world really needs to needs to stop to save people from being influenced to be part of a gang or, go and commit crimes of all sort”. It isn’t worth spending

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