...Electrical Drives * Power System * Generation * Transmission * Switchgear * Protection * Measurement * Control Engineering * Electronics * Electronics Devices * Power Electronics * Digital Electronics * Microcontrollers * Digital Signal Processing * Questions * Videos * Online Exam * Online Exam * Electrical MCQ * Career with us ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Search for: Bottom of Form Thermal Power Generation Plant or Thermal Power Station Power Plant Thermal Power Plant Steam Boiler • Fire Tube Boiler • Water Tube Boiler • Boiler Feed Water Treatment • Feed Water and Steam Circuit of Boiler • Steam Boiler Furnace • Combustion Theory Methods of Firing Steam Boiler Fluidized Bed Combustion Hydro Power Plant Cogeneration Solar Energy System Basic Wind Energy Wind Turbine Theory of Wind Turbine Thermoelectric Power Generators Magneto Hydro Dynamic Power Generation Economics of Power Generation Economiser in Thermal Power Plant Steam Condenser of Turbine Jet Steam Condenser Surface Steam Condenser Theory of Thermal Power Station Line Diagram of Power Plant Overview of Thermal Power Plant Efficiency of Thermal Power Station or Plant Thermal Power Plant Location Advantages & Disadvantages of Thermal Power Station Thermal power generation plant or thermal power station is the most conventional source of electric power. Thermal power plant is also referred...
Words: 1739 - Pages: 7
...An analysis of a thermal power plant working on a Rankine cycle: A theoretical investigation R K Kapooria S Kumar Department of Mechanical Engineering, BRCM College of Engineering & Technology, Bahal (Haryana) and National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India K S Kasana Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India Abstract Today, most of the electricity produced throughout the world is from steam power plants. However, electricity is being produced by some other power generation sources such as hydropower, gas power, bio-gas power, solar cells, etc. One newly developed method of electricity generation is the Magneto hydro dynamic power plant. This paper deals with steam cycles used in power plants. Thermodynamic analysis of the Rankine cycle has been undertaken to enhance the efficiency and reliability of steam power plants. The thermodynamic deviations resulting in non-ideal or irreversible functioning of various steam power plant components have been identified. A comparative study between the Carnot cycle and Rankine cycle efficiency has been analyzed resulting in the introduction of regeneration in the Rankine cycle. Factors affecting efficiency of the Rankine cycle have been identified and analyzed for improved working of thermal power plants. Keywords: Rankine cycle, steam-turbine, efficiency, Feed Water Heater (FWH), irreversibility...
Words: 4337 - Pages: 18
...Chemical Industries Thermal Power Plants Dr. M. Subramanian Associate Professor Department of Chemical Engineering Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering Kalavakkam – 603 110, Kanchipuram (Dist) Tamil Nadu, India subramanianm@ssn.edu.in 20-July-2010 Rankine cycle layout 20-July-2010 M Subramanian Rankine cycle 20-July-2010 M Subramanian Rankine cycle with reheat Power plant operation • Rankine cycle with reheat – to reduce the formation of water droplets in turbine, and to increase the efficiency of the cycle. • In order to maximize the efficiency of a steam power plant it is desirable to operate as high a temperature as possible in the super-heater. However, above about 650oC various forms of metal fatigue become significant due to very high temperatures and pressures that the walls of the boiler tubes have to withstand. • A typical 500 MW coal-fired plant consumes around 250 tonnes of coal an hour. Efficiency of Thermal Power Plant • The efficiency of a Rankine cycle is usually limited by the working fluid. Without the pressure reaching super critical levels for the working fluid, the temperature range the cycle can operate over is quite small: turbine entry temperatures are typically 565°C (the creep limit of stainless steel) and condenser temperatures are around 30°C. This gives a theoretical Carnot efficiency of about 63% compared with an actual efficiency of 42% for a modern coal-fired power station. • The power output or capacity...
