...The Social Media Era In this era and time, billions of people everywhere in the world are logging into the internet several times a day. Why wouldn't they? Large amounts of people have the internet on their high tech mobile devices, and at the touch of a phone they can check their email, their Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, their financial activities, film times, and on and on. One of these things typically takes up more of a person’s time than the others. Any social networking site or application, whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat, appears to easily take up the hours of an individual's day. Kids and teens are getting to these sites while they’re at school and when they get home from school. Grown-ups are getting to these websites while they are at work. The people who are married or have kids are commonly deciding to spend time checking their profiles instead of being with their friends and family. Many individuals say we require them to stay in contact with companions. Be that as it may, the benefits don't exceed the issues they cause. Social networking gives teens and grown-ups excuses to be sluggish, overweight, and preoccupied with less important things. The overuse of social media is less beneficial at school, work or in one’s personal life. For these reasons and many others social networking is viewed as terrible for pop culture and should not to be used. Social networking, particularly Twitter, creates dependence. Some may say drugs...
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...Themes in the Course 2 Week 2- Theoretical Approaches to Media, Culture and Chinese Society 3 Outline of Class 3 State and Market Framework 4 Negotiable State market Framework 4 Political Economy Approach 5 Presentation 5 WEEK 3- Media Systems and the Party State (Mao-Reform Era) 6 Anti-capitalistic and anti-imperialistic revolution (1921-1949) 6 Legitimacy 7 Maoist Socialist Practice (1949-1976) 7 Deng (1978-1992) 8 Jiang Zemin’s era- 1992-2002 10 Market Economy and Scientific Outlook on Development (2002-2012) 11 The 5th Generation 2012-2022 11 WEEK 4 11 The Shifting Role of the media: Between the party line and the bottom line 11 Focus on the Bottom line 12 State Control 12 “Popular Culture” in the context of China in post-Mao market reform era 13 The Chinese state (The Party-state) 14 The media-government/state relationship 14 The Media System and Media-State Relationship 15 Maoism/Mao Zedong Thoughts 16 Week 4- Commercial Media and Reconfigured Power Relations 16 The Party/State Structures 16 Different Party Committees 17 Ministries (under the state council) 17 Media System: 18 Central Media Outlets 18 Provincial Media Outlets 18 Universal Values: Two views 18 Week 5- Popular Culture and Cultural Industry 19 Mass Media and Popular Culture in Mao Era 19 Popular Culture 20 Popular Culture in the Mao Era 20 Broadcasting/Radio in Mao Era 20 Week 7- Media Culture in China’s Global Reintegration 21 Shifting...
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...Aviva Hurvitz 24 November 2015 Feminism and the Media Representation of Women in the 1970’s Major social change happens when enough people strongly believe in it. The media influences public opinion and thus has the ability to support or destroy these social change movements. In the 1970’s, the second wave feminist movement was attempting to create wide spread social change. Its leading organization, the National Organization for Women (NOW), was focused on dismantling workplace inequality, such as denial of access to better jobs and salary inequity, and protecting women’s rights, such as stopping domestic violence. They attempted to do this through creating legislation and changing public opinion. The media’s representation of women overall at this time counteracted these goals. By creating a derogatory picture of the “feminist”, the media made her unsympathetic to the public. Rather than creating support for the core goals of the feminist movement, the media focused on more controversial topics, specifically gay rights. This negative media coverage of the women’s movement hurt its ability to implement meaningful legislation, such as the Equal Rights Amendment. The way in which print media degraded women, demonized feminists, and connected feminism to controversial topics damaged the progress of second wave feminism in the 1970’s. The definition of a feminist is a person who believes in the social, economic, and political equality of the sexes (Miriam Webster...
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...ocial networking websites like Facebook, twitter, MySpace, youtube and etc. are very much common among youth. Social media has several impacts on students and their academic work as Students use social media websites for discussion and for study purposes. Social media has become a vital part in modern society. Social media is becoming increasingly important for this era, because of increasing global outreach potential offered by the internet. Students can contact, address and influence many other people at the same time all around the world, via various forms of social media. Social media also have some positive points, as it helps people in online communities and enhance communication. Social media has been used in many ways in this era as it is the era of technology. Youth is learning fast on social media and using it for constructive purpose also. One can educate people about the society, good and bad, values, ethics and culture, if its use is preceded in a positive way. Sometimes, Students use these social media tools in their studies also. They talk about their lectures, subjects or a single topic of their syllabus with their campus community groups. Many of teens, youth but also adults also use it. Many of them don’t know how to use it safe. Over the past few years, social media networks have become one of the most popular applications on the internet. Social networking sites attracts youth, teens specially students towards them. While chatting and talking to friends,...
