...Running head: MANAGEMENT PRACTICES MANAGEMENT PRACTICE Abstract This paper will explain how good management practices of planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling are implemented into the workplace. It will analyze the application of these management concepts to the workplace. Including specifics of how five functions are practiced in the workplace. Applying the five functions can only improve any business that is willing to accept changes. At the time it was not known that the Boutique was using the five functions. The course made it clear that the owner was utilizing the five functions and the contribution it will offer to the business when practiced during operation. MANAGEMENT PRACTICE Effective Management Practices in the Workplace A good, effective management practice to use in any workplace is the five functions: planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling (Reilly, 2011). A successful workplace has to have a great staff working to help it move forward. A great leader (owner) will ensure that employees are organized, informed of the planning, leading, staffing, and controlling to reach the goals of the organization. Working in the clothing industry is tough so applying the five-functions in the workplace will work when it is applied properly. To be successful managers and owners need to know the five functions, and how to implement them into the workplace. Success will be reachable and achievable when all five functions are...
Words: 1908 - Pages: 8
...Unit 1 . Fundamental Concepts about and Evolution of Management Thought 1.1. Introduction In any teaching-learning process, the development of concepts is essential and fundamental. As a field of study, management requires the development of concepts. Unless the most basic concepts of a field of study are developed at the outset, the teaching-learning process of a particular field of study would be difficult to carry out. Therefore, the first unit of this material aims at developing the most fundamental concepts about management. 1.2. Meaning of Management What is Management? Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups, accomplish efficiently selected objectives. It is concerned with: 1.2.1. identifying the aims and objectives of an organization 1.2.2. implementing policies by setting procedures, programmes and strategies to help in the achievement of organizational aim and objectives; 1.2.3. brining together all the various factors of production (People, money, materials, machinery, methods, and activates); 1.2.4. making the best possible use of the factors of production; 1.2.5. exercising control over the performance of the factors of production; and 1.2.6. providing conditions in which the persons associate with the organization-owners, employees, customers, and the community at large-derive maximum satisfaction (pagare, 1981) Terry and Franklin (1997:4) define management as the distinct process consisting...
Words: 14090 - Pages: 57
...Business Management Principles & Practices of Management www.iibmindia.in Subject: PRINCIPLE AND PRACTICES OF MANAGEMENT Credits: 4 SYLLABUS Nature Scope and process of management, historical evolution of management & its foundation. Different approaches and systems of management, Types of skills, roles and modern challenges. Management Planning Process. Managerial decision Making Introduction to Organizing Organizational Structure and Its Dimensions. Different Types of Organizational Design and Their Advantages and Disadvantages. Nature and types of control in organizations. Introduction to Controlling Controlling Techniques, Types and its advantages & disadvantages. Control Process and its constituents. Introduction to Human Resource Management HRM planning & steps in planning process. HRM process Recruitment, selection, Training and development. Performance Appraisal and issues in human resources Leadership concept and some leadership theories. Leadership theories. Leadership Models. Leadership Development and Motivation. Motivational theories Suggested Readings: 1. Harold Koontz & Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert Jr., Management, Prentice Hall 3. Bhatt & Kumar, Principle and Practices of Management, Oxford Publications PRINCIPLESOF MANAGEMENT COURSE OVERVIEW Management is the organizational process that aids us in creating a that many layers of management-particularly...
Words: 31575 - Pages: 127
...PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT www.eiilmuniversity.ac.in Subject: PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Credits: 4 SYLLABUS Nature Scope and process of management, historical evolution of management & its foundation. Different approaches and systems of management, Types of skills, roles and modern challenges. Management Planning Process. Managerial decision Making Introduction to Organizing Organizational Structure and Its Dimensions. Different Types of Organizational Design and Their Advantages and Disadvantages. Nature and types of control in organizations. Introduction to Controlling Controlling Techniques, Types and its advantages & disadvantages. Control Process and its constituents. Introduction to Human Resource Management HRM planning & steps in planning process. HRM process Recruitment, selection, Training and development. Performance Appraisal and issues in human resources Leadership concept and some leadership theories. Leadership theories. Leadership Models. Leadership Development and Motivation. Motivational theories Suggested Readings: 1. Harold Koontz & Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert Jr., Management, Prentice Hall 3. Bhatt & Kumar, Principles of Management, Oxford Publications PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT COURSE OVERVIEW Management is the organizational process that aids us in that many layers of management-particularly middle manage- creating a service or product from the raw materials we have...
