...Lecture 1 – Linux introduction and basics Module 1. Linux introduction ♦ Linux distributions ♦ Linux kernel What is a Linux distribution? ♦ it is a collection of applications, packages, management, and features ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ that run on top of the Linux kernel. The kernel is what all distributions have in common (it is sometimes customized by the distribution maintainers) If they are all “Linux”, why are there so many different names, and which do I choose?” You may have heard names like Red Hat, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu Distributions differ in several ways, and three of the most important are: ► ► ► Purpose Configuration and packaging Support model What’s a kernel? ♦ As you already know from the Operating Systems course ► the kernel is the core of all computer operating systems ► is usually the layer that allows the operating system to interact with the hardware in your computer ♦ The kernel contains software that allows you to make uniform use of ► hard disk drives, ► network cards, ► RAM, ► and other hardware components. ♦ In the Linux world, the kernel is based on code originally developed by Linux’s founder, Finnish developer Linus Torvalds. Back to distributions – Purpose, Configuration, Support ♦ Purpose ► Different distributions are often designed for different purposes and provide different user experiences. ► Some distributions are designed as servers, others as desktops, and some are designed to perform particular functions, for example, as embedded...
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...Torvalds created Linux and after a couple releases and improvements, the computer community caught on. Some advantages of the Linux Operating System are low cost, stability, performance, network friendliness, flexibility, compatibility, choice, fast and easy installation, full use of hard disk, multitasking, security and open source (Haas, 2014) . There is no major initial investment needed to obtain the Linux operating system. There is no fee for a license unlike Microsoft Windows. For comparative purposes, Windows 8.1 64-bit is retailing for 96.99 at BestBuy and 99.99 at Newegg.com. With no initial monetary investment, Linux gives many potential users an opportunity to try the OS. The ease of exposure to the Linux OS make it easier to increase adopters and faithful users of the OS. Linux’s stability can contributed to its user permission design. Linux runs with lowest permission levels possible which minimizes the possibility of damaging the system. Linux is written to survive in the way it keeps program memory space and system kernel resources separate (Cedar Valley Tech, 2009). Also since Linux is open-source, bugs are fixed by an army of ready developers who are not trapped within the confines of a software manufacturer. Though no operating system is perfect, Linux can run for years without needing to be restarted (Godbey, 2006). Linux performs well due to its small foot-print. It is not as taxing on system resources as other operating systems are. This makes Linux an excellent...
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...Phase 1 – Individual Project Colorado Technical University IT140-1304B-04: Introduction to Operating Systems and Client/Server Environments Table of Contents Introduction to Operating System 3 Project Organization 3 Windows 3 Linux 5 Virtualization 6 Components of a Computer System 8 Managing Client – Server Environments 9 Securing Operating Systems 10 System Administrators 11 Configuring Windows 7 and Linux+ Prep LabSim Toolkit 12 Phase 1 LabSim 12 References 13 * Introduction to Operating System Project Organization ACME is a pharmacy based healthcare provider that has 25 physical locations across the state of Michigan. The company provides long term patient care to the community mental health organizations across the State of Michigan. The organization is an industry leader in a clinical pharmacy services and has grown tremendously over the past 10 years. The organization is privately held and the senior leadership team as well as the centrally managed and support IT infrastructure is located at a single headquarter facility. ACME’s network is comprised primarily of Windows Server 2008 R2 servers, Windows 7 and Windows XP workstations, Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 for messaging, Microsoft SharePoint server for intranet support and Microsoft SQL server as the database platform. The company also utilizes QS1 Data Systems as its primary patient care system and DocuTrack as the document management system. The ACME network is a spoke and...
