...which is consistent with a high level of managerial ownership reducing agency costs leading to a closer alignment of interests between managers and shareholders. High blockholder ownership is positively related to offer price premium but not market price premium which implies that underwriters, but not investors, perceive that the quality of the IPO is associated with blockholder ownership. Board size is negatively associated with both measures of IPO pricing, suggesting that smaller boards are better. The other conventional corporate governance variables are not significant. Family ownership and family management are negatively related to both offer price and market price premium, which is consistent with the suggestion that the lack of separation of ownership and management causes family-controlled firms to suffer from cloudy financial vision, resulting in a negative relationship with pricing. However, family chairman is positively associated with offer price premium which implies that underwriters view family leadership on the board as beneficial. The other family governance variables are not significant. None of the board expertise variables examined are significantly related to IPO pricing. I. Introduction The launching of an initial public offering (IPO) is a pivotal event in a firm's history. In the pre-IPO period, firms tend to have high levels of inside ownership. Consequently agency issues of the type considered by Jensen and Meckling (1976) are not of first...
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...OF RELIGION PROVISIONS IN PUBLIC BODIES IN NEW ZEALAND, CANADA, AND THE UNITED STATES by ELIZABETH G. FOX 28 August 2009 1 I INTRODUCTION New Zealand does not have a state religion in the way that other countries do.1 The Church of England, for example, has its doctrine and prayer book ratified by Parliament and has the Queen as supreme authority over both ecclesiastical and civil matters.2 However, the central legislators of this country listen to the Speaker of the House open each Parliamentary session with the following prayer.3 Almighty God, humbly acknowledging our need for Thy guidance in all things, and laying aside all private and personal interests, we beseech Thee to grant that we may conduct the affairs of this House and of our country to the glory of Thy holy name, the maintenance of true religion and justice, the honour of the Queen, and the public welfare, peace, and tranquillity of New Zealand, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Is this appropriate in a country that professes no state church and the tolerance of all religions equally?4 Religious content has historically infiltrated governing and administrative bodies. However, with the cultural disestablishment of Christianity and the emergence of toleration for all faiths, there continues to be the presence and preference of a small set of religions by the State. The degree to which religion interacts with the State varies with different public bodies. One reaction to this ad hoc system...
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...Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC G.R. No. 180643 September 4, 2008 competing interests in the case at bar are the claim of executive privilege by the President, on the one hand, and the respondent Senate Committees’ assertion of their power to conduct legislative inquiries, on the other. The particular facts and circumstances of the present case, stripped of the politically and emotionally charged rhetoric from both sides and viewed in the light of settled constitutional and legal doctrines, plainly lead to the conclusion that the claim of executive privilege must be upheld. Assailed in this motion for reconsideration is our Decision dated March 25, 2008 (the "Decision"), granting the petition for certiorari filed by petitioner Romulo L. Neri against the respondent Senate Committees on Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations, 1 Trade and Commerce,2 and National Defense and Security (collectively the "respondent Committees"). 3 A brief review of the facts is imperative. ROMULO L. NERI, petitioner, vs. SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS AND INVESTIGATIONS, SENATE COMMITTEE ON TRADE AND COMMERCE, AND SENATE COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL DEFENSE AND SECURITY, respondents. RESOLUTION LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: Executive privilege is not a personal privilege, but one that adheres to the Office of the President. It exists to protect public interest, not to benefit a particular public official. Its purpose, among others, is to assure...
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...The business literature is overflowing with concepts. Some of these, usually only a few, manage to stay ‘in the spotlight’ for longer; Chandler’s (1962; 1990) ‘managerial enterprise’ is among them. His theory links strategic decisions, internal structures and corporate performance and despite its criticism, it is still used to explain corporate success (and failure) of the late19th, 20th and even the 21st century (Gospel, 1988:105). In contrast to the contingency approach, Chandler (1990) advocates the American way of organisation as the ‘one best way’ for all countries [1] . Yet, can one size fit all? We shall refer to different country examples, industries and time periods to find out. Chandler argued that large managerial enterprises have managed to prosper through the years due to a basic economic logic, which he named ‘three-pronged strategy’ [2] (Chandler, 1995). According to this concept, firms should invest heavily in both their production and distribution functions in order to fully exploit economies of scale and scope at a national and international level (Chandler, 1990; 1995). This can only happen when the firm relies on the accurate judgment of skilful professional management. The aim was to create organisational capabilities and benefit from first-mover advantages via ‘related diversification’ (Chandler, 1995; Whittington et al., 1999). The implemented structure can best be described, using the author’s own words, as ‘centralised and functionally-departmentalised’...
