...Animal Cruelty In the United States alone, 7.6 Million cats and dogs alone are mistreated each day (ASB Google). This does not factor for any other domesticated animals, and does not account for the pets that are abused unknowingly. Animal cruelty is a very real issue, and is not being combatted thoroughly enough. Many people have the ideology that “it is just an animal,” or “animals do not have feelings,” and this is where many problems arise. Pets are real, living things too with feelings and emotions and acknowledgment. It takes a very sick-minded individual to intentionally harm or kill a living creature. One of the main reasons that somebody abuses a pet is because they are naturally violent in themselves (Missimer). Witnessing a vicious event during childhood or possibly being mistreated themselves can cause an adult and even a teenager to be aggressive and look for a cheap way to relieve...
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...States have many different laws to in order to prevent animal abuse. Although they exist, they are not strict enough to thoroughly prevent cruelty. In the State of New York, unnecessary pain towards animals has been reduced by a anti-cruelty laws (State of New York 1). Although these laws exist, many tend to not include animal testing as a result of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Jerrold Tannenbaum is a professor at the UC Davis School. According to Tannenbaum, animals are commonly classified as property rather than living things, which is what they are (Tannenbaum 2). Historically, animals were considered chattel (Tannenbaum 13). According to Tannenbaum, animals will always remain as property legally. Various states have amended laws to allow felony convictions (Tannenbaum 40)....
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...16 March 2012 Animal Cruelty All over the United States animals are being poorly taken care of. People take animals for many different reasons. Some take animals to make a profit like for breeding, some are looking for companionship and other take them thinking they can make a difference in the animal’s life and help the animals. People do not recognize the burden that it may cause them personally and they do not realize the proper protocol is needs to be taken. It and become overwhelming and out of control in no time at all. Today animal cruelty is a major topic in today’s world and becoming a bigger issue in many different areas of the United States. The need for animal advocates is becoming a growing need. Animal cruelty can be defined as causing unjustified injury or death to an animal (Fighting Animal Cruelty). If one was to cause harm and not fix the problem, that person should not be allowed to have animals in their care. There are two types of animal cruelty, passive and active. Passive cruelty is based on neglect. Lack of attention is just as bad as direct harm. It can cause you to not be aware of things that are wrong with the animal such as dehydration, parasite infestation, inadequate shelter, and failure to seek veterinary care when needed. Sometimes an investigator will look at the situation, educate the owner and make return visits to see if there have been improvements. Active cruelty indicates deliberate and intentional harm to the animal. This can possibly...
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...“Every 60 seconds, another animal is abused.” This statistic is from the ASPCA, they want to inspire people to donate and help animals from cruelty. This means that every minute of each day an animal is abused. Today, the ASPCA still helps prevent animal cruelty by protecting animals and giving them kind treatment. They protect animals by law and arrest animal abusers. They are a very popular charity and they are always ready to prevent cruelty. The ASPCA does their job effectively by protecting animals by law and fighting animal cruelty. The American Society for the Prevention of cruelty to Animals was the first humane society to be established in North America when they were founded in 1866. They are a privately funded 501 (C) (3) non-profit charity (“ASPCA”). The charity believes that animals deserve respectful treatment from humans and should be protected by laws. Their anti-cruelty mission has grown across the country and has...
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...thousands of mistreated animals. Since animals do not have a voice of their own, they cannot defend themselves. Animal cruelty is immorally disturbing which is why these poor, innocent creatures deserve more rights. Providing care and protection should an ethical and moral obligation, because as you should see not enough is being done. Animal cruelty is often broken down into two main categories, either active or passive. Passive cruelty, or acts of omission, is animal neglect. Examples are starvation, parasite infestations, dehydration, allowing a collar to grow into an animal’s skin, inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions, and failure to seek veterinary care when medical attention is needed. Active cruelty, or acts of commission, implies malicious intent in which a person has deliberately and intentionally caused harm to an animal. This behavior is often associated with sociopathic behavior and tendencies. Another disturbing behavior is a paraphilia called bestiality, also known as zoophilia. In a simple sense, bestiality involves intercourse with an animal and includes oral genital contact of any kind between humans and animals. Shockingly, this act is legal in several states. The common sexually abused animals are: cats, dogs, sheep, cows, hens, rabbits, goats, ducks, horses, bulls, and fish. All these animals are accessible, which is why they are commonly abused. Bestiality is considered abuse because it is forced sex. Some animals are owned for only one...
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...IV 20 April 2015 Animal Abuse Image a puppy with no clue in the world, a nice looking man takes the puppy home. He is nice at first, all trust is for him. Then beats, starves, and drags the puppy when it is grown. The dog is confused he don’t know why he is being treated that way, but yet still trust in his owner. Even when after time and time again he is beating to the point of broken bones. The dog can’t run away or cry for help: he is chained to a tree with about three feet of rope. Animals have been put on earth for joy but owners are abusing them and for that the punishment should equal the abuse. The law has improved from where it was when this problem first came about in the 19 century. It started...
