...! 通过 7 节课程,轻松愉快地学习时间管理的规律和技巧。 ! 欢迎来信讨论课程中的问题:support@moliyike.com ! 请来魔力一刻学习社获取更多资料:http://www.moliyike.com 7 天学会高效管理时间 第1页 导 语 人生最宝贵的两项资产,一项是头脑,一项是时间。无论你做 什么事情,即使不用脑子,也要花费时间。因此,管理时间的水平 高低,会决定你事业和生活的成败。 每个星期有 168 个小时,其中 56 个小时在睡眠中度过,21 个 小时在吃饭和休息中度过,剩下的 91 个小时则由你来决定做什么 ——每天 13 个小时。如何根据你的价值观和目标管理时间,是一 项重要的技巧。 它使你能控制生活, 善用时间, 朝自己的方向前进, 而不致在忙乱中迷失方向。 我们将用 7 天的时间, 学习时间管理的基本原则, 了解怎样才 能更有效地安排时间, 减轻工作和学习压力。 时间管理能帮助你制 订出有效的时间表,减轻压力和忧虑,最大限度利用时间。不用担 心,时间表不会让你变成机器人,相反,它能使你享受自觉支配时 间的自由感。 完成课程以后,你将能: ·明确时间管理的五个步骤 ·了解时间管理中, “价值”和“目标”的含义 ·确认和区分不同类型的任务 ·制订有效的日程表 在开始学习之前,请对以下几点多加注意: 学习如何学习 学习如何思考 学习如何记忆 来魔力一刻学习社获取更多资料 7 天学会高效管理时间 第2页 ·勤做练习 勤做练习。时间管理的实践性很强,课程中的每一项练习都 勤做练习 对提高我们的时间管理水平有很大帮助,如果不认真地完成它们, 学习效果将大打折扣。 ·学以致用 学以致用。时间管理的个性化很强,每个人都有自己的时间 学以致用 管理特色, 以便和自己的生活方式及环境相适应。 课程中介绍的原 则和技巧只有运用到实际中才有效用, 光记住它们, 对改进我们的 时间管理是没有意义的。我们最好一边学,一边运用起来,以便印 证它们是否真的有效。 祝你在这一周里学习愉快,学有所成! 学习如何学习 学习如何思考 学习如何记忆 来魔力一刻学习社获取更多资料 7 天学会高效管理时间 第3页 第一天 今天是课程的第一天, 我们将通过一个练习和一套自测题来了 解什么是时间管理。 请先完成下面这个小练习,在后面我们将以它作为讲解实例。 练 习 假设现在是星期一的晚上, 你要计划未来五天的日程, 面前是这五天要 做的事情: 1.你从昨天早晨开始牙疼,想去看医生 2.星期六是一个好朋友的生日--你还没有买礼物和生日卡 3.你有好几个月没有回家,也没有写信或打电话 4.有一份夜间兼职不错,但你必须在星期二或星期三晚上去面试(19 点以前),估计要花 1 小时。 5.明晚 8 点有个 1 小时长的电视节目,与你的工作有密切关系 6.明晚有一场演唱会 7.你在图书馆借的书明天到期 8.外地一个朋友邀请你周末去玩,你需要整理行李 9.你要在星期五交计划书之前把它复印一份 10.明天下午 2 点到 4 点有一个会议 11.你欠某人 200 元钱--他明天也将参加那个会议 12.你明天早上从 9 点到 11 点要听一场讲座 13.你的上级留下一张便条,要你尽快与他见面 14.你没有干净的内衣,一大堆脏衣服没有洗 15.你想好好洗个澡 16.你负责的项目小组将在明天下午 6 点钟开会,预计 1 小时 学习如何学习 学习如何思考 学习如何记忆 来魔力一刻学习社获取更多资料 ...
