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Smorgasbord Research Paper

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A smorgasbord is a Scandinavian buffet-style dinner. It means a sandwich board and was the way that Swedes kept food for guests who had visited from far away. The dishes that were served could usually be kept fresh for several days. The word however, has been used to describe just about any type of buffet type dinner. It is commonly used in the Pennsylvania Dutch area of Pennsylvania. In Sweden, the smorgasbord has been popular since the early 18th century. The foods are not all loaded onto one plate as we do in the United States. Each dish should be eaten on a clean plate.

The traditional meal will begin with a plate of cheese and perhaps some smoked meat and crackers. These can be served on a table with alcoholic beverages such as vodka.

A traditional smorgasbord will have a wide variety of fish …show more content…
Matjesill Herring, which is a sugar cured canned variety of herring is a choice that most Swede’s would automatically recognize. These can be served with boiled potatoes. All of the fish dishes will be served with appropriate sauces which can include sour cream and chives among others. Crisp dark breads and cheeses may also be part of this course. Platters f cold sliced meats such as ham, pate and sausages round out the offering of this course.

The next course can be warm fish and meat dishes. One option is meatballs served with lingonberry jelly. The meats can include such things as ham and roast beef and perhaps a warm salmon dish. There will also be cold salads and hot vegetables. Potato salad and beetroot salad are traditional choices. The traditional sauces for the meat and salmon will also be included. During the holidays, lutfisk is commonly served on the smorgasbord.

Finally it is time for the final course which is the dessert course. This will also include coffee served with cream and sugar. Dessert may include fresh fruit, chocolates and a variety of

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