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...Antidote To Executive Greed? | May2011 | “Today I sign the most far-reaching reforms of American business practices since the time of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This new law sends very clear messages that all concerned must heed. This law says to every dishonest corporate leader: you will be exposed and punished; the era of low standards and false profits is over; no boardroom in America is above or beyond the law”- George W. Bush | | INTRODUCTION Since the initial separation of corporate ownership from corporate management, the abuse of power by management has been a concern. Early in the last century a small number of Industrialists owned and controlled the major corporations. Slowly, as these individuals aged and retired, their vast holdings were transferred to a large number of decedents who were, for the most part, disinterested in managing the firms in which they held an ownership share. The shareholders relied on experienced managers to direct their corporations. This transfer of power gave rise to agency problems wherein the agent of the organization (manager) is likely to place their own interest above those of the actual owners of the firm. There is a vast body of literature addressing the issues of agency problems and clearly defined Agency Theory to which the majority of scholars subscribe (Van Ness, Miesing, and Kang, 2009) The original attempt to create an antidote to agency problems was the formation of corporate boards of directors (Van Ness and...
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...the summit with words: “Terrorism will only be defeated if we act to solve the political disputes or long-standing conflicts that generate support for it. (…) If we do not, we should find ourselves acting as recruiting sergeants for the very terrorists. We have to win hearts and minds.” The causes of terrorism may be inter alia historical, economical, religious or ideological, and there is no way to entirely eliminate it from our world. Preventing terrorism needs complete understanding of the phenomenon and cooperation between states. There are different actions taken by various organisations and people but not all of them succeed. What exactly is terrorism, how do terrorist organisations work and how to counter terrorist activities? Terrorism by itself has numerous definitions as it is hard to define it precisely. It is said that this phenomenon has over 100 definitions and lack of one, widely recognized, hinders fighting with this danger. When we discuss about terrorism in colloquial conversation, we instinctually know what it is about and what the meaning of this word is. It is otherwise in case of professional and legal discussions where you have to agree on a definition of the term. The concept of terrorism derives from the Greek treo – “to tremble, to fear”, “to coward, to run away” and Latin terror, -oris – “fear, dread, dismay”, or “terrible word, terrible news” and a derivative of the verb Latin terreo – “to induce horror, to scare”. The word “terrorism” means literally...
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...DECENTRALIZATION, GOVERNANCE AND PUBLIC SERVICES THE IMPACT OF INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Omar Azfar, Satu Kähkönen, Anthony Lanyi, Patrick Meagher, and Diana Rutherford IRIS Center, University of Maryland, College Park September 1999 Table of Contents 1 2 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................1 IMPACT OF DECENTRALIZATION ON PUBLIC SERVICES: THEORY AND EVIDENCE ............................................................................................2 2.1 Theory.............................................................................................................................................. 2 2.1.a Allocative Efficiency............................................................................................................... 2 2.1.b Accountability ......................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.c Cost Recovery ......................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Evidence........................................................................................................................................... 3 3 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE PERFORMANCE OF DECENTRALIZED SERVICE PROVISION...................................................................................5 3.1 The Political Framework..........