Words: 2884 - Pages: 12
...Conceito de Organização: As organizações resultam de agrupamentos humanos que coordenam racionalmente as respectivas actividades visando fins específicos comuns, caracterizando-se por: • Divisão do trabalho, do poder e das responsabilidades • Estrutura hierárquica de autoridade e responsabilidade • Presença de um ou mais centros de poder que controlamos esforços da organização e os dirigem para os objectivos • Pelo carácter substituível dos seus membros • Relação contratual, ou de compromisso, livremente assumida e aceite. Evolução da função de GRH - Início do séc. XX /1ºGuerra Mundial - Administração de Pessoal Serviços especializados no tratamento das questões essencialmente de recrutamento e treino - 1ºGuerra Mundial /2ºGuerra Mundial - Direcção das Relações Industriais Assegurar e disciplinar a organização do trabalho, e.g. gestão das relações contratuais - Década de 50/ Década de 60 - Direcção das Relações Humanas Preocupação com motivação e satisfação das pessoas, na base da gestão das remunerações e das promoções - Década de 60/ Década de 80 - Direcção de Pessoal Assegurar a motivação das pessoas na produtividade global da organização através do controlo dos custos - Década de 80/Até Hoje - Gestão de Recursos Humanos Desenvolver e mobilizar as pessoas, que são encaradas mais como um investimento – valorização das pessoas como recurso decisivo da competitividade Modelos de Gestão de Pessoas/Recursos Humanos: | Administração | Sistema das Relações...
Words: 5449 - Pages: 22
...Ten Tips for Time Management 1. Prioritize • Give the highest priority to tasks most closely tied to your goals and deadlines. • Give the lowest priority to tasks that can be done any time you like. 2. Map out your plan for each day. • What are the most important things you need to get done on a particular day? • When is the best time to do them? • When do you do your best work? • What time is most convenient for others? 3. Set a time limit. • How many tasks can you do in a given day? • How much time can you afford to spend per task? 4. Divide lengthy tasks into manageable segments. Examples: • Read a 300-page book in 5 days = 60 pages per day, minimum • Create a first-draft business plan with 8 sections @ 2 sections per week = 4 weeks 5. Use a weekly/monthly calendar to map out your deadlines and deliverables. • Use whichever format—paper or electronic—works best for you. • Choose a format that allows you to review your schedule daily, weekly, and monthly. 6. Plan for early delivery. • Early delivery allows more margin for error, revisions, and improvements. 7. Focus. • Concentrate on one task at a time. • Don’t “multi-task.” • Avoid distractions. 8. Group similar tasks together. Typical task groupings include: • Analytical (studying, note-taking, creating spreadsheets and project plans) • Clerical (e-mail, bill-paying, filling out forms) • Creative (writing, drawing, practicing an instrument) • Sales and marketing (sales calls, networking, writing...
Words: 290 - Pages: 2
...chains, Olive Garden. At Olive Garden restaurant, business is doing quite well. Their weekly sales are going up, which also means that the servers are receiving more than the usual amount of tips. The tips at the restaurant are pooled together, and at the end of each night, each of the waiters and waitresses get their share of the tips depending on how many hours they worked. However, one day, management notices that the tips are significantly lower than what it should be. It definitely cannot be because of the lack of service, as they are getting rave reviews from customers, and almost all of them leave satisfied. The total tips should be about 15 to 20% of the daily sales, but it is as low as around 8%. The servers begin to notice as well, and start complaining, as they are not making as much money as the hard work that they put in. It turns out that one of the head servers of the restaurant, Kim, who is in charge of counting the tips and creating the daily report, is stealing the tip money. Because she is the only head server, and the only one with the responsibility of handling the cash, tips, and the sales at the end of each night, she was able to get away with this collusion for a long time. At the end of each night, she takes the cash register, the box where all the cash and credit tips and pulled, and the daily sales report, and goes in to the back office in order to finalize all of the paperwork. During this private time in the office which has no cameras, she was able...