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...Ethical Treatment of Animals I. Introduction Animals have played an important role in many aspects of this world; some look upon these roles with favoritism, some with disgust. Animals give live birth and are considered different from humans by some people because of their behavior. Some animals are consumed as food by humans and other animals or trapped for their furs. Many times people get animals as pets and neglect them. Some animals are pulled out of their habitat and are used as research yet; some humans think they don't deserve any rights because they are animals. A. Thesis Statement Throughout this paper I will examples of possibilities that can be used to change the life of an animal in the food industry, as a pet and as research, we need to help them have a better life even if we are going to use them as food and pets. II. Body paragraph #1 - Topic Sentence #1 On today's factory farms, animals are crammed by the thousands into filthy, windowless sheds and confined to wire cages, gestation crates, barren dirt lots, and other cruel confinement systems. A. Supporting Evidence PETA made a investigation at Agriprocessors in 2004 revealed almost 300 instances of inhumane slaughter, in which cows' sensitive faces were shocked with electric prods, fully conscious cattle had their tracheas and esophagi ripped from their throats with meat hooks or knives, and they writhed in pools of their own blood, trying desperately to stand up for up to three minutes as...
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...Animal Cruelty There are many things that are illegal in this country such as; drugs, theft and animal cruelty to name a few. These laws are almost always broken especially animal abuse. For me this is considered one of the worst things that a person can do to an animal because animals can’t defend themselves, people just abuse them for the fun of it or it could also be neglect. What can be done to stop such cruelty against animals? What exactly is animal cruelty? According to Stacy Wolf, vice president of the ASPCA there is no simple answer because animal cruelty is defined differently from state to state. Offenses that are considered against animals include abuse, neglect, animal fighting, abandonment and practicing veterinary medicine on animals without a license. Wolf also states that in every state the laws for animal cruelty are quite different but cover almost any animal. For example, “New York law covers “ every living creature except a human being”, while California law covers “every dumb creature”.” (Wolf). These states are quite blunt on explaining their laws against animal cruelty. But Arizona gives more of an explanation on which animals are protected under the law which are mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. There are felony provisions for animal cruelty in forty-seven states excluding Idaho, North Dakota, and South Dakota. But before all of these laws were in the forty-seven states, in 1986 only four states had laws against animal cruelty. The human...
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...Animal cruelty laws should be tightened in the United States because pet owners and companies around the country are still treating animals very poorly and using them in the wrong ways as test subjects for their products. Thousands of animals are abused every day and only half the time is something done about it. Animal cruelty should not be a small issue, it needs to be properly addressed. Animals that have been abused and neglected get stuck with long term psychological and sometimes physical effects. The animals become helpless, hurt and most times abandoned. Animals cannot communicate with humans like we do so we must be the voice to put an end to their abuse. Common animals that suffer from abuse, and domestic violence are...
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...Create awareness among the audience Central Idea: Animal Abuse is a constantly growing issue and today I am going to provide you with some information on where it stems from and how to prevent it. Introduction I. Attention Material a. “We are coming up on our 6 month anniversary of the day we brought Lola home from Homeward Pet. She is an amazing addition to our family; I cannot imagine a better dog for us. We are so grateful for our experience with Homeward Pets, our lives are changed forever.” That is a direct quote from the Miles family, who adopted their dog from an animal shelter. b. Raise your hand if you have had either a pet dog or cat at one point in your life. c. About 62% of households in the United States has a pet, this includes 78.2 million dogs and 86.4 million cats are owned in the United States. d. Based on those statistics, think about this. According to the yearly animal abuse report, of the 1160 reported cases in 2010, 64.5% involved Dogs and 18% involved cats. II. Orienting Material e. Central Idea: Animal abuse is a constantly growing issue, and today I am going to provide you with some information on where it stems from, as well as how to prevent it. f. The slide show that I will show may be graphic, but are pictures from real life abusive households. These pictures are not meant to upset you, but to show you the effects that abuse can have on an animal. Transition: While the slideshow plays through, I...