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...The role of marketing has changed over time; beginning with the simple trade era, a time when everything was either made or harvested by hand (White, 2010), to the Social Media Marketing Era. The following eras will be described using different business types to explain what companies did during the era; Production Era, Sales Era, Marketing Concept Era, Market Orientation Era, Customer Experience Management Era, and Social Media Marketing Era. The production era began in the mid 1800s and lasted for 60 years. The revolution of mass production began during this era and business’ main focus was on selling their products rather than satisfying customer needs (Crane, 2014). The Ford Motor Company played a big part in the production era, this is when Henry Ford introduced the first moving assembly line. The moving assembly line at the Ford Motor Company was able to to meet the ever growing demands of a motorized vehicle by producing one Model T vehicle every 24 seconds (History, 2009). The main focus of The Ford Motor Company was the amount of vehicles the assembly line could produce and sell; this was done by creating using production plants where the parts being used to produce the vehicles could be interchangeable on the assembly line, and the ability of the assembly line to move instead of being static. After the production era came the sales era, beginning in the 1920s and lasted until the 1960s. Industries, like the flour industry, were producing more than customers could...
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...What is social media? What comes into your mind when asked about social media? What is it about social media that attracted quite a lot of students in this new era? According to the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, social media are “forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and micro-blogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos)”. No wonder why students nowadays are so caught up in technology. If you would look around, you’d probably notice people looking down on their phones with their eyes locked on their screens. Social media is now a norm that today’s society has adjusted to from a conservative culture. It has become a common change for people referring to their social lives. In fact, basic personal human interaction is slowly becoming displaced by this new era of technology. Unlike in personal human interaction, social media provides the convenience and the essential communication for venturing into this changing world. However, personal human interaction also gives us opportunities to be more physically healthy; talking to people, and basically being more active outside compared to being silent and...
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...its basic principles. It’s still about creating a demand in the marketplace and then deploying adequate expertise and techniques to enable a brand achieve its objective. The concept of marketing, therefore, hasn’t changed. What’s changed is the context. At the Mumbai round of the Pitch CMO Summit 2010, held on November 16, keynote speaker Sanjay Behl, CEO, Reliance Big TV, explained how marketing had evolved over the years from the traditional 4Ps of the Nineties to a more contemporary approach, which was about People, Purpose, Perspective, Protection and Participation. Behl took the audience through the three phases of marketing – the pre-Nineties era (Marketing 1.0), the post Nineties era (Marketing 2.0), and the current 2010 era (Marketing 3.0). While the traditional 4Ps (Place, Product, Price, Promotion) were relevant in the era of Marketing 1.0, Marketing 2.0 was about People, Positioning, Productivity and Profit. “We saw the opening up of the economy in this phase, Exim policies were relaxed, there was rise in consumerism and the economy was booming. With all the growth opportunities, the focus for marketers was on ROI,” Behl pointed out. “Marketing 3.0 is what defines most brands and marketers do today,” he added. He then went on to explain the five biggest trends impacting Indian and global brands… 1- Touch world Press a button and get any information you want. There were 6.5 billion people having a mobile phone and almost one-third of the world was currently present...
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...Pikoli (4-C) 321413101 Speaking Task: Mini Research “Social Media as a Tool to Improve Writing Skill” INTRODUCTION 1.1 Basic Consideration Social media is a websites and applications that enable users to create and share content like information, ideas, and personal messages or to participate in social networking. In this era, social media has dominate the lifetime of people. Start from student from junior high school until parents have their own account on social media. We are as a human have a desire to show our emotions through words. And by the social media we can communicate with the foreign people. It is impossible to use our language to communicate in that extra-large area of community. So that we have to write in English, as a world language that can be understand by that foreign people. It will be a self-improvement especially in writing skill, because we write many of words in English and it is repeatedly day by day. And from this phenomena it says that slowly a Social Media can improve our writing skill. Based on this consideration, then I am interested on analyzing mini research “Social Media as a Tool to Improve Writing Skill” 1.2 Research Questions 1. How social media can improve writing skill? 1.3 The Objective of Research In general, this mini research is done to show people opinion about social media as a self-improvement. In specific, this mini research done to explain how social media can be a tool to improve people on their writing skill...
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...Meanwhile, the article “Americans complicated feelings about social media in an era of privacy concerns” by Lee Rainie from Pew Research Center discusses sentiments towards social media and the protection of people’s privacy. Whether telling a story of technological deception, or simply stating facts, both texts raise the question: can humans and computers efficiently coexist with each other, and not cause...