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...users have the freedom to distribute and change. 2. Describe the relationship between Linux and the GNU Project. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux. 3. List and describe in detail four advantages of Linux. Applications – Linux is both free and commercial as well as a wide variety of tools: graphical, word processing, networking, security administration, Web server and many others. Flexibility - Linux can be used for high performance server applications, desktop applications, and embedded systems. You can save disk space by only installing the components needed for a particular use. You can restrict the use of specific computers by installing for example only selected office applications instead of the whole suite. Performance - Linux provides persistent high performance on workstations and on networks. It can handle unusually large numbers of users simultaneously, and can make old computers sufficiently responsive to be useful again. Stability - Linux doesn’t need to be rebooted periodically to maintain performance levels. It doesn’t...
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...Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:12 No:04 25 Studying Main Differences Between Linux & Windows Operating Systems Lecturer/ Hadeel Tariq Al-Rayes Abstract—Comparisons between the Microsoft Windows and Linux computer operating systems are a long-running discussion topic within the personal computer industry. Throughout the entire period of the Windows 9x systems through the introduction of Windows 7, Windows has retained an extremely large retail sales majority among operating systems for personal desktop use, while Linux has sustained its status as the most prominent Free Software and Open Source operating system. After their initial clash, both operating systems moved beyond the user base of the personal computer market and share a rivalry on a variety of other devices, with offerings for the server and embedded systems markets, and mobile internet access. Linux and Microsoft Windows differ in philosophy, cost, versatility and stability, with each seeking to improve in their perceived weaker areas. Comparisons of the two operating systems tend to reflect their origins, historic user bases and distribution models. Index Term— Kernel, Linux, Operating Systems, Windows II. THE ESSENTIAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LINUX & WINDOWS (BEGINNERS LEVEL) 1- Drives don’t have letters, they have mountpoints The first thing that usually trips up people who come from Windows to Linux is that filesystems aren’t assigned letters the way they are in Windows. Instead, there is...
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...Windows vs. Linux Enterprise Distribution Recommendation Introduction to UNIX Linux vs. Windows Enterprise Distribution Recommendation X Industries is a large sized business that is in the midst of a decision regarding wither or not to switch their existing Windows-based IT system over to a less proprietary product, Linux. This is no easy choice to make, considering X Industries is currently running 170+ Windows-based servers of various types. Their staff fulfills company operations on these servers with their 750+ array of desktop and laptop computers – all running Windows XP Professional. Linux may just be a little dog in the Microsoft park, but a company that makes the big switch can expect Linux to yield benefits in cost savings, increased security, and arguably better usability. However, each individual enterprise situation is always different, so a cookie cutter solution of which system to use will never suffice. Rather, the numbers through subjects of cost, market share, programming capabilities, software compatibility and availability, and the ever-important user interface will tell the best choice. Cost The only way to evaluate cost is to get down to the basics, and look at the statistics. The first topic of cost will center solely on the price for Windows operating system software, first for the network side, then the node side. Other topics will focus on the cost of the Ubuntu Linux distribution, which will run on the servers and desktops,...
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...operating systems, MAC OS, Linux, and Windows. The most common one is windows but what is the difference between the three of them. Linux was written by Linus Torvalds and that is how it got its name. It is an ever expanding operating group and it’s estimated that 1-2% of the US population even use Linux for computers. It was originally designed to be used for PCs, game consoles, DVRs, and other devices. Linux has a bigger market for servers and other computer devices that their percentage is growing. Linux can also be downloaded for free by anybody and there have been companies that have emerged by developing this free download into their own version, which are referred to as distributions. Some examples of these distributions include Ubuntu, and Knoppix. Even though Linux is free to download, it is licensed under a General Public License or GPL. It states that derived works can only be distributed under the same license terms as the software itself. Users have the option of using one of a few GUIs that are similar to the Mac OS GUI. The two most popular GUI environments are GNOME and KDE. GNOME stands for GNU Network Object Model Environment. A graphical user interface that runs on top of the Linux operating system, it consists solely of free and open source software. Mac OS is the proprietary operating system used by Apple for their Macintosh computers. This has been a favorite of multimedia designers, and musicians since the 1990s. It is estimated that 10%of our population uses...