Words: 700 - Pages: 3
...Topic Outline and Working References List Topic: Tips for college students My Thesis Statement: The reason students succeed in college is because time is spent in pursuing grant/scholarship searches and use tips for keeping expenses down. I. Going back to college tips A. Benefits and tips for going back to college 1. Tips for making an academic plan 2. Tips for defining educational goals B. Future career tips 1. Tips for opening more career doors 2. Tips for boosting salary requirements II. Tips for scheduling classes and job performance A. Tips for how many courses per semester 1. Study tips 2. Time management tips for studying B. Tips for how much time for work 1. Tips for job performance 2. Time management tips for working III. Grant and scholarship searching A. Grant searching tips 1. Where to search for grants tips 2. Tips for setting aside time for grant searching B. Scholarship searching tips 1. Tips on where to search for scholarship 2. Tips for setting aside time for scholarship searching IV. Tips for bringing expenses down to barebones with a strict budget A. Tips on getting utilities and phone bill down to barebones 1. Tips on how to talk to utility company about levelized pay agreements 2. Tips on how to lower phone bill B. Tips on shopping and lowering gas consumption 1. Tips on shopping for groceries and necessities 2. Tips on how to lower gas consumption Reference Page Entry ...
Words: 270 - Pages: 2
...Abstract A frequent problem at home is time management. With the tips and tricks detailed in this paper a more productive and stress-free life can be achieved. I find that prioritizing helps immensely. Obtaining the largest/most important task out of the way helps free the mind and gives an encouraging sense of accomplishment. It also makes those endless little tasks seem less annoying as they are being ticked off. Learning how to manage time will not buy more time, but it will ultimately give more time to spend on want to do versus what needs to be done. In 1968, singer Judi Collins recorded the Sandy Denny song, "Who Knows Where the Time Goes". During the pixilated Flower Power era time management was of little importance, but in today's society time is an important commodity in the workplace and for students in school or college as well as at home (Time Management Help, 2005). Tips and Tricks on Time Management One of the biggest problems I face at home is Time Management. I have five cats and a son who contend for my time. I also have house-work, laundry, and schoolwork to take up most of my time. I try to give each object an equal amount of time, but sometimes it is rather difficult. I would start cleaning and forget about everything else, or I spend a majority of my time on schoolwork and later I am too tired to do any cleaning. One way I have found that helps with my time management skills is making a to-do list. I make up a schedule with time slots and write...
Words: 780 - Pages: 4
...Time Management Strategies Lisa Cook, Career Services Director Dina Bergren, Career Services Advisor Moderator: Denise Pranke, Career Services Advisor Topics for Discussion • The Bigger Picture – Setting Priorities • Dividing Up Your Time • Micro-level Tips for Studying and Working Efficiently • Staying Organized and Your Personal Style 2 ©2011 Walden University, LLC The Bigger Picture of Time Management • • • • • Start with Self-Assessment Identify Life Categories Consider Big Picture Goals Align Activities to Goals Manage Daily Tasks (adapted from Time Management from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern) 3 ©2011 Walden University, LLC Assess Who You Are • • • • Strengths and weaknesses Personality style What energizes you Time management preferences (structured/unstructured) • Energy cycles and sources (adapted from Time Management from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern) 4 ©2011 Walden University, LLC Choose Your Major Life Categories WORK Studies EXERCISE/ MEALS/SLEEP Hobbies/ Entertainment Religious/ Spiritual activities 5 ©2011 Walden University, LLC Home and FAMILY SERVICE Social Life Identify Your Big Picture Goals • What is most important to you? • What would you like to achieve? • What makes you happy? 6 ©2011 Walden University, LLC What Activities Align with Your Goals? Major Life Categories Big Picture Goals Activities Studies Work Academic Success Career Progression ...
Words: 1065 - Pages: 5
...Time Management Families are so busy these days. Trying to juggle work, school and domestic tasks is a huge challenge. The term time management became familiar in the 1950s and 1960s as referring to a tool to help managers make better use of available time. The term appears to indicate that time is managed, but actually activities are managed over time. (Rogelberg, 2007, para. 1) The basics of time management are easy to understand for the most part, it is implementing them that is the tricky part. This paper will go over some tips for time management. When deciding how to manage ones time, it is important to pay attention to the big picture. According to the writer, it can be extremely beneficial for the person to remember the long term and short term goals they have set. “When you develop a goal, make sure that it is a SMART goal. Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Time bound”. (Clark, January 4, 2010, tip 1) A good exercise can be writing down these goals. According to the writer, it is very easy to lose sight of these goals in day-to-day life. As a parent the writer knows how difficult it can be to balance goals for school and work with raising children. “Set firm limits about what your child can do after school. Make clear what jobs you expect to be completed by the time you come home. Posting a family “to do” list on a bulletin board may be help”. (Foley, 1993, tip 2) Setting jobs and chores for the children will help reduce the obligations...