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...TOPIC | Page No. | 1 | GENERATION | 3 | 2 | SOME USEFUL TERMS | 3 | 3 | HYDRO POWER PLANT | 4 | 4 | THERMAL POWER PLANT | 6 | 5 | NUCLEAR POWER PLANT | 7 | 6 | RENEWABLE ENERGY BASED POWER | 8 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8 HVDC 11 9 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM 12 10 TRANSMISSION LINES 12 11 TRANSMISSION SUB-STATIONS 13 12 EQUIPMENTS IN A SUB-STATION 14 13 OPERATION OF CIRCUIT BREAKER AND ISOLATOR 18 14 GROWTH OF TRANSMISSION SECTOR IN INDIA 18 15 HOW DOES POWER SYSTEM WORK? 21 16 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 22 17 CONCLUSION 22 18 REFERENCES 23 GENERATION In the generation station, the production of electricity is carried out. A generating system has two basic components, a turbine, which produces rotary motion and a generator, which convert s the rotational energy into electrical energy. A generator has ‘rotor’ which is rotated by a turbine and a ‘stator’ which has the sets of coils in which electricity is generated when the rotor rotates. The difference between various modes of production lies in the techniques used to generate steam, which in turn will rotate the turbine. Based on various modes of rotating the turbine, we can classify the modes of power generation in broadly four categories 1. Hydro Power Plant 2. Thermal Power Plant 3. Nuclear Power Plant 4. Renewable energy based Power Plants Before discussing the various types...
Words: 1860 - Pages: 8
...cells Topic 5: Renewable Energy 1/13 5.1 Geothermal Energy Geothermal power (from the Greek roots geo, meaning earth, and thermos, meaning heat) is power extracted from heat stored in the earth. Geothermal power is cost effective, reliable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly, but has historically been limited to areas near tectonic plate boundaries. The Earth's geothermal resources are theoretically more than adequate to supply humanity's energy needs, but only a very small fraction of it may be profitably exploited. Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Station in Iceland Topic 5: Renewable Energy 2/13 5.2 Categorization of Geothermal Systems Geothermal systems can be categorized as follows: 1. Hydrothermal or geohydrothermal Conditions in which underground water is heated and or evaporated by direct contact with hot porous rock. Hydrothermal systems that produce steam are labeled as vapor dominated while hydrothermal systems that produce hot water or a mixture of hot water and steam are called liquid dominated. 2. Geopressurized Associated with sediment-filled reservoirs that contain hot water confined under high pressure. 3. Magma Molten rock at accessible depths is contained in pools under active volcanoes. 4. Enhanced Geothermal Systems (Hot Dry Rock) Energy in hot dry rocks can be harvested by injecting and circulating water into the rock and use the steam to drive a turbine to generate electricity. To increase surface area, hydrofracturing the rock is used...
Words: 1100 - Pages: 5
...Quarterly of the Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenia 18, February/March 2004 Concentrating solar power A review of the technology Is solar power the answer to the ever-growing problems of global warming and depleting fossil fuel supplies? In the first of two articles Hans Müller-Steinhagen and Franz Trieb explain the principles and development of concentrated solar-thermal power and outline its considerable potential for alleviating the constant pressure on our existing resources. Three main technologies have been identified during the past decades for generating electricity in the 10 kW to several 1000 MW range: ● he limited supply of fossil hydrocarbon resources and the negative impact of CO2 emissions on the global environment dictate the increasing usage of renewable energy sources. Concentrated solar power (CSP) is the most likely candidate for providing the majority of this renewable energy, because it is amongst the most cost-effective renewable electricity technologies and because its supply is not restricted if the energy generated is transported from the world's solar belt to the population centres. T dish/engine technology, which can directly generate electricity in isolated locations parabolic and Fresnel trough technology, which produces high pressure superheated steam solar tower technology, which produces air above 1000°C or synthesis gas for gas turbine operation. ● ● While these technologies have reached a certain maturity, as has been demonstrated...
Words: 3842 - Pages: 16
...Vol 3, Issue 1, 2012, pp 232-240 http://www.bipublication.com SIMULATION OF BIOMASS GASIFICATION REACTOR FOR FUEL IN GAS TURBINE Ratnadip R Joshi1, B D Kulkarni2 1 Dept. of Petrochemical Engineering, MAEER's Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Paud Road, Pune. PIN 411038 Maharashtra, India. 2 Distinguished Scientist, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India. 1 Corresponding author: Email: ratnadip.joshi@mitpune.edu.in, Tel: +91-9423332754; ABSTRACT Energy produced from biofuels or there conversion products represent an important part among today’s energy sources. As biofuels are renewable, abundant and has domestic usage, the sources of biofuels can help the world reduce its dependence on petroleum products and natural gas. Biofuels can be converted into liquid, solid and gaseous fuels with the help of some physical, chemical and biological conversion processes. The conversion of biofuel material has a precise objective to transform a carbonaceous solid material, which is originally difficult to handle, bulky and of low energy concentration, into fuels having physico-chemical characteristics that permit economic storage and transferability through pumping systems. The use of biofuel products provides substantial benefits as far as the environment is concerned. A simulation study has been carried out to arrive at the power output under limiting conditions as well as perform changes in the fuel gas system for the augmentation. The simulation study...