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...without publisher's prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted. Essential Linux Administration: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners Page 1 of 4 PRINTED BY: Norman Puga . Printing is for personal, private use only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without publisher's prior permission. Violators will be prosecuted. ESSENTIAL LINUX ® ADMINISTRATION: A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS i CHUCK EASTTOM WITH SERGE PALLADINO Course Technology PTR A part of Cengage Learning 9781133795308 i ii Essential Linux Administration: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners Chuck Easttom with Serge Palladino Publisher and General Manager, Course Technology PTR: Stacy L. Hiquet Associate Director of Marketing: Sarah Panella Manager of Editorial Services: Heather Talbot Marketing Manager: Mark Hughes Acquisitions Editor: Heather Hurley Project and Copy Editor: Marta Justak Technical Reviewer: Danielle Shaw Interior Layout Tech: MPS Limited, a Macmillan Company Cover Designer: Mike Tanamachi Indexer: Sharon Shock Proofreader: Kelly Talbot © 2012 Course Technology, a part of Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as...
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...1. Heterogeneous Systems Support Not only should cloud management solutions leverage the latest hardware, virtualization and software solutions, but they should also support a data center's existing infrastructure. While many of the early movers based their solutions on commodity and open source solutions like general x86 systems running open source Xen and distributions like CentOS, larger service providers and enterprises have requirements around both commodity and proprietary systems when building out their clouds. Additionally, cloud management providers must integrate with traditional IT systems in order to truly meet the requirements of the data center. Companies that don't support technologies from the likes of Cisco, Red Hat, NetApp, EMC, VMware and Microsoft will fall short in delivering a true cloud product that fits the needs of the data center. 2. Service Management To productize the functionality of cloud computing, it is important that administrators have a simple tool for defining and metering service offerings. A service offering is a quantified set of services and applications that end users can consume through the provider — whether the cloud is private or public. Service offerings should include resource guarantees, metering rules, resource management and billing cycles. The service management functionality should tie into the broader offering repository such that defined services can be quickly and easily deployed and managed by the end user. 3. Dynamic...
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...like humans. Hardware is the tools and the durable pieces. There are three types of hardware, input, output, and storage. Input devices use to enter data in the computer like keyboard for example. Output is used to show and process data like speakers. Storage devices are used to store and process information and data like the RAM. Software is the programs and applications that are processed in a computer. The software is often more expensive and harder to build then hardware. Computer software is made by programmers. There are many different types of software and today I'm going to tell you,ore details about software and specially on operating system. Different Types of Software Type Operating systems Examples Microsoft Windows. Linux. Macintosh OS X. Purpose Control your computer. ______________________________________ Type Word processors Examples Word. Corel WordPerfect. AbiWord. Purpose Write essays, novels, reports, or other types of text. ______________________________________ Type Spreadsheets Examples Excel. Lotus 1-2-3. VisiCalc. Purpose Track budgets or investments, or make other calculations. ______________________________________ Type Presentation software Examples PowerPoint. Purpose Create slideshows for meetings. ______________________________________ Type Database management systems Examples Access. Oracle. Sybase. 4th Dimension. Purpose Organize and filter lists of data, such as addresses or inventories....
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...Running head: Linux Systems Exploring Linux Operating Systems Student College Exploring Linux Operating Systems Much like Windows OS and the OS X for the Mac, Linux is an operating system that was created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Linux is traditionally a command line system as opposed to the GUI that many home computer users are more accustomed to. Linux uses a prompt where various commands and arguments are used to navigate the system and directories. One cannot point and click an icon in order to execute a program, in Linux the command line is like typing out the directions for your computer so it knows exactly where to look. Linux is being utilized in many different applications from business databases, cell phones, and even the New York stock exchange. Linux, however, is hardly considered a “personal computer” OS because of its limitations in personal computing. Although a Linux GUI desktop does exist, the command line interface is considered an advanced program and not for the faint of heart. Linux however holds many advantages in database software, server maintenance, code development and computer programming. The Linux “language” is close to coding language and the kernel is more secure than, say, the Windows Kernel. This advantage is encouraging to businesses and anyone else looking to keep or store sensitive data. Linux is a solid OS to use when handling such information when confidentiality is key. Like the other OS there are different means for file editing...