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...Animal Cruelty http://www.aspca.org/fight-cruelty/report-animal-cruelty/top-10-ways-to-prevent-animal-cruelty Here are some other signs and symptoms that we see in many of the cases we investigate: * Tick or flea infestations. Such a condition, if left untreated by a veterinarian, can lead to an animal's death. * Wounds on the body. * Patches of missing hair. * Extremely thin, starving animals. * Limping. * An owner striking or otherwise physically abusing an animal. * Dogs who are repeatedly left alone without food and water, often chained up in a yard. * Dogs who have been hit by cars-or are showing any of the signs listed above-and have not been taken to a veterinarian. * Dogs who are kept outside without shelter in extreme weather conditions. * Animals who cower in fear or act aggressively when approached by their owners. 1. Know who to call to report animal cruelty. Every state and every town are different. In some areas, you may have to rely on the police department to investigate animal cruelty; in others, you may have to contact local animal control or another municipal agency. If you aren't sure where to report cruelty, please visit our Report Animal Cruelty section. 2. Get to know and look out for the animals in your neighborhood. By being aware, you're more likely to notice, for example, that the dog next door who was once hefty has lost weight rapidly—a possible indicator of abuse. 3. Make the call. Without...
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...has been animals even before human were created. Animals have been a part of this world since humans were so why would people want to harm animals and use them for entertainment? There have been a lot of laws passed over the years to protect animals. Scientists have changed the way they experiment on animals. For many year’s scientists used animals to experiment on to enhance the human knowledge. Dogs, rabbits, and other animals were being used for experiments; after the experiments were done the scientist Bernard said “those experiments were unnecessary”. (Clemmitt, Marcia) Although there are a lot of protection laws passed in different states, people still abuse animals, consistency with law enforcement...
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...Keera Owens 22 August 2012 Stop the Cruelty "Did you know that most American households have one or more pets than they have children?” stated by the American Humane Association. We all know that once you decide to get a pet that you now have responsibilities you must fulfill. For instance if you have a dog you know that a dog needs exercise, food and water, toys, baths, medical assistance and even a nice cozy bed. Something that's also important that a dog must receive is a sense of love and safety. “In the United States alone, five to seven million pets are turned into shelters each year,” (ASPCA). All of these millions of animals sitting in shelters are lacking the same one thing and that is a loving home. Due to animal cruelty a lot of these animals are being put in shelters and this is a very serious mater taking place all over the world. The term animal cruelty is pretty self-explanatory and almost speaks for itself. The first thing you think about is an animal living under cruel conditions. That almost pins the definition on the dot. According to the definition, “animal cruelty is the infliction of physical pain, suffering or death upon an animal when not necessary”, (Black Laws Dictionary). Animal cruelty occurs in various forms. Whether it's neglecting, starvation, dehydration, or simply not getting the proper medical attention, it is all forms of animal cruelty. People like to think that animals don't have any feelings and their incapable of feeling pain...
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...As I'm writing this, and as you are reading this, thousands of animals are dying. In the one minute it takes you to read this paragraph, 19,000 animals will be killed in the United States alone-so that humans can eat them (ASPCA). Thousands more are waiting their turn in line. Some of them are squealing, squawking, or bellowing and straining and fighting for their lives. Others are terrified but too dejected, weak, and injured to fight. But each of them-every single one of them-is feeling something, something awful. They don't want to die, not now and not like this. Every year, ten billion domesticated land animals are slaughtered for food in the United States-twenty-seven million each day (11 Facts About Animal Cruelty). Most farmed animals are killed when they are barely adolescents or even younger, such as the "broiler" chickens raised for meat who are slaughtered only at six and seven weeks old. Every year, six to eight million dogs and cats enter shelters in. Somewhere, shelter workers are heaving the bodies of dead dogs and cats, which just days ago were not only alive but even healthy, into a pile for disposal because no one adopted them in time. Three to four million shelter dogs and cats are killed because couldn’t be adopted on time. In the next city, a circus is pulling into town, with depressed, stressed, and maddeningly bored animals are crammed in cages, where they will stay for hours, waiting until it is time to perform unnatural stunts, which they will do...
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...Every day in the United States animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for survival. Left in unsanitary conditions with no food or water, they have little hope as they live out their days without the compassion they deserve. Some are found and rescued, given the chance to experience how great life and humans can be; others aren't so lucky. To grow as a nation, we must fight for these abused animals' rights and severely punish heartless owners. It is up to us to speak for these creatures who lack a voice, for who will if we don't? One of the first steps in protecting animals and creating effective cruelty laws is knowing what animal cruelty actually is. There are two categories: passive cruelty and active cruelty. The first involves acts of omission, meaning the abuse happens as a result of neglect or lack of action. Passive cruelty might seem less serious, but that is not the case; it can lead to terrible pain and suffering, and ultimately death. Examples include starvation, dehydration, untreated parasite infestations, inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions, and the failure to get medical care. Passive cruelty is sometimes due to the owner's ignorance, so many animal control officers will first try to educate neglectful owners on how to properly care for animals before giving them a citation or placing them under arrest. Active cruelty, on the other hand, is more well known and disturbing. Sometimes referred to as non-accidental injury, this type...
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