...Management Department Assignment Cyclical Effects of Inflation in the Economy of Bangladesh Course Name:- Micro Economics Course Number:- 1208 Submitted To Mr. Shah Redwan Chowdhury Assistant Professor Management Studies Jagannath University Submitted By Amity (Group-07) (114922-114940) 6th Batch, Sec:-B Management Studies Jagannath University Sl/No | Name | Roll | Status | 01 | Abul Hasan Emon | 114922 | Absent | 02 | Ashif Manowar Oli | 114924 | Present | 03 | Fatema Tuz Zohora | 114926 | Present | 04 | Tanvin Haque Mitara | 114928 | Present | 05 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | 114930 | Present | 06 | Khandaker Arif Hossain | 114932 | Absent | 07 | Touhidur Rahman Al-Baky | 114934 | Present | 08 | Rajib Sarker | 114936 | Absent | 09 | Bidyut Dey | 114938 | Present | 10 | Md. Farhad Hossain | 114940 | Present | Acknowledgement:- We have taken efforts in this assignment. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them. We are highly indebted to Mr. Shah Redwan Chowdhury Sir for his guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the assignment & also for his support in completing the project. We would...
Words: 5354 - Pages: 22
...human life or property Natural Hazards – Caused by natural processes e.g. lava flow from volcanic eruption Hydro-meteorological Hazards – Caused by climatic processes (droughts, floods, tropical cyclones and storms Geophysical Hazards – Caused by land processes (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes) Disaster – When a hazard seriously affects humans Risk – Likelihood that humans will be seriously affected by a hazard Vulnerability – How susceptible a population is to the damage caused by a hazard. Disaster Risk Equation Risk (R) – Hazards (H) * Vulnerability (V) / Capacity to Cope (C) Risk increases if: * Frequency or severity of hazards increase * People vulnerability increase * Capacity to cope decreases (Capacity to cope is the ability to deal with the consequences of a hazard) e.g. people in remote areas are further from help in central areas, so have lower capacity to cope) * Global Warming – greatest global hazard * Recent increase in average global temp – climate change * Causes other types of climate change * Context hazard – global in scale (affects all parts of environment) – potential to trigger other hazards or make them worse * Chronic Hazard (Long term) * People who aren’t causing the problem are mostly affected * Difficult to find solutions * Hydro-meteorological hazards becoming more frequent * Increasing hydro-meteorological hazards due to global warming * Number of disasters increasing due...
Words: 10391 - Pages: 42
...Running head: JetBlue Airways: Business Strategy JetBlue Airways and its Business Strategy: Abstract Business Strategy is termed the determination of a basic long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of actions to gather all resources in order to carry out these goals (Jayasinghe, 2009). In order for businesses to succeed they come up with a direction in which it will lead them down a long-term achievement of objectives enabling them to grow and expand. In order to become successful a new business owner must determine what market it should enter and if it will be able to compete with other similar markets. Once the market is decided such as the airline industry, then the business has to decide how it will perform better than the competition and what item(s) it will bring to the market in order to be assorted from the competition. JetBlue Airways founding father, David Neeleman wanted to start an airline “that would combine the low fares of a discount airline carrier with the comforts of a small cozy den in people’s homes” (Rovenpor & Michel, 2009). His thinking brought on the evolution that JetBlue Airways would be identified as a customer service first company which would focus on providing customers a unique experience on every flight for each interaction they had with the airline (JetBlue Experience, 2005). When a new business is entering this market it has to decide how to compete with the other similar discount airlines, such as Southwest...
Words: 2984 - Pages: 12
...SINGAPORE Singapore is located at the southern tip of the Malaysian peninsula and just over 100 km north of the equator. It consists of the island of Singapore and about 60 islets within its territorial waters, covering a total land area of 712.4 sq. km. Singapore is situated near the equator and has a typically tropical climate, with abundant rainfall, high and uniform temperatures, and high humidity all year round. Many of its climate variables, such as temperature and relative humidity, do not show large month-to-month variation. However, many variables exhibit prominent diurnal (or daily) variations from hour to hour, indicating the strong influence that solar heating has on the local climate. Singapore is one of the world's leading commercial hubs, with the fourth-biggest financial center and one of the five busiest ports. Singapore has developed rapidly from a third world to a first world country in five decades by prioritizing the twin goals of developing a competitive economy and pursuing environmental sustainability. Both are important in order to attract investors and enhance quality of life. Singapore is resource-constrained, and imports most of its food, water and natural resources. As an island city-state, it has its own share of existing environmental challenges, particularly with air quality levels, in part due to regional transboundary haze. Having developed its industrial base and achieved high economic growth in the last four decades, current...
