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The Wall Street Monologue

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Prompt: You and your two children just moved into a new house in a small town and realized your neighbor is suspicious. What do you notice? What does your neighbor end up doing?

The sun peered through my streaky, cracked open window. Empty of my droopy velvet curtains. I laid on my blown up mattress with one thin blanket covering my still body. Staring up at my chalky ceiling, I heard the beeping of the moving truck backing into my driveway. "Johnny, Ava, it's moving day!" I sprung out of bed and packed my last minute essentials. My two children, the ages of 13 and 15, were already downs stairs jumping off the walls with excitement. The moving gentlemen helped himself in the house and stored all the boxes in the large U-haul out front. …show more content…
He seemed a little suspicious but I would be too if someone was peeking through my windows on my property. It seemed as if he knew who I was but couldn't talk to me, he looked familiar but I couldn't make him out. Silence crept between us so I mumbled "sorry", and was on my way to my back door. He watched every step I took before he climbed into the red, rusty basement bulkhead doors. I let out a sigh of relief locking all the doors to my house. The man was unusual and he had no intention to speak with me, let alone anyone. The kids came home from school a hour later, and I told them about our neighbor. I told them to only go outside when I was home and to never enter his …show more content…
"Johnny call 911, now! Hurry!" I said trembling in fear. I sprinted out of the back door ripping through the screen. Attempting to open every door to the creepy house wasn't working, my last opening was the bulkhead doors. I stop for a second and looked back at Johnny standing there in uneasiness holding the home phone. I built up the urge to crack open the bulkhead doors and stumbled down the dark, creaky, rotting wooden stairs. Everything was pitch black and cobwebs sprung from every corner above my high pony tail. I heard Ava screaming, so I decided to yell for her. It was silent afterwards and the man knew where I was but I had no clue where he stood. It was dark but I made my way up the stairs and through my numb body into the door making it, including myself slam to the floor. The white tiles were grimy and brown in some spots. The kitchen was full of pictures and arrows leading to different towns on maps. I scanned through the house with discomfort. I guess I got too caught up in the pictures on the wall and the arrows, that I didn't hear the sirens of the police cars out front. I looked through the window on the second floor and saw Ava in the man’s arms outside standing next to the sheriff, she's holding something, I couldn't make it out until I ran out by her side. She was staring at an old, dusted picture of Johnny, her and I next to a gentlemen. She said she found it on the man’s wall. I

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