Words: 31510 - Pages: 127
...Subject: Management Concepts and Organizational Behaviour Subject: Management Concepts and Organizational Behaviour ------------------------------------------------- Subject Code: MC-101 Author: Dr. Karam Pal ------------------------------------------------- Lesson No: 01 Vetter: Prof. Harbhajan Bansal ------------------------------------------------- Subject Code: MC-101 Author: Dr. Karam Pal ------------------------------------------------- Lesson No: 01 Vetter: Prof. Harbhajan Bansal INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT Objective: The objectives of this lesson are to enable to define management; to describe the nature and scope of management; to know the difference between management and administration; to understand various levels of management; and to describe the various skills that are necessary for successful managers. Lesson Structure: 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Definition of Management 1.3 Characteristics of Management 1.4 Management Functions/ the Process of Management 1.5 N ature of Management 1.6 Management Vs. Administration 1.7 Levels of Management 1.8 Managerial Skills 1.9 The Manager and his job 1.10 Principles of Management 1.11 Significance of Management 1.12 Summary 1.13 Self Assessment Questions 1.14 Suggested Readings 1.1 INTRODUCTION A business develops in course of time with complexities. With increasing complexities managing the business has become a difficult...
Words: 50220 - Pages: 201
...which these roles might be grouped? A) intrapersonal B) institutional C) decisional D) affective E) reflective 2) Over the past two decades, business schools have added required courses on people skills to many of their curricula. Why have they done this? A. Managers no longer need technical skills in subjects such as economics and accounting to succeed. B. Managers need to understand human behavior if they are to be effective. C. These skills enable managers to effectively lead human resources departments. D. A manager with good interpersonal skills can help create a pleasant workplace 3) Which of the following is best defined as a consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people, which functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals? A. Party B. Unit C. Community D. Organization 4) Which of the following is not one of the four primary management functions? A) controlling B) planning C) staffing D) organizing E) leading 5) Determining how tasks are to be grouped is part of which management function? A. Leading B. Planning C. Controlling D. Organizing E. Contemplating 6) Which of the following is least likely to be considered a manager? A. A lieutenant leading an infantry platoon B. An administrator in charge of fund-raising activities in a nonprofit organization C. A doctor who acts as head of the physiotherapy department at a public hospital D. The mayor of a large city E. An IT technician who enables...
Words: 96939 - Pages: 388
...Human Resource Management (MGT501) VU MGT - 501 T his subject/course is designed to teach the basic principles of Human Resource Management (HRM) to diverse audience/students, including those who are studying this as a supporting subject for their bachelor degree program. This course is designed to provide you the foundations of HRM whether you intend to work in HRM or not, most of these elements will affect you at some point in your career. Either you will be working with some organizations or having people working for you, in both cases you will be dealing with people. To be understandable and lively means that we need to communicate you. We start every chapter with learning objectives. The most important thing you will get out of this course are the basic skills required to succeed in today’s environment which are, you must be able to communicate, think creatively, plan effectively and deal with people. Copyright © Virtual University of Pakistan 1 Human Resource Management (MGT501) INTRODUCTION TO HRM After studying this chapter, students should be able to understand the following: Describe HRM? Explain why are we concerned about HRM? Discuss Road-map of HRM VU Lesson 1 LESSON OVERVIEW This chapter introduces the students with the basic concepts of the human resource management (HRM). During the lecture, we will be discussing the three main things, i.e. the introduction to HRM, the importance of HRM, and a brief discussion of the Resource topics...
Words: 93280 - Pages: 374
...Human Resource Management (MGT501) VU MGT - 501 T his subject/course is designed to teach the basic principles of Human Resource Management (HRM) to diverse audience/students, including those who are studying this as a supporting subject for their bachelor degree program. This course is designed to provide you the foundations of HRM whether you intend to work in HRM or not, most of these elements will affect you at some point in your career. Either you will be working with some organizations or having people working for you, in both cases you will be dealing with people. To be understandable and lively means that we need to communicate you. We start every chapter with learning objectives. The most important thing you will get out of this course are the basic skills required to succeed in today’s environment which are, you must be able to communicate, think creatively, plan effectively and deal with people. Copyright © Virtual University of Pakistan 1 Human Resource Management (MGT501) INTRODUCTION TO HRM After studying this chapter, students should be able to understand the following: Describe HRM? Explain why are we concerned about HRM? Discuss Road-map of HRM VU Lesson 1 LESSON OVERVIEW This chapter introduces the students with the basic concepts of the human resource management (HRM). During the lecture, we will be discussing the three main things, i.e. the introduction to HRM, the importance of HRM, and a brief discussion of the Resource topics...
