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Military Ethics Paper

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This paper will show how ethics are used in both the military, and within the regular civilian business world. The military is such a large organization and has been able to maintain a level of ethics by using a program called the Army values, which this paper will briefly cover. Along with the way some businesses implement their own style of ethics, but for both organizations the structure of ethics doesn’t really matter if its message isn’t understood and conveyed to the best of their abilities. Hopefully this short paper creates a better understanding and is informative to the reader.

The United States army has produced many articles, field manuals, etc. all of which have been edited and revised over the years to help change with the …show more content…
Each service member has some form of character, and these values are meant to be a set of building blocks that help refine and define this character. During every soldiers careers they will face many obstacles, some of which will present ethical dilemmas which will leave them with two choices somewhere between right and wrong, and it is through these values that are designed to help during such hard choices. During the different experiences, soldiers bond together, and are what sets them apart from just being regular average Joe from the streets and a professional in the best military organization in the world. Also, orders are given out on a regular basis and sometimes they can be lawful or unlawful, these values help determine the correct actions to take. The same can be said for the officers appointed over others, their guidance and governance direct those bellow them and without the proper ethical standards, some might abuse this power and could jeopardize the lives of others. So it is each member’s responsibility to follow and make the proper judgments, and perform to the best of their …show more content…
These principals and ethics are the same for both military and civilians, but both types of organizations have a different spin on them. Ethical issues are basically questions that cause an individual to view something as being right or wrong, good or bad, or other social issues that might come into question. For most cases more often than not, they fall between types of moral grey areas. Leaving individuals in a conundrum as to what specifically to do, but when you are raised or taught to deal with ethics the decisions become a little easier to deal with. Both in the military and civilian professions, a certain level of standards are expected of us who help ensure our compliance in the rules. Businesses when first formed they device a set of ethical standards that are meant to help its employees in how they are supposed to behave within the organization and with their customers. Companies have social responsibilities to their employees and their families, current customers and future ones, the marketplace where they conduct their business, and lastly to community and environment. All of which contribute to a company’s success or failure. Because when a business operates outside of the ethical constraints, people tend to frown upon it and causes distrust in their ability to

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