Words: 717 - Pages: 3
...restrict improper behaviors. As a senior management, the owner is taking care of the money management, including paying the payroll and taxes, banking transactions, shareholder investment, or loan. The owner of the restaurant periodically reviews the business bank statement and financial statements prepared by an accountant. Since the restaurant is not a huge company with tons of transactions, owner can control the money flows without difficulty. The owner allows a manager to have restricted control for daily business. Manager controls cash on hand, inventory, and employee schedule by following control systems. a. Cash control – Server Slip System POS can record card and cash transactions with the taxes and tips made by each server but cash tips are not recorded. In order to handle the cash payment and cash tips, manager gave each server an envelope called a ‘Server Slip’ to put all the cash payment including tips and all the receipts until the end of their shift. To reduce the loss of cash from stealing and mishandling, only manager and assistant manager can access to the safe box so each server required bringing small cash for changes. Servers can borrow some changes from manager if needed. At the end of their shift, they should record the individual transactions made on POS system to the server slip. After balancing the cash amount to the cash transaction on the POS, 7% of net sale need to be collected for shared tip then servers can take all the cash left...
Words: 1194 - Pages: 5
...article “Making $2.13 an Hour and the Boss Skims Tips? How We Can Fight Exploitation in Restaurants”, Erik Loomis talks about how restaurant managers and corporate take advantage of their employees through tips. The way they do this is by paying their employees a wage based mostly on tips instead of regular living wage. This wage is a noticeable difference from a living wage because most of their income is based on tips, rather than pay checks. What the corporate does is take these tips or percentage of these tips to earn more money while still saving money by paying their employees less. According to the article it’s not hard for management to do this to their employees because some of these employees don’t have proper work documentation so it makes it that much easier for them to be taking advantage of. Other reasons that make some of these people easy to victimize is that the employees are either ignorant to the law or they just do not know what to do to enforce it. Although the article states that employees are being taken advantage of, some people making a good amount of money through tips. One way to solve this problem is to eliminate tips altogether. A place in Austin, Texas called the Black Star Co-op does not allow it employees to accept tips. Instead they are only paid hourly wages with benefits. One employee at the Black Star called it “workplace democracy”. Some employees are also capable of earning more through tips according to Dana Curtis, but she also said that...
Words: 461 - Pages: 2
...BRAZIL: Over the past few years, Brazil has moved from a country with great promise 'some time in the future' to being seen as one of the hottest investment opportunities in the world. A more stable political system and currency, coupled with vast mineral wealth of the country make Brazil a 'must' for all companies with truly global ambitions. With a population of 194 million, Brazil represents the fifth largest market opportunity in the world — after China, India, Indonesia and the USA. It is also the fifth largest country in the world by geographic size. An IMF (International Monetary Fund) report indicates that Brazil leads all other South American countries in terms of infrastructure and technological development. Combine these facts with the stabilising economic and political landscape — (the twin nightmares of corruption and hyper-inflation ravaged the country for decades) — and it is easy to see why Brazil attracts a higher percentage of total global foreign direct investment year on year. However, anybody wishing to do business with Brazil and the Brazilians should be aware of the various cultural and structural barriers which might confront them. Probably the most pervasive barrier encountered by the unwary traveller would be the 'Custo Basil' or the 'Brazil Cost'. This term refers to the very real extra costs of doing business in Brazil — corruption, governmental inefficiency, legal and bureaucratic complications, excessive taxation, poor infrastructure, inflation...