Words: 93794 - Pages: 376
...Center Management Recent Titles in Library and Information Science Text Series Library and Information Center Management, Sixth Edition Robert D. Stueart and Barbara B. Moran United States Government Information: Policies and Sources Peter Hernon, Harold C. Relyea, Robert E. Dugan, and Joan F. Cheverie Library Information Systems: From Library Automation to Distributed Information Access Solutions Thomas R. Kochtanek and Joseph R. Matthews The Complete Guide to Acquisitions Management Frances C. Wilkinson and Linda K. Lewis Organization of Information, Second Edition Arlene G. Taylor The School Library Media Manager, Third Edition Blanche Woolls Basic Research Methods for Librarians Ronald R. Powell and Lynn Silipigni Connoway Library of Congress Subject Headings: Principles and Application, Fourth Edition Lois Mai Chan Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Fifth Edition G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro Metadata and Its Impact on Libraries Sheila S. Intner, Susan S. Lazinger, and Jean Weihs Organizing Audiovisual and Electronic Resources for Access: A Cataloging Guide, Second Edition Ingrid Hsieh-Yee Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, Tenth Edition Arlene G. Taylor LIbRaRy and InfoRMaTIon CenTeR ManageMenT Seventh Edition Robert D. Stueart and Barbara B. Moran Library and Information Science Text Series Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Stueart, Robert D. Library and information center management / Robert...
Words: 204742 - Pages: 819
...Bryan F. Peterson/CORBIS Lower left image: © Stockbyte/Getty Images Lower right image: © David Oliver/Getty Images Additional photo credits are listed on page 516. Copyright © 2008 by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without the prior written permission of Houghton Mifflin Company unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Address inquiries to College Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Company, 222 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116-3764. Printed in the U.S.A. Library of Congress Control Number: 2007924351 Instructor’s exam copy : ISBN-13: 978-0-618-83347-4 ISBN-10: 0-618-83347-1 For orders, use student text ISBNs: ISBN-13: 978-0-618-74163-2 ISBN-10: 0-618-74163-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9—CRK—11 10 09 08 07 BRIEF CONTENTS PREFACE xi PART ONE THE ENVIRONMENT OF MANAGING NOW 1 2 3 4 MANAGING AND THE EVOLUTION OF MANAGEMENT ETHICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES 29 MANAGING IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT 59 MANAGING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION 1 1 89 PART TWO INFORMATION AND DECISION MAKING NOW 5 INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 6 DECISION MAKING NOW 144 116 116...
Words: 96057 - Pages: 385
...Fundamentals of Management BBA 3120 & BBA 3320 Chapters 1-15 & Case Questions 1, 3, 8, 11 & 14 Katie Nickell October 1, 2011 Chapter 1 - Understanding the Manager’s Job 1. What are the four basic functions that make up the management process? How are they related to one another? Planning and decision making, organizing, leading and controlling are the four basic management functions. Planning and decision making are very important functions when maintaining effectiveness. It will be a very frustrating situation if you don't have any goals or a plan on how you plan on achieving those goals. Activities and resources are grouped according to organizational determination. To promote organized team work and continued interest in an organization, a process of leadership skills are used. It is expected for a leader to set trends and standards for the organization. To obtain results, a manager must motivate and manage people. Monitoring organizational progress toward goal attainment is controlling. You must monitor progress to ensure that it is performing accurately in order to maintain our organizations goal. A manager can be more effective by using these four basic functions. Using available resources efficiently and effectively, through the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives, is done by using management in all business and organizational activity. By using each of these functions, a manager can engage in multiple activities...
Words: 12498 - Pages: 50
...HR From A to Z (Explains over 900 terms) 2006 Web Edition Edited and Compiled by Adnan MBA (Management) This concise HR glossary provides students and HR professionals with definitions and meanings for the terms and acronyms used in the area of Human Resources Management HR Glossary A to Z Dedicated to CiteHR team, and to those HR professionals who aspire to serve the humanity without any discrimination. Edited and Compiled by Adnan, MBA (Management) CiteHR Member -------------------------------PAKISTAN For feedback: hotdesire@gmail.com HR From A to Z 2006 Web Edition ISBN 92-001-7626-0 Disclaimer: Information in this booklet has been compiled from professional sources. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in the booklet, it is possible that errors may still be included. The author do not claim for any perfection whatsoever as to their accuracy or suitability for a particular term, acronym, or definition. © Copy-it-Right: This booklet is provided for personal use only: it can be reproduced, in any form and by any means, without permission from the author as long as you do not make money from it! However, copy it right! Use quality soft colored paper, and be sure not to exclude the authors’ name and the title of booklet. By: Adnan, MBA (Management) Contact: hotdesire@gmail.com Page 2 HR Glossary A to Z Preface Winners never quit and quitters never win. “Vince Lombardi” Knowing...