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...Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 152 (2014) 852 – 855 ERPA 2014 Role of technology in accounting and e-accounting Aysel Güneya* a Bilecik Şeyh Edebali UniversityApplied Sciences Faculty, Bilecik, 11210, Turkey Abstract Technological developments changed methods for carrying out tasks within the scope of accounting activities and transactions related to accounting was started to being carried out through electronic media. Growth and development growing rapidly in information technologies day by day have brought digital revolution in economic, social and cultural fields. Our era is information era and when we acknowledge that accounting is an information system, the way and processes of transacting businesses of enterprises have changed with usage of information technologies in enterprises and this influenced accounting closely. Necessity of keeping up with changing conditions of accounting led educators and practitioners to new pursuits. Enabling inclusion of information era and technologic factors in education by benefiting from digital resources as well as theoretical information in accounting education provided in universities and generating an interactive environment to keep student wakeful and preferring educational model in which information technologies are used is necessary. In order to achieve that, students should be provided to take target-driven accounting courses and an educational...
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...Question: Describe the social and political conditions that existed in America just prior to the Progressive Movement. Discuss how the Progressives informed their audiences of these conditions, and explain the extent to which they were successful in reforming several of the problems they addressed. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, America was in a time of major reform. Citizens of the United States were tired of the neglected situations of poor working conditions, overcrowding of cities, political corruption, and abuses by industrialists. A reform group, known as the Progressives took it upon themselves to rally for change. Using many different resources of media, combined with many different organized protests and petitions,...
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...My family and I are usually known to be a private territory. Whatever problems me or my family have, whether at work or in school, we solve it all at home and no one finds out. Unfortunately in this new digital era, where technologies have grown and become more complex and advanced, our privacy has been compromised. Today, with the new world known as social media, my relationship with my family has changed in surprisingly, often negative ways. For instance, some of my family members, Including my uncle or aunt, have been able to find out what I have been up to by checking my statuses or updates online directly through social media, without having to call me or ask me personally. This isn’t good when you are planning on dating a girl or skipping school one day, and now your whole family knows. I have also become mildly addicted to social media. I spend about seven hours a day on entertainment and social media. This sums up to about 50 hours a week, more than a normal 40 hour job. During this time, I’m barely involved in the real social world, or in society realistically. I’m not communicating with my family or getting involved in intimate relationships. This lifestyle has caused stress, a few pounds of fatty weight gain, and difficulty establishing interpersonal relationships. This includes relationships with my family members. In addition, I suffer from slight depression! I am even mentally absent when hanging out with friends or even worse, my own family. Whether...
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...The Effects of Mass Media Nicholas Hall University of Phoenix Hum/186 October 2, 2012 David Dinkins Throughout time ways of communicating have changed from oral to digital. Every new development in communicating and media has effected how people live and present themselves. A person’s life is characterized by what they listen to and the things they observe. Verbal communication was the beginning of mass media changes. Poets, teachers, and tribal storytellers first passed down information and knowledge my speaking tradition. Communication by speaking never reached a large crowd. The tribe kept their knowledge and information amongst themselves or their own community. After the alphabet came about, more people started writing, thus began the writing era. People started documenting oral traditions which turned into the written material. The developments of mass media for the future were defined by the written and oral eras in communicating. The publication era followed the oral and written eras, which showed to be a large change in mass communication. In the beginning printing was outrageously expensive and unless you were wealthy you could not afford the materials to read and write. When printing devices changed for the better, the price of materials dropped, and more people could afford them. Books were the first products that were marketed in history in masses (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2012). When written communication...
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...Surname Instructor Class Date Media's Effect upon People Media has been evolving in the past few decades, initially media was used as a tool of sending news and beefing people with the information. That is history now, because of the emergence of the new technologies, which has enhanced communications. Furthermore, there has emerged an adaption of electronic messaging from millions of individuals in the world. Electronic messaging has come in different ways, which in effect has enabled unique and specialized ways of sending messages according to the needs of an individual. The massive impact of media in the society has also enhanced the great expansion of media from all the directions. This paper will outline the media effect on people. Television emerges as one of the oldest screen media; this has enabled a number of generations to incorporate it domestically. However, this form of media has experienced major substantial changes that have seen the emergence of video recorders, camcorders, and cable television. This has had a positive impact to the society, for instance in the United States, many households have familiarized themselves with the new television prospective technologies and have readily adopted them (Marie, 2). Unlike in 1950s where few of Americans homes had television, today 99% of all Americans homes have television, with research indicating that some families have more televisions sets than phones. Many children have their own television sets in their own...
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...------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Summary The internet plays a huge part of our everyday lives. As far as giving a typical definition it’s kind of difficult to give the internet one meaning. Unlike any other technology, the internet can be whatever we can make it. We can shape it however we may choose and the best part is how affective it’s used to connect to people, communities and countries all over the world. In the early days when the internet was still considered new, most people just used the internet to search for information. Most traditional communications media, including telephone and television, are being reshaped or redefined by the Internet, giving birth to new services such as Internet telephone and Internet television. Newspaper, book, and other print publishing are adapting to website technology, or are reshaped into blogging and web feeds. Today the internet is constantly altering itself to better provide more amazing varieties of...
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