Words: 6948 - Pages: 28
...US Financial Crisis US Financial Crisis This paper aims to describe the US Financial Crisis in terms of causes, impact, and remedial actions taken by the public and private sectors. It presents the thesis that the financial crisis is also a crisis of values that prompts a reevaluation of the premises of American capitalism. In particular, that prosperity is the foundation of peace and order. A review of literature provides the basis for a short commentary on the subject. Preliminary review of literature on the subject brings to fore some distinct patterns in consumer and investors behavior that make them peculiarly venerable. First is the tendency of investors to join the bandwagon of speculative investment and of putting their money where others put theirs. Second is an apparent lack of understanding on the relationship between risk and returns. Third is an apparent lack of appreciation for the principles of supply and demand. The principle states that excessive supply will reduce the price and demand for a product to the advantage of the buyer, while a lack of supply will increase demand and price of a product to the advantage of the seller. Causes Economists stress the importance of tracing the root causes of the financial crisis in order to provide a systemic solution to the present financial crisis. Most references present the cause of the financial crisis to be the “subprime mortgages.” However, subprime mortgages by itself did not cause the housing bubble...
Words: 9783 - Pages: 40
...ebook THE GUILFORD PRESS DBT ® Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets Also from Marsha M. Linehan Books for Professionals Cognitive- ehavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder B DBT Skills Training Manual, Second Edition Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents Alec L. Miller, Jill H. Rathus, and Marsha M. Linehan Mindfulness and Acceptance: Expanding the Cognitive- ehavioral Tradition B Edited by Steven C. Hayes, Victoria M. Follette, and Marsha M. Linehan Videos Crisis Survival Skills, Part One: Distracting and Self- oothing S Crisis Survival Skills, Part Two: Improving the Moment and Pros and Cons From Suffering to Freedom: Practicing Reality Acceptance Getting a New Client Connected to DBT (Complete Series) Opposite Action: Changing Emotions You Want to Change This One Moment: Skills for Everyday Mindfulness Treating Borderline Personality Disorder: The Dialectical Approach Understanding Borderline Personality: The Dialectical Approach For more information and for DBT skills updates from the author, see her websites: www.linehaninstitute.org, http://blogs.uw.edu/brtc, and http://faculty.washington.edu/linehan/ DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets ® Second Edition Marsha M. Linehan THE GUILFORD PRESS New York London © 2015 Marsha M. Linehan Published by The Guilford Press A Division of Guilford Publications, Inc. 72 Spring Street, New York, NY 10012 www.guilford.com All rights...
Words: 105021 - Pages: 421
...|Name: Ritika Kanodia | |Roll No. 30 | |Semester: 6th | |Supervisor: Mr. Shantanu P.Chakraborty | |Industry: Sugar Industry | |Title: Impact of Government allocation on the Sugar Industry | Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Undergraduate Degree in Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) J. D. Birla Institute at the Jadavpur University at Kolkata 13/06/2011 The Controller of Examination, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Respected sir, This research work has been done by me and is an original work. The references used have been mentioned in the bibliography. My University Registration no. is 104748 of 2008-2009 and my sixth semester examination...
Words: 14257 - Pages: 58
...Business To (A) Maintain Loyal Clientele And Attract New Customers; (B) Addressing The Rapid And Continuous Environmental Issues; (C) Intense Competition From Rivals; And (D) Rising Expectations From Customers. Old Chang Kee (Ock) Has Rose From Its Humble Beginning From A Small Stall In A Coffee Shop In 1956 And Established Itself Prominently In 1986, When The Control Of Business Was Taken Over By Han Kee Juan (Executive Chairman Of Ock). In 2013, After About 27 Years, Ock Has Well-Established Its Brand Name And Reputation, Where It Markets Its Range Of Snack Products Through Retail Outlets At Petrol Kiosks And Shopping Malls. Over The Years, Ock’s Efforts In Modernizing And Re-Enginnering The Business Have Assisted In Accomplishing The Business Goals In Upgrading Of The Production Facility, Increasing The Number Of Business Outlets And Specializing In The Manufacture Sales Of A Wide Range Of Very Affordable High Quality Food Products. Ock Experienced Soaring Business Operation Volumes As A Result. However, There Are Possible Upcoming Challenges Such As Competitive Demands From Rivals, Continuing Changing Customer Tastes And Lifestyle Changes Along With Other Issues That Ock Has To Contemplate In Order To Respond To Them To Sustain Its Market Share, Respond To Competitive Threats And Cope With The Growth Demand Progressing Ahead In The Near Future. Keywords: Macro...