Words: 22831 - Pages: 92
...HR From A to Z (Explains over 900 terms) 2006 Web Edition Edited and Compiled by Adnan MBA (Management) This concise HR glossary provides students and HR professionals with definitions and meanings for the terms and acronyms used in the area of Human Resources Management HR Glossary A to Z Dedicated to CiteHR team, and to those HR professionals who aspire to serve the humanity without any discrimination. Edited and Compiled by Adnan, MBA (Management) CiteHR Member -------------------------------PAKISTAN For feedback: hotdesire@gmail.com HR From A to Z 2006 Web Edition ISBN 92-001-7626-0 Disclaimer: Information in this booklet has been compiled from professional sources. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in the booklet, it is possible that errors may still be included. The author do not claim for any perfection whatsoever as to their accuracy or suitability for a particular term, acronym, or definition. © Copy-it-Right: This booklet is provided for personal use only: it can be reproduced, in any form and by any means, without permission from the author as long as you do not make money from it! However, copy it right! Use quality soft colored paper, and be sure not to exclude the authors’ name and the title of booklet. By: Adnan, MBA (Management) Contact: hotdesire@gmail.com Page 2 HR Glossary A to Z Preface Winners never quit and quitters never win. “Vince Lombardi” Knowing English language...
Words: 22831 - Pages: 92
...MANAGEMENT Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World Foundations of Management • Managing • The External Environment and Organizational Culture • Managerial Decision Making Planning: Delivering Strategic Value • Planning and Strategic Management • Ethics and Corporate Responsibility • International Management • Entrepreneurship Strategy Implementation Organizing: Building a Dynamic Organization • Organization Structure • Organizational Agility • Human Resources Management • Managing the Diverse Workforce Leading: Mobilizing People • • • • Leadership Motivating for Performance Teamwork Communicating Controlling: Learning and Changing • Managerial Control • Managing Technology and Innovation • Creating and Managing Change PART ONE Foundations of Management The three chapters in Part One describe the foundations of management. Chapter 1 discusses the imperatives of managing in today’s business landscape and introduces the key functions, skills, and competitive goals of effective managers. In other words, it discusses what you need to do and accomplish to become a high-performing manager. Chapter 2 describes the external environment in which managers and their organizations operate— the context that both constrains and provides opportunities for managers. It also discusses what can be described as the organization’s internal environment: its culture. Chapter 3 discusses the most fundamental managerial activity: decision making. Because managers make...
Words: 27982 - Pages: 112
...SRM UNIVERSITY (Under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956) FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT MBA FULL TIME CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS - 2013-14 1 Code MB 13101 MB 13102 MB 13103 MB 13104 MB 13105 MB 13106 SRM University MBA - Revised Curriculum - 2013-14 Semester –I Thinking and Communication Skills (Practical) Accounting for Decision Making Philosophy for Management Economics for Managers Managerial Statistics Managerial Skills (Practical) Semester-II Financial Management Management Information System Marketing Human Resource Management Production And Operation Management Legal Aspects of Business Semester- III Summer Internship (8 weeks)(Practical) Entrepreneurship Strategic Management Business Analytics (Practical) Elective-1 Elective-2 Elective-3 Elective-4 Semester- IV Elective-5 Elective-6 Industrial Elective (Practical) Total Credit L 0 2 3 2 2 0 T 0 4 0 2 4 0 P 4 0 0 0 0 6 C 2 4 3 3 4 3 19 4 3 4 2 4 3 20 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 22 3 3 5 11 72 MB 13207 MB 13208 MB 13209 MB 13210 MB 13211 MB 13212 MB 13313 MB 13314 MB 13315 MB 13316 2 2 3 2 3 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 4 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 MB 13417 Functional Electives Marketing Finance Systems Human Resource Operations Vertical Electives Pharma Hospitality Enterprise Resource Planning Agriculture Hospital and Health Care Retailing Auto Industry Project Management Media and Communication Banking Financial Service Insurance 2 MB...
Words: 53231 - Pages: 213