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...University of Sunderland School of Computing and Technology File Management System in Linux CUI Interface A Project Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the Regulations governing the award of the degree of BA in Computer Studies, University of Sunderland 2006 I. Abstract This dissertation details a project to design and produce a prototype Linux character environment file manipulation assisting application. The application is offering a friendly menu driven interface to handle the jobs that non-programmers keep finding cumbersome to master when it comes to working in a Unix/Linux interface, resulting in serious mistakes and much loss of productive time. The Linux File Management System is a basic program for every user at a Unix/Linux terminal. Advantages here include the fact that the support team does not have to be burdened with solving simple file based queries by the employees. The areas of Designing GUI interfaces in Linux and Windows versus Linux Security were researched and a prototype has been designed, developed and tested. An evaluation of the overall success of the project has been conducted and recommendations for future work are also given. Words II. Table of Contents 1) Introduction.................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Overview.................................
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........................................................................................................... 3 Virtualization in a Nutshell ................................................................................................................... 3 Virtualization Approaches .................................................................................................................... 4 Virtualization for Server Consolidation and Containment ........................................................... 7 How Virtualization Complements New-Generation Hardware .................................................. 8 Para-virtualization ................................................................................................................................... 8 VMware’s Virtualization Portfolio ........................................................................................................ 9 Glossary ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 2 VMWARE WHITE PAPER Virtualization Overview Introduction Among the leading business challenges confronting CIOs and IT managers today are: cost-effective utilization of IT infrastructure; responsiveness in supporting new business initiatives; and flexibility in adapting to organizational changes. Driving an additional sense of urgency is the continued climate of IT budget constraints and more stringent...
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...Top 5 reason when considering Linux There are several factors to consider when considering Linux. As with all systems there are pros and cons. Many users would argue that one Linux distribution is pretty much like another, at least on fundamentals. But when it comes down to everyday use, each distribution is different from the next. 1. Is the system 100% : open or not: Many people don't seem to know this question even exists. Average users may think that all Linux distributions are created equal, since they are released under the GPL. They are not. Some distributions are being released with proprietary drivers. In some instances, these are necessary. For example, for many laptops, getting wireless to work often requires the use of a proprietary driver. Because of this, some Linux distributions are opting to make the inclusion of proprietary drivers the user's choice. And many of these distributions are even offering downloads of free and non-free (with regards to licenses, not cost) drivers. 2. Package Management: This is one of those areas where people begin to leap up on their soapboxes. RPM vs. Apt vs. dpkg vs. urpmi. Some would say that they are all fundamentally the same: Each has a command-line tool as well as a GUI front end, and each has a configurable repository system that can be edited by hand (via text editor) or through the GUI front end. I will argue (not that I have become a Ubuntu convert) that the Apt system is much better as a package management system...
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...Marketing Research Submitted by: GROUP-5 Ajit Kumar Anand 03 Chetna Asopiya 04 Doly Chotwani 07 Ashish Dhole 10 Kunal Gogri 13 Reema Jain 16 Rohit More 31 Kajal Tuteja 48 Submitted to: Prof. Victor Manickam T.Y.BMS 2005-2006 Semester VI V.E.S COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE AND COMMERCE. Index |Chapter No. |Topic |Page No. | |1 |Introduction of the topic | | |1.1 |Profile of the company: Xcel Solutions | | |1.2 |Introduction to the project: “Looking Beyond Windows” | | | | | | |2 |Research Methodology | | |2.1 |Primary Research | | |2.2 |Secondary Research ...
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