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The Science Behind Messaging: The Chemistry Of Aging

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Thesis statement: The science behind aging includes both biological and chemical factors. The Oxidative Damage Theory and Free Radical Theory are two important theories that theorize why organisms age. Researchers have done experiments that discovered chemicals that speed up or slow down aging.
A. Introduction
1. Topic sentence: Has anyone ever wondered why we age? Is it because of religious reasons, or are we genetically engineered to do so, or does the everyday changing world affect how we age.
2. The definition of aging and what humans characterize aging by.
3. How the chemistry of the human body leads to the biological changes which causes humans to age.
B. Scientists base their theories off of others and have found …show more content…
The two most important theories that relate to the chemistry of aging are the Oxidative Damage theory and Free radical theory.
1. Founded in the 1950s by American gerontologist, Denham Harman.
2. With the oxidative damage theory, reactions take place within cells and can result in the oxidation (loss of electrons) of proteins from the molecules in the human body. A Protein is nutrient found in food that is necessary to humans' diet and is essential in order to have a normal cell structure and function. These oxidation reactions trigger a whole process and are blamed for the aging of humans. Scientists also call it “oxidative” stress because it does damage to the DNA, proteins, fats, and oxidants containing oxygen.
3. Free Radicals are reactive and highly unstable molecules or atoms that have single unpaired electrons, they form when oxidation occurs. These molecules are also known as the reactive oxygen species (ROS). The Free Radical theory states that the free radicals can lead to the damage of cell components.
4. Antioxidants proteins are evidence that support the Free Radical Theory because they stabilize free radicals. The problem with antioxidants though is they are more abundant in aging cells (cells that are becoming old). These aging cells are damaging to the molecules of the human body and take part in the aging of …show more content…
Two discoveries have been made about a substance that causes aging and a substance that slows down the process of aging.
1. The substances were discovered in New York, by a team of scientists who work at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. One of the scientist is name is Dongsheng Cai.
2. The chemical right now known as NF-B is located in the hypothalamus which is located in the brain. The Hypothalamus is an almond sized structure, embedded deep in the brain. The researchers found that increasing the activity of NF-B quickened the aging process. It caused a decrease in muscle strength, skin thickness, and ability to learn. Researchers also found that blocking the pathway of NF-B slowed down the aging process.
3. When the scientists blocked NF-B they found a drop in the level of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, a neuron generating chemical. GnRH is known to regulate the reproductive process, but it also seems necessary to stay young. When the scientists injected GnRH into the hypothalamuses of the mice they found the aging process slowed and age-related diseases did too. Yet Dr. Cai said, “There are a lot of details we don’t know.” Scientists still have a great deal of research to do before discovering what makes humans

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