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The Tempest Research Paper

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“How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world that has such people in it.” William Shakespeare -The Tempest-. William Shakespeare’s work is an outstanding example of a type of intelligence known as linguistic intelligence. Linguistic is just one of the many different types of intelligence. Some of the other types of intelligence include naturalist and mathematical intelligence. That being linguistic, naturalist, and mathematical intelligence are just 3 of the 9 intelligences that Howard Gardner has discovered. Yet, that is just the known ones there may be many more intelligences to be found in the world. Onto linguistic intelligence, linguistic intelligence is the ability to easily comprehend different types of language and other ways of talking. One of the most known person with linguistic intelligence would be William Shakespeare as shown by his plays “Let us not burden our remembrances with a heaviness that is gone” -The Tempest-. So people with this intelligence comprehend language differently than other people may. They basically just see the words differently than the average person. That shows why William Shakespeare has linguistic intelligence …show more content…
In other words you have the ability to survive in the wild. One person that is an example of this is John Muir also known as “John of the Mountains.” That is because of the fact that he is a naturalist and an explorer. To clarify he is someone with the ability to survive in the wild and he knows what to do in case of an emergency and what types of animals and plants you should be wary of. Unlike some people who just mindlessly run around out there without even knowing what poison ivy looks like or what rattlesnakes look like. This intelligence may not seem very important but it actually is. That is because you will not get lost easily because navigation will come

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