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...Electricity: What Powers Our Planet To Whom It May Concern: It’s dark and you are trying to sign paperwork. You want to turn on the lights so you can see better. With one flick, the whole room illuminates. But, congressman, let me ask you. Have you ever wondered how electricity works? What is it that makes electricity possible? What did it take for light to have the ability to stream out of the light bulb? We take electricity for granted, but not many of us actually look into it. People often do not know how electricity is the way it is, but instead they see electricity as something that is very accessible and plentiful. So, congressman, you have the money, and I have the brains. You want to know how to spend the 200 billion? I’ll tell you. Let’s start off with what electricity really is. You hear that word so many times in your daily life, but few have heard the scientific definition. Electricity is a type of energy produced from the existence of electrons or protons, either statically as a build-up of charge, or dynamically as a current. It is usually categorized into two different currents: alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC). Alternating current is a constant flow of electric charge that reverses its course from time to time. Direct current is the opposite; it only runs in one direction. Within those two currents are things such as volts, watts, amperes (or amps), and ohms. Volts are the SI unit of electromotive force, the distinction of potential that would...
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...SENTHIL KUMAR. K Phone :+971-50-5038484 Email:senthildewa@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------- Objective A job that involves a challenge and responsibilities which provides me scope for updating my skills constantly. ------------------------------------------------- Experience summary A position with an industry leader in the field of Power Plant Operation and Maintenance (O& M), where my 9+ years of experience & knowledge could be utilized. * Leader of Permits to Work (PTW) and Lock-out/Tag-out (LOTO) systems, supporting and guiding the operators, and coordinating with maintenance the works planning. * Main person responsible for the operation of the plant during the shift, leading troubleshooting analysis, communications with LDC, etc. * Conducting checks/surveys within the Utility and Process area. Identifying, rectifying and reporting possible anomalies. * Identify potential hazards or occurrences that be damaging to personnel, environment, plant or production. Take immediate may corrective action where possible and report occurrences to the plant shift supervisor. * Endorse all work permits in area as MAXIMO 7.5 in accordance with the PTW system. * Assist the Issuing authority in preparing isolation schemes to equipment within area of responsibility. * Review Operability and Maintainability of the facilities. Proposing and agreeing with Supervisor all maintenance works, repair or preventative measures...
Words: 715 - Pages: 3
...Solar Thermal Hybrid Systems WorleyParsons Capabilities WorleyParsons helps our customers integrate solar thermal power with power generation assets to deliver high-value, sustainable power: • Gas Turbine Combined Cycle • Coal-fired • Waste-to-Energy • Biomass • Geothermal • Desalination • Enhanced oil recovery applications Integrating Solar for Increased Economic and Environmental Sustainability WorleyParsons provides solar energy as a solution to increase economical and environmental value of both existing and new fossil based assets. Hybridizing concentrated solar power (CSP) with conventional power generation technology can provide high-value, dispatchable power. Applications and Benefits Combining solar thermal energy with traditional power generation plants can develop a number of key benefits: • Solar thermal energy can be converted to electric energy at higher efficiencies than in stand-alone CSP plants • Incremental costs of a larger steam turbine generator and associated balance of plant equipment needed for a hybrid plant are less than a stand-alone CSP • Daily start-up and shutdown energy losses can be eliminated and reduce overall costs • Incremental operational and maintenance (O&M) costs incurred for a solar addition are lower than stand-alone CSP O&M costs WorleyParsons provides a full range of services to support the development of both new and retrofit solar hybrid systems. Our staff provides assistance from planning and benefits analysis...
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...proven solar thermal electric technology. This is primarily due to nine large commercial-scale solar power plants, the first of which has been operating in the California Mojave Desert since 1984. These plants, which continue to operate on a daily basis, range in size from 14 to 80 MW and represent a total of 354 MW of installed electric generating capacity. Large fields of parabolic trough collectors supply the thermal energy used to produce steam for a Rankine steam turbine/generator cycle. Figure 1. Solar/Rankine parabolic trough system schematic [1]. Plant Overview Figure 1 shows a process flow diagram that is representative of the majority of parabolic trough solar power plants in operation today. The collector field consists of a large field of single-axis tracking parabolic trough solar collectors. The solar field is modular in nature and is composed of many parallel rows of solar collectors aligned on a north-south horizontal axis. Each solar collector has a linear parabolic-shaped reflector that focuses the sun’s direct beam radiation on a linear receiver located at the focus of the parabola. The collectors track the sun from east to west during the day to ensure that the sun is continuously focused on the linear receiver. A heat transfer fluid (HTF) is heated as it circulates through the receiver and returns to a series of heat exchangers in the power block where the fluid is used to 5-24 SOLAR PARABOLIC TROUGH generate high-pressure superheated steam. The superheated...
