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The Secret Life Of Bees Quote Analysis

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The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd has many life lessons in it. It has examples of family problems, racial problems, and it also shows how love is not affected just because of race. In the book, Lily's life is compared to a bee's life constantly. From how she is lost without the queen bee, or in other words her mom, or how Lily needs the touch and care from loved ones just like the bees do. One epigraph from chapter nine says “ The whole fabric of honey bee society depends on communication- on an innate ability to send and receive messages, to encode and decode information”, this quote is related to not just this chapter, but this whole book because Lily is not always truthful about her life back in Sylvan and she does not tell the Boatwright sisters everything that is going on. In chapter nine, Lily has an internal conflict and begins to feel bad about her lies that she has been telling August. She wants to tell August the truth but she is afraid that the truth will do more bad than good and that August will call T. Ray to come get Lily. Some of the lies Lily has told August …show more content…
This is very important to Lily because she had only had a few things to remember her mom by. While going through the box, August pulls out many items, but the most important item was a picture of her mom smiling while holding Lily. This picture assure Lily that her mom was coming back for her and not just her stuff. This event is connected to the epigraph also because the communication between August and Lily leads to Lily finally finding out the answer to her question.
The Secret Life of Bees has many life lessons that can be learned. One being that society depends on communication. Without communication things can go terribly wrong and everything can fall apart without it. Everything depends on communication, whether it is a job or a game of football, nothing would go smooth without it and Lily has finally figured that

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