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...Mount Royal UniversityINBU 3301-007 | Market Entry Analysis | VIH Aviation | | Cassandra BianchiniMichael HaShoaib HasanLeo LamTaylor Smith | 12/1/2011 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY VIH Aviation has built credibility for its well trained staff, well maintained equipment, safety standards, and technological developments. The performance of the organization has caught the attention of some foreign firms, and additional business ventures will analyzed. China’s second-largest airline has proposed a joint-venture offering shares, profits, cultural know-how for equipment and managerial know-how. Australia’s HNZ group has proposed an acquisition and has offered their staff, equipment, and cultural know-how in exchange for technological expertise and heavy equipment. Finally the sister corporation VIH Cougar in the Gulf of Mexico could be further expanded. The analysis completed was a competitor analysis; Bristow, PHI, and CHC are all industry leaders bringing their own expertise to the table. Bristow is one of the largest companies in the industry and recently started using TCAS2’s (traffic collision avoidance system) for new equipment. PHI dominates the North American oil and gas market, and has the most air time experience of all firms. CHC also has strong ties with oil and gas firms, but after a significant loss they are looking to be acquired by another firm. Overall the helicopter industry is growing due to the new exploration sites for oil and gas, and many opportunities...
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...THE SOCIAL FORCES BEHIND TRADE UNION FAILURE TO PROTECT WORKERS INTERESTS IN TANZANIA: A specific look at the Tanzania Teachers Union (TTU) Eric Michael Mattaba B.A (Sociology) Dissertation University of Dar es Salaam August 2015 THE SOCIAL FORCES BEHIND TRADE UNION FAILURE TO PROTECT WORKERS INTERESTS IN TANZANIA: A specific look at the Tanzania Teachers Union (TTU) By Eric Michael Mattaba A Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Sociology) of the University of Dar es Salaam University of Dar es Salaam August 2015 CERTIFICATION The undersigned certify that they have read and hear by recommend for acceptance by the University of Dar es Salaam a dissertation entitled: The social forces behind trade union failure in protecting workers interest in Tanzania: A specific look at the Tanzania Teachers Union (TTU), in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Sociology) of the University of Dar es Salaam Mr. Armstrong Matogwa (Supervisor) DECLARATION AND COPYRIGHT I, Eric Michael Mattaba, hereby declare that this dissertation is my own original work and that it has not been presented and will not be presented to any other University for a similar or any other degree award. Signature………………………………….. This dissertation is a copyright material protected under the Berne Convention, the copyright Act 1999 and other international and national enactments in that behalf, on intellectual property...
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...“Deconstructing Independent Directors”(*) María Gutiérrez Maribel Sáez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and ECGI Universidad Autónoma de Madrid January 2012 Abstract In this paper we argue that boards of directors lack the mandate, the incentives and the ability to control insiders, especially in jurisdictions where the main agency problem arises between controlling and minority shareholders. We analyze the problems that render independents an inefficient monitoring device for companies with concentrated ownership structures and conclude that the current focus of the regulators and codes of best practice on empowering independents is ineffective and companies would be better off choosing their board members at liberty. Nevertheless, we also present two different proposals for reform: independents as gatekeepers for the regulator and independents as surrogates of the minority. Both proposals are based on the idea that if independent directors are expected to monitor controlling shareholders their most important characteristic should be accountability rather than mere independence. JEL Classifications: G32; G34; K22 Keywords: Independent directors, Board of directors, Concentrated ownership, Monitoring, Corporate Law (*)The authors wish to thank, Jesus Alfaro, Magda Bianco, Fernando Gómez Pomar and Assaf Hamdani and seminar audiences at AEDE 2010 and SIDE 2011 for many useful comments. The contents of this paper are the sole responsibility of...
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...Global Journal of Human Resource Management Vol.3, No.3, pp.58-73, May 2015 Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org) HISTORY, EVOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: A CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE Kipkemboi Jacob Rotich1, Moi University, School of Human Resource Development, Department of Development Studies, P.o Box 3900-30100, Eldoret, Kenya. ABSTRACT: Various attempts have been made towards tracing the historical development of the discipline of Human Resource Management (HRM). However, these initiatives have largely been concentrated on certain specific periods of time and experiences of specific countries and regions such as Australia, the USA, the UK and Asia (Nankervis et.al, 2011; Kelly, 2003; Ogier, 2003). This paper attempts to document the entire history of the discipline of Human Resource Management from a holistic perspective. The evolution and development of HRM will be traced right from the pre-historic times through to the postmodern world. Major characteristics in the evolution and development of HRM will also be examined and documented. KEYWORDS: Human Resource Management (HRM), evolution, history INTRODUCTION Defining Human Resource Management (HRM) According to Armstrong (2006) Human Resource Management (HRM) is defined as a strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization’s most valued assets – the people working there who individually and collectively...