Words: 10011 - Pages: 41
...SENTHIL KUMAR. K Phone :+971-50-5038484 Email:senthildewa@gmail.com ------------------------------------------------- Objective A job that involves a challenge and responsibilities which provides me scope for updating my skills constantly. ------------------------------------------------- Experience summary A position with an industry leader in the field of Power Plant Operation and Maintenance (O& M), where my 9+ years of experience & knowledge could be utilized. * Leader of Permits to Work (PTW) and Lock-out/Tag-out (LOTO) systems, supporting and guiding the operators, and coordinating with maintenance the works planning. * Main person responsible for the operation of the plant during the shift, leading troubleshooting analysis, communications with LDC, etc. * Conducting checks/surveys within the Utility and Process area. Identifying, rectifying and reporting possible anomalies. * Identify potential hazards or occurrences that be damaging to personnel, environment, plant or production. Take immediate may corrective action where possible and report occurrences to the plant shift supervisor. * Endorse all work permits in area as MAXIMO 7.5 in accordance with the PTW system. * Assist the Issuing authority in preparing isolation schemes to equipment within area of responsibility. * Review Operability and Maintainability of the facilities. Proposing and agreeing with Supervisor all maintenance works, repair or preventative measures...
Words: 715 - Pages: 3
...San Francisco State University School of Engineering Power Tower 12/11/2015 Engr 469 Fall Semester Instructor: Professor A. S. (Ed) Cheng Team: Sanjeev Gupta Abit Baral Abstract: In this article different aspects of Power Tower has been investigated. Power Tower or Heliostat power plant is one of the most promising and affordable Concentrated Solar Power technology. Different parts of the Power tower namely heliostats, central receiver, heat transfer fluid, turbine and storage tanks has been examined. Also current situation of Power Tower have been researched and compared with other Solar technology. Introduction: Power towers have a potential of being one of the lowest cost and environmental friendly solution to our power needs. Today power tower systems are often considered to be the most promising Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technology for the future. In power tower concentrating solar power systems, numerous large, flat, suntracking mirrors, known as heliostats, focus sunlight onto a receiver at the top of a tall tower. A heattransfer fluid heated in the receiver is used to generate steam, which, in turn, is used in a conventional turbine generator to produce electricity. Some power towers use water/steam or molten salt as the heat transfer fluid. Different part of these types of power plant are analyzed in detail below. Components of CSP power tower. 1. Heliostats 2. Tower with receiver ...
Words: 1983 - Pages: 8
...January 2003 • NREL/CP-550-33209 A Parabolic Trough Solar Power Plant Simulation Model Preprint H. Price To be presented at the ISES 2003: International Solar Energy Conference Hawaii Island, Hawaii March 16–18, 2003 National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401-3393 NREL is a U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory Operated by Midwest Research Institute • Battelle • Bechtel Contract No. DE-AC36-99-GO10337 NOTICE The submitted manuscript has been offered by an employee of the Midwest Research Institute (MRI), a contractor of the US Government under Contract No. DE-AC36-99GO10337. Accordingly, the US Government and MRI retain a nonexclusive royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the published form of this contribution, or allow others to do so, for US Government purposes. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation...
Words: 7222 - Pages: 29
...EMM 516 course (power plant engineering) we under took several field trips to relate what has been taught in class and how the power generation objective is achieved out there. This report is to be submitted in partial fulfillment of the mentioned course. | Introduction Kenya’s energy sector faces daunting challenges, characterized by high cost and insufficient supply. Nearly 80% of Kenyans are living without access to basic Energy services; a top priority for the government is to improve access to adequate and affordable energy supply. The existing energy supply is heavily dependent upon hydroelectric power thus due to the rapid growth in demand for energy means that Kenya must find new ways to provide crucial energy services to its people. The available options include Renewable energy resources like geothermal. Kenya has nearly 7,000 MW geothermal potential, yet it remains largely undeveloped due to economic and financial limitations, insufficient technical and human capacity, and various social constraints. However the government has now turned around and is aiming at producing about 16000MW of power by 2030. The country currently produces about 1500 MWs primarily from hydro stations (57%-hydro power, about 32%-thermal and the rest comprises geothermal and emergency thermal power). To bridge this huge deficit in the short time, courses as EMM 516 were developed to provide man-power needed to sustain the projected growth. First we visited the Kiambere power station the Tana...
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