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The Role of Dna and Rna in the Transmission of Information Within the Cell


Submitted By kfrench74
Words 1065
Pages 5
Western Governor’s University
Biochemistry GRT-1
Western Governor’s University
Biochemistry GRT-1

(Roche Diagnostics PCR Diagnostic Kits, United States of America, 2014)
The Role of DNA and RNA in the transmission of information within the cell
Kristie French, BS, RN, PCCN
Morganfield— Kentucky
T: 270-952-5228 DD: 812-485-4649 E:

This report has been prepared to discuss the role of DNA and RNA in the transmission of genetic information within the cell. The report is broken down into four sections in order to illustrate this information.
Section 1 discusses and illustrates DNA replication at the biochemical level. This section includes a diagram that with representation of the components involved. Section 2 discusses and illustrates the role of the enzyme Ligase in the replication of DNA. Section 3 illustrates and discusses the role of mRNA in transcription and translation. Finally, Section 4 discussed the effects of RNA polymerase inhibition related to the poisonous effects of the death cap mushroom.

Summary 2
DNA Replication at the Molecular Level 4
Diagram 1: Process of DNA Replication at the biochemical level 4
Components of DNA Replication 4 The function of enzymes in DNA Replication 4 Enzymes involved in DNA Replication 4
The role of the ligase enzyme in the replication of DNA 5
Diagram 2: The role of the ligase enzyme in the replication of DNA 5
Components involved 5
The role of mRNA in transcription and translation 6
Diagram 3: The role of mRNA in transcription and translation 6
Components of transcription 6 Components of translation 6 The function of the enzymes in transcription and translation 6

The role of RNA polymerase inhibition 7
Diagram 4: RNA polymerase inhibition 7

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