Words: 11275 - Pages: 46
...Business To (A) Maintain Loyal Clientele And Attract New Customers; (B) Addressing The Rapid And Continuous Environmental Issues; (C) Intense Competition From Rivals; And (D) Rising Expectations From Customers. Old Chang Kee (Ock) Has Rose From Its Humble Beginning From A Small Stall In A Coffee Shop In 1956 And Established Itself Prominently In 1986, When The Control Of Business Was Taken Over By Han Kee Juan (Executive Chairman Of Ock). In 2013, After About 27 Years, Ock Has Well-Established Its Brand Name And Reputation, Where It Markets Its Range Of Snack Products Through Retail Outlets At Petrol Kiosks And Shopping Malls. Over The Years, Ock’s Efforts In Modernizing And Re-Enginnering The Business Have Assisted In Accomplishing The Business Goals In Upgrading Of The Production Facility, Increasing The Number Of Business Outlets And Specializing In The Manufacture Sales Of A Wide Range Of Very Affordable High Quality Food Products. Ock Experienced Soaring Business Operation Volumes As A Result. However, There Are Possible Upcoming Challenges Such As Competitive Demands From Rivals, Continuing Changing Customer Tastes And Lifestyle Changes Along With Other Issues That Ock Has To Contemplate In Order To Respond To Them To Sustain Its Market Share, Respond To Competitive Threats And Cope With The Growth Demand Progressing Ahead In The Near Future. Keywords: Macro...
Words: 11275 - Pages: 46
...project 6 Oil pipelines 6 Bunkering 6 Non-oil sector 6 Jebel Ali Port 7 Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA) 7 Transhipment 7 Air travel 7 Tourism 8 The property boom 8 Part II: The Market Environment 8 Characteristics of the UAE market 8 Investment environment 9 Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) 9 Foreign Trade 10 Australian bilateral relations 10 Australian business 10 Taxation 10 Legal environment 10 Tenders 11 Part III: Doing Business in the United Arab Emirates 11 Practical advice on entering the market 11 Where to get advice and help 11 Developing a strategy 12 Market research 12 Visiting the UAE 13 Visas 13 Time your visit well 13 Local holidays 13 Arriving in the UAE 13 Getting around 13 Visit programs 14 Hotels 14 Tips and tricks 14 Trade missions 15 Missions to Australia 15 Trade exhibitions 15 Health and safety 15 Personal behaviour 15 Import Procedures 15 Customs and regulatory environment 15 Documentation 16 Packaging and labelling 16 Agency representation 16 Professional services 17 Franchising 17 Review of options for representation in the UAE. 18 Major industry sectors in the United Arab Emirates 19 Oil and petrochemicals 19 Aluminium 19 Cement 19 General manufacturing 19 Building and construction 19 Water resources 20 ICT 20 Internet 20 Food and beverages 20 UAE retailing 21 Healthcare 21 Automotive 21 Banking and finance...
Words: 8804 - Pages: 36
...1 UNIT 1 Living Things and Their Environment DRAFT April 29, 2014 Photo Credit: http://www.flyingfourchette.com/2013/05/25/around-ubud/ 2 UNIT 1: Living Things and Their Environment Introduction At this point, students have already learned in Grade 8 how the body breaks down food into forms that can be absorbed through the digestive system and then transported to each cell, which was on the other hand discussed in Grade 7 to be the basic unit of life. The learners have also discovered that cells divide to produce new cells by mitosis and meiosis. They have understood that meiosis is an early step in sexual reproduction that leads to variation. Students have been introduced to genetics to be able to appreciate evolutionary differences among species. Learners have also found out that biodiversity is the collective variety of species living in an ecosystem, and by studying the ecosystem; they have come across the various cycling of materials and energy transformation. DRAFT April 29, 2014 All modules in Grade 9 Unit 1-Living Things and Their Environment present student-centered activities that will allow the learners to discover and develop concepts that they may consider useful to their everyday life. At the end of each lesson, key concepts are provided for the students to grasp ideas and information that they will remember even after they have left school. Instructional activities are designed to build up the students’ knowledge, understanding, skills, and ability to transfer...