Words: 27633 - Pages: 111
...Budget Effective financial management is the basis of thriving health care organizations. Organizations must make good investment decisions based on objective analysis (Healthcare Financial Management Association [HFMA], 2005). Integration of financial management principles provides decision makers with guidance to make capital decisions maximize mission-based benefits at effective costs (HFMA, 2005). An operating budget is the statement of profit and loss for the entire organization. Various health care entities prepare operating budget for the following year for discussion and approval by top management (Academic Writing Tips, 2011). At the end of the year, departmental managers provide an account for the previous year’s financial performance (Academic Writing Tips, 2011). Effective Financial Management Practices in Creating and Monitoring a Budget Effective financial management is useful when creating and monitoring a budget. The budget must include data relevant to the organization. An operating budget is a profit and loss statement of projection. The budget must include estimates of revenues and future expenses. Financial managers should present the operating budget with the correct schedule. Leaders must present financial statements such as the Statement of Cash Flow, Statement of Revenue and Expense, and Balance Sheet with the operating budget as supporting documentation explaining the financial practices of a company (Academic Writing Tips, 2011). There are seven...
Words: 903 - Pages: 4
...article “Making $2.13 an Hour and the Boss Skims Tips? How We Can Fight Exploitation in Restaurants”, Erik Loomis talks about how restaurant managers and corporate take advantage of their employees through tips. The way they do this is by paying their employees a wage based mostly on tips instead of regular living wage. This wage is a noticeable difference from a living wage because most of their income is based on tips, rather than pay checks. What the corporate does is take these tips or percentage of these tips to earn more money while still saving money by paying their employees less. According to the article it’s not hard for management to do this to their employees because some of these employees don’t have proper work documentation so it makes it that much easier for them to be taking advantage of. Other reasons that make some of these people easy to victimize is that the employees are either ignorant to the law or they just do not know what to do to enforce it. Although the article states that employees are being taken advantage of, some people making a good amount of money through tips. One way to solve this problem is to eliminate tips altogether. A place in Austin, Texas called the Black Star Co-op does not allow it employees to accept tips. Instead they are only paid hourly wages with benefits. One employee at the Black Star called it “workplace democracy”. Some employees are also capable of earning more through tips according to Dana Curtis, but she also said that...
Words: 460 - Pages: 2
...Case study: Harvard Management Company (HBS 9-201-129) The primary scope of the present document is to provide a critical analysis of the most relevant issue related with the endowment fund of the HMC. First the advantages and disadvantages related to the optimal portfolio. The second part aimed at conducting an analysis on the method utilized by HMC in the process of determining the capital market assumption. Furthermore, it will discuss the Harvard’s decision to strongly emphasize in real returns. The focus point in the third part is to highlight the method of generation of an efficiency frontier and the advantage and drawbacks of the constraining portfolio weights. And finally, the most significant part we will discuss the beneficial and hammering consequences of considering TIPS as an additional asset class in Harvard’s policy portfolio. 1. the advantages and limitations of optimal portfolio allocations: Led primarily by the need to balance between the requirements posed by the nature of its sector, and its above the ground ambitions for success, Harvard Management Co. introduced the concept of the Optimal Portfolio Allocation as a primary method through which they approach the process of maximization of their risk/return utility function. One of the advantages of this process is the high extent to which this asset allocation alternative meets the nature and needs of this institution. Another essential advantage derives from the fact that through the systematic distribution...
Words: 1048 - Pages: 5
...games, and practices it can produce mental and physical fatigue. Therefore, when an athlete cuts back on training loads and intensities it can be associated with an increase in positive mental health (Weinberg, Gould, 2015, p. 522). Another tip for athletes given by Markle and Scardino is to develop stress management and coping tools. Developing stress management and coping skills is very important for athletes to prevent burn out because it will help reduce some of the stress that the athlete is facing. There is a finding by Raedeke and Smith that shows a significant relationship between burnout and the amount of stress athletes feel (Weinberg, Gould, 2015, p. 514). Also, developing psychological skills such as relaxation, imagery, goal setting, and positive self-talk can ward off much of the stress that leads to burnout in athletes (Weinberg, Gould, 2015, p....
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