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...UNIT ONE INTRODUCTION TO CIVIC AND ETHICAL EDUCATION 1. INTRODUCTION 2. MEANINGS OF CIVICS AND ETHICAL EDUCATION The Notion of Civics The subject field of civics originates from the nature of human being itself i.e. from the natural behavior and level of interaction of human beings it self. One basic nature of human beings related with this statement is the fact that “man is a social animal” whose life is closely related to each other. Almost all instincts, demands and progresses of human beings are fulfilled in society. The superiority that human beings try to achieve over nature and other living things is the result of the social bond among human beings. If such bond is a requirement for the survival of human beings, then what should be the pattern of social interaction that exist among human beings is closely related with the subject matter of civics. In this regard civics is considered as a subject field which is mainly concerned with teaching citizens as to how they can live harmonious and peaceful life with other citizens and as to how they can resolve conflicts peacefully among them selves. The other basic nature of human being is the political view of philosophy by Plato that, “Man is a political animal”, which means no human being can escape from the deeds of politics and its dayto-day life is either directly or indirectly affected by it. For this reason human beings have to know the workings of politics, institutions that affect their day to day life, norms, principles...
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...TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATION HANDBOOK Edited by Colin Blackman and Lara Srivastava Telecommunications Regulation Handbook Tenth Anniversary Edition Edited by Colin Blackman and Lara Srivastava ©2011 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, InfoDev, and The International Telecommunication Union All rights reserved 1 2 3 4 14 13 12 11 This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, InfoDev, and The International Telecommunication Union. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent; InfoDev; or the Member States of the International Telecommunication Union. The World Bank, InfoDev, and The International Telecommunication Union do not guarantee the accuracy of...
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...BUSINESS ACCOUNTANCY 4 Table of Contents Introduction3 1.0 The features of globalization 1.1 Economy…………………………………………………………………………………………………...4 1.2 Trade………………………………………………………………………………………………………...5 1.3 Communication and Technology……………………………………………………………….7 1.4 Environmental…………………………………………………………………………………………..8 1.5 Culture………………………………………………………………………………………………………9 2.0 Impacts of globalization on pacific island nations…………………………………11 3.0 The serious problem facing the world today…………………………………………13 3.1 Global warming……………………………………………………………………………………….13 3.2 Poverty, Disease, conflict and natural disaster………………………………………..14 4.0 How it affects the Government and people of Solomon Island……………..16 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………..18 Introduction Definition Globalisation is define as; “A process in which the economic, political & cultural separation between nations is breaking down & an international order is emerging” It is further define as the occurring in the economic, political & social realms which is the result of the dismantling of fixed boundaries around nations, cultures and economies” It is assumed by many that globalization begins in 1980s & 1990s. Historically, it’s as old as imperialism, trade & colonialism. It begun hundreds of years ago The process of globalization is a very broad and vast concept that is often had to pin down it accurate definition...
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...means that we need to communicate you. We start every chapter with learning objectives. The most important thing you will get out of this course are the basic skills required to succeed in today’s environment which are, you must be able to communicate, think creatively, plan effectively and deal with people. Copyright © Virtual University of Pakistan 1 Human Resource Management (MGT501) INTRODUCTION TO HRM After studying this chapter, students should be able to understand the following: Describe HRM? Explain why are we concerned about HRM? Discuss Road-map of HRM VU Lesson 1 LESSON OVERVIEW This chapter introduces the students with the basic concepts of the human resource management (HRM). During the lecture, we will be discussing the three main things, i.e. the introduction to HRM, the importance of HRM, and a brief discussion of the Resource topics that will follow today’s lecture. A basic concept of management states that manager works in organizations. Organization has three basic components, People, Purpose, and Structure. HRM is the study of activates regarding people working in an Human organization. It is a managerial function that tries to match an organization’s needs to the skills and abilities of its employees. Let’s see what...
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