Words: 68324 - Pages: 274
...For the exclusive use of G. Alvarado, 2015. 9-707-493 REV: AUGUST 13, 2007 MICHAEL E. PORTER Understanding Industry Structure The essence of the job of the strategist is to cope with competition. The arena in which competition takes place is the industry in which a company and its rivals vie for business. Each industry has a distinctive structure that shapes the nature of competitive interaction that unfolds there. Understanding the underlying structure of a company’s industry, now and in the future, is a core discipline in strategy formation. On the surface, every industry is different. Consider the global automobile industry, the worldwide market for art masterpieces, the booming private equity industry, and the heavily regulated health-care delivery industry in Europe. At one level, these industries appear to have little in common. Industries also differ in another crucial aspect: they register sharply different levels of average profitability in the long run. For example, Exhibit 1 shows a histogram of long-run return on invested capital in the United States for more than 400 industries. The most profitable industries generate much higher returns than the least profitable. Equally significant differences arise in other countries, both advanced and emerging. To understand industry competition and profitability, however, one must look beyond their differences and view industries at a deeper level. In any industry, there are five basic competitive forces—diagrammed...
Words: 8519 - Pages: 35
...Class D & E Driver’s Guide LOUISIANA OFFICE OF MOTOR VEHICLES DPSMV2052 (R042013) Message from the Commissioner “Welcome to driving in Louisiana.” I am pleased to present the Louisiana Driver’s Guide to our new and current drivers. This guide is designed to provide you with the rules of the road, knowledge to assist you in making better driving decisions, and valuable information on safety and sharing the road with others. It is incumbent upon you, the driver, to respect all traffic laws and other drivers as well. Driving is a vital part of life. It provides you with a means of attaining the necessities of daily living as well as providing you with the added convenience to move about at leisure. The driving experience, however, is a privilege and comes with great responsibilities. Please strive to become a safe and dependable driver to ensure that this privilege is not lost. Driving, the same as life, is a constant learning experience. The information contained in this guide, along with your experience and responsive actions while driving, will assist in protecting you, your family, and other drivers. This guide is not intended to be an official legal reference to the Louisiana traffic laws. It only highlights those laws, driving practices and procedures that you will use most often. It should be noted that the material in this guide is subject to change to comply with amended State and Federal legislations. Remember to buckle up. Safety belts save lives. Let’s work...
Words: 59152 - Pages: 237
...10 Minute Guide to Getting Organized Introduction Acknowledgments Trademarks Lesson 1. Why Get Organized? The Characteristics of an Organized Life Where to Find Organization Who Needs to Be Organized The Rewards of Being Organized The Characteristics of an Organized Person The 30-Second Recap Lesson 2. Easy Organizing Basics Getting Started Planning the Day Ahead Creating a "To-Do" Template Put Technology to Work The 30-Second Recap Lesson 3. Balancing Home and Office Two-Income Households Longer Working Life Setting Goals Single-Parent Household Living Alone Live to Work or Work to Live The 30-Second Recap Lesson 4. Finishing a Day's Work in Advance Getting Up to Go to Sleep Plan Ahead to Save Time The 30-Second Recap Lesson 5. Using High-Tech Tools and Software High-Tech Tools Software Intranets A Word About Low-Tech The 30-Second Recap Lesson 6. Understanding Your Company The Secret of Change Factors of Change The Politics of Change Opportunity Factors The 30-Second Recap Lesson 7. Organizing Your Office Your Desk and Chair The Science of Ergonomics The 30-Second Recap Lesson 8. Managing Your Computer Hardware Software System Tools The 30-Second Recap Lesson 9. Organizing Your Staff Conducting a Survey Implementing Solutions The 30-Second Recap Lesson 10. Managing Your Budget Companies and Budgets Universal Principles Ratio Analysis Cost of Goods Sold and Gross Sales Breakeven Analysis An Example of Budget Analysis ...
Words: 33647 - Pages: 135
...PAPER P3 BUSINESS ANALYSIS P R A C T I C E & R E V I S I O N K I T BPP Learning Media is the sole ACCA Platinum Approved Learning Partner – content for the ACCA qualification. In this, the only Paper P3 Practice and Revision Kit to be reviewed by the examiner We discuss the best strategies for revising and taking your ACCA exams We show you how to be well prepared for your exam We give you lots of great guidance on tackling questions We show you how you can build your own exams We provide you with three mock exams including the December 2012 exam We provide the ACCA examiner's answers as well as our own to the June and December 2012 exams as an additional revision aid FOR EXAMS UP TO JUNE 2014 First edition 2007 Seventh edition January 2013 ISBN 9781 4453 6653 1 (previous ISBN 9781 4453 8002 5) e-ISBN 9781 4453 6956 3 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library All our rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of BPP Learning Media Ltd. Published by BPP Learning Media Ltd BPP House, Aldine Place London W12 8AA www.bpp.com/learningmedia We are grateful to the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants for permission to reproduce past examination questions. The answers to past examination...
Words: 